Chapter 206 - Zanya

Chapter 206 - Zanya

"Now, your next task is to free him, princess…"?Zanya pulled her attention back to the present and Evie was quick to refocus and return back to business. "Touch the crystal then command it to let the person go. This time, you must envision the crystal disappearing into tiny, crystalised particles."

Evie focused her entire mind on following Zanya's instruction, remembering to very clearly picture it happening in her mind as how it should look like in reality. And with just one try, the crystal burst out into gleaming tiny dark particles and Elias was freed from his confinement.

"Great job, princess!" Zanya praised and Evie smiled from ear to ear for the first time in a long while. Utterly glad that she was able to do something amazing and useful. The other vampires were clapping at Evie's success as they walked over to Elias.

"Thank you," Evie said still smiling.

"This will become very easy for you as time goes by and the more you use it, princess. It will all be dependent on your strength, ability, and the power of your magic. The late queen was able to trap these number in one go with just her stretching out her hand from her position on the throne. This number was her limit. Also, please remember that the stronger a person is, the harder it would be to trap them. You would find that you cannot trap someone who is stronger than you." Zanya explained and gave Evie reminders as she listened and nodded attentively.

After that, Evie practiced two more times, trying out her new magic skill on the other men this time as they volunteered to experience it too. Reed and Luc were the most enthusiastic, so Evie ended up practicing on them.

Once Evie was satisfied with her casting and releasing speed, she then faced Zanya while the vampires were silently talking about how it felt to be trapped inside the dark crystals. It was time to put her training to the real test and release Zanya from her own entrapment within the dark crystal.

When the men saw their princess started to shine again as she touched one of the many dark crystals in the throne hall, all their attention was focused on that single crystal. They have been curious about the creature their princess had been talking to since they entered into the castle. Now they will finally see what it looked like, as all of them obviously had never seen a fae in their entire lives.

Unlike the way the princess freed the three of them, it appeared that freeing this one was not as easy as it was to release them. The princess took a longer time, and she was extremely focussed before she succeeded on the third time before the crystal began to dissolve and then at last, it burst into the particles similar to when Evie did during her practice with the vampires.

The tiny dusts turned into black glitters as Evie finally opened her eyes and dropped her hands. She was slightly sweaty and panting a little. It seemed that it was harder to free this fae. Perhaps it was due to the fact that the entrapment lasting for over thousands of years!

She then saw Zanya's spirit enter her body. And then after a short while, the ethereal woman before her finally opened her eyes. The deep forest green eyes framed with thick ashen lashes were so mesmerizing. Evie already knew that the faes were an extremely beautiful race and had stunning features. However, seeing it in real life and right before her very eyes was a totally different experience that just had her catching her breath. Zanya was simply as breath-taking as Evie had expected, or even perhaps more.

Now that Zanya was no longer wrapped in light, Evie could now see that they had almost the same physical features. Seeing this light fae in person and in physical form finally made Evie realise how close she was to them in terms of physical features if in comparison to humans. And this still shocked her deeply even though Zanya had already mentioned that she is descended from the fae's royalties themselves. It is now that she could appreciate the saying that 'seeing is truly believing'.

Zanya immediately fell on her one knee and bowed before Evie, silently revering her as the new fae queen in her heart and with her actions.

Surprised at her action, Evie immediately helped her up. "Please stand. There is no need for you to –"

Evie trailed off as she realized that Zanya was tearing up. She looked up at Evie as tears quietly and charmingly fell from her beautiful eyes, wetting those gorgeous ashen lashes in attractive little clumps. Evie could not help but secretly release a small sigh of appreciation at the beauty of the fae. Even crying, they could look so stunning!

"I'm honored to be freed by you, princess." She bowed deeper in thanks and Evie hurriedly bent and hugged her, realizing that the Zanya must have been overwhelmed with emotions. After all, she had been trapped for an unimaginable amount of time in that crystal. It must have been very hard for her.

She comforted her and Evie felt such a protective feeling over this fae that was kneeling before her.

Once Zanya gathered herself and stood up, she thanked Evie again and she immediately forced herself to go back to their main order of business. She needed to teach everything she could to the princess before Evie left this place. This was her duty now.

"What do you want to learn next, princess? Is it how to control the dragons?" she then asked, and Evie smiled at her, nodding excitedly.

"Yes. I believe that the dragons will be the most helpful ally for me especially outside the Middle Land. So, I must focus on them next."

"At your service, my princess." Zanya then bowed again as they walked towards the vampires to leave the throne hall and go meet with the dragons. It was time for her to learn how to control them at her own will.


A/N: If we stay rank 1 in golden ranking until sunday, i will give bunos chapters on monday. ^^

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