Chapter 169 - Come

Chapter 169 - Come

Back in the battlefield, the Dacrians and Gavriel's men could only look back in horror as they watched the new dragon starting to literally burn Dacria down to the ground.

They were winning the battle but what was the point of winning against the battle with the imperial army if the city they were protecting was now going up in flames?

"Damn it all!!! There was no way His Highness could handle a dark fae and a dragon by himself!!" Luc cursed.

"But even if we go to aid His Highness, could we even help him?" Reed replied as the men exchanged words while fighting.

"F*ck! But if something happens to him… what's the point of all that we're going through?! Even if we win and manage to kill all these imperial armies, the dragon will still come at us later!"

"Then what should we do?"

"I'll go." Samuel said. "His Highness must be fighting all by himself. And you are right, this battle will be worthless if something happens to His Highness and Dacria is ruined beyond repair."

"All of you must go aid your master!" the duke said, "leave this battle to us and we will do what we can do."

Gavriel's men looked at the duke and the duke smiled at them. "I am certain our wives and children are now in that safe place. We can die with ease as long as His Highness stays alive. I believe he will take care of our loved ones that will be left behind. So, all of you must go. You men are the only ones capable to aid him. Leave these small fries to us."

Samuel bowed to the duke with all the respect he had. "We promise to do everything to help the prince survive this, Your Grace. And if we could survive as well, we will promise to take care of the ones who will survive this war. But I believe we will see each other again, after this war is over."

The duke smiled. "Yes, of course. Now go on, men… there is no time left to lose. Go and aid our prince!"

The men bowed one last time and then they left the battlefield and headed back inside the castle walls. It was where the inferno was now blazing.

The soldiers who were left looked at the burning city one more time with blazing emotions in their eyes. The pain of watching their homes now slowly being on fire was unbearable. But the war was not over yet. They have not lost yet.

All they could do for now was to be firm in their minds and fight on bravely until their very last breath. They will fight until the end!

"Now Dacrians!!!" The duke roared. "It's time for us to fight with everything that we have! We will fight no matter what! We will destroy them all! We will make them pay for destroying our home!!!"

And the Dacrians roared out a spine-chilling battle cry as they clashed against the imperial army with vigour and desperation stronger than ever before.

Back at the castle grounds.

"Go!" Gavriel urged and Evie could only look at him longingly as Zolan began to leap away the same moment the dragon flew closer to them.

She saw Gavriel immediately grabbing on to the Dark Dragon. He was going to fight the dark fae again.

"Damned vampire! How stubborn! I told you to get out of the way!!! I have no time to play with you right now!" the dark fae roared out in infuriation and dark magic came shooting out of his hand like a fireball of dark energy and delivered it like a meteor towards Gavriel.

Gavriel tried to dodge but the dark energy came at him too fast. He could only lift his sword and defend himself against it. The shot was so strong he nearly fell. But he had managed to stab the dragon's body and clung to his dagger's hilt.

The dragon followed Evie and Zolan as they headed towards the castle while the dark fae continued fighting Gavriel, stopping him to reach the dragon's head, knowing that Gavriel was planning to blind it again as he did previously with the first dragon.

Evie could see the ferocious fight between Gavriel and the dark fae. Every time she saw the dark fae hit Gavriel with his summoned ball of fire, she died a little on the inside. The fight was unfair. Gavriel only had his strength and sword to depend on, but his opponent was using magic – dark magic at that. She could also see that Gavriel was so distracted, trying to defeat both the dragon and the fae. He was trying to let her escape. He was using himself as bait!

She must help him! She could not just watch him getting hit like this over and over again! Her gaze fell towards the dragon coming behind them and its eyes scared her. Its eyes were pure serpent-like and ice cold. Nevertheless, she still tried to see if her command used previously on the last dragon would work on it as well.

"SKHEDAH!!!" she yelled but the dragon did not even slow down. Why? This word means 'stop' and she was able to stop the dragon's fire previously by saying this. So why was it not working this time? Did this command only work if a dragon was spitting fire?

Evie yelled the word again, but nothing was working. Why? Please! My husband is fighting a powerful fae and a dragon all by himself! I need to do something to aid him!!

And then she saw Gavriel receive another ball of dark magic as he was about to stab the dragon's eyes. She screamed his name.


But Gavriel did not fall. He dangled over as he held onto his sword that he stabbed on the dragon's head, missing its eye. He looked as though he was in pain and there were green and dark lights lingering around his body. They were the very same lights that were coming from the dark fae!

Evie suddenly thought of the possibility that the fae might be able to control Gavriel with his dark magic and her heart trembled. No! That cannot happen! No! She needed to find a way to stop that from happening.

As she was still screaming inside, she saw the dark fae stood and looked down at Gavriel. When he lifted his sword, Evie felt her heart stopped. Then she screamed again.

"RYUHZ!! VEZHI!!" Evie yelled with the top of her lungs. The second word was another word that came out of nowhere, but she understood its meaning. It meant 'Come'.

At that moment, as Gavriel fought against the dark fae in a very unfavourable and dangerous situation while dangling, a dragon suddenly emerged from behind the dark green-eyed dragon.

It was the wounded dragon who had stayed docile on the ground because of Evie's touch. Evie watched with her eyes widened, her heart seemed to have stopped. "Hurry… please… help him…" she prayed and as the Dragon Evie called crashed against the Dark Fae's dragon, the slash distracted the dark fae and Gavriel immediately slashed the dark fae before both dragons crashed on the ground.


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