Chapter 242 - Last Resort

Chapter 242 - Last Resort

"I don't hate you, but I hate what you are doing to me right now! You are scaring me, hurting me…" Evie blurted out even as her voice cracked. Her emotions were really bursting out of control now. "… threatening me… and even accusing me of things I don't even understand!"

Her tears fell then. "How do you think I'd react when you behave like this? Do you think I'd run to you with open arms?!" Evie continued as the pitch of her voice rose. "Dream on!!"

The man became a statue again, the wild fury in his eyes seemed to freeze as he stared at her. While Evie was panting after her outburst on the last statement she had made, unsure to feel afraid or angry.

"Tell me," Evie suddenly felt drained and tired. She was so determined in everything she does no matter how hard the task was. But why was it that when she was before this man, she can feel herself weakening in her dealings with him? Where was her strength and determination as how she was when standing to speak before her men?

"At least tell me, what promise are you talking about?" she asked at last, biting her lower lip hard to stop them from trembling. "And… why do you know me? Why are you saying all these confusing things to me? Who are you?"

Evie braced herself for what was going to happen next. But the man let go of her face, straightened out and then whirled around. She heard him inhaling loudly through his nose.

Then he strode towards the opened window. He put his hands against the windowpane and with his head down, he leaned on it heavily.

Silence enveloped the dark room with him just standing there, the cold wind blowing over his damp hair, causing a few curls to tumble about attractively and catching Evie's eyes. His darkness was oozing so heavily from him that even the moonlight was powerless to lift the gloom of his darkness.

At that moment, watching him in that state made Evie's heart squeezed inside her. And despite telling herself this man was not her husband, the ache did not subside the least. She did not know why but something in her seemed to be urging her to move forward and embrace him. And that was something she thought that was so very wrong. As she could not decide what to do, she just stood there, frozen.

After what seemed to be a very long time, he finally moved.

He turned to face her. He half sat on the window with his one knee bent as he leaned against the windowpane.

Somehow, the raging monster a while ago seemed to have miraculously calmed down. She wished the light was brighter so she could see his face clearer.

Then suddenly, the man laughed. This time it was not the same sardonic one from earlier. It was that dark and pleasant laugh she remembered and loved. Though this time, it was a laugh filled with irony and disbelief. And it was as if the devil was laughing at himself. He even threw his head back and covered his eyes with one hand as his sinful laugh echoed around the dark room.

When his laughter died down, he turned and looked at her.

"So, you're saying you've forgotten everything about me…" he said and then he suddenly materialized before her, cupping her face with his palm. "How cruel… you're a cruel little bunny, do you know that?" his voice came out hoarse and helpless, but he was no longer the terrifying creature from before.

His voice became sinuously wicked in an instant. "Shall I do something to make you remember everything?"

Evie's eyes circled at what he said. "You know a way to make me remember? How?" she asked. Curiosity immediately rose within her. He could make her remember? Evie was now dying of curiosity, not only because of what he said that he would make her remember her lost memories since she still could not believe that what he was saying was true about her forgetting about him and that she had met this man before. She was much more interested because if he knew a way to bring memories back, then she could use the same method to bring her Gavriel back as well!

He lifted a brow as he did not expect her to be so interested. He then bent over her, his fingers tucking the loose strands of her hair behind her ear. Evie was helpless as she somehow felt a response within her and was affected by his touch, but she fought not to step back. She was afraid that her actions would make him flare up again and he would end up not answering her. She needed to know the answer.

"If I were you, I wouldn't show such interest, because I might really go ahead and do it."

"Huh?" Evie was a little lost at what he was referring to.

"Because the process is like going through one of the worst kinds of torture, Evie. That would be the cruellest thing I could do to you. It would only be my last resort." He said solemnly.

Shocked, Evie blinked at him, then her shock slowly turned into disbelief and doubt.

"I am still angry that you've forgotten about me, but…" his eyes flared with passion this time and before Evie realized it, the back of her knees hit something before she found herself falling backwards. Her buttocks plopped onto something soft, and she realized she was now sitting on the bed.

She looked back at him, and he was leaning over. "But… I can forgive you, Evie. Even if you never ever remember, I will accept it because you're going to be mine anyway. We will create new memories together and I will make sure you'll never forget anything and everything that happens between us ever again." He said as his breathing quickened.


A/N: If we stay rank 1 in golden ranking until an hour before weekly reset, i will give bunos chapters again next monday. So don't forget to cast your Golden Tickets for our Evie and Gav. ^^

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