Chapter 61: Concerns

“Sein, you shouldn’t have come,” Master Morsidor’s weary voice echoed in Sein’s mind.

All Sein could see with his naked eyes were the sea of dense and colorful elements around him.

He could not locate Master Morsidor, and even the dozen or so initiates at the front of the line were gradually fading from his sight.

Moreover, Sein had been feeling uncomfortable since entering the energy vortex.

There was a pressure on his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe. It felt as though he had left a familiar environment and entered a strange, inhospitable dimension.

“Master, where are you?” Sein could not help but call out softly.

Sein was walking behind a group of initiates and slowed his pace upon hearing his mentor’s voice, so the surrounding initiates remained oblivious to his unusual behavior.

“I’m at the stabilization device for the space-time rift, and I’m transmitting my voice to you via mental focus. You will be able to communicate like this when you become a full-fledged mage. For now, I have something crucial to tell you,” Morsidor quickly relayed.

Sein paid full attention, holding his breath to listen. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

“We have all underestimated the situation. It’s highly unlikely that the other side of the space-time rift is a resource-rich demiplane or complete plane in the first place.

“Based on the images sent back by some initiates ahead of us, it appears that the other side may be a broken plane, with a harsh and inhospitable environment. The images showed sandstorms and endless yellow sand deserts.

“I have personally visited three different planes before, and while those had relatively peaceful environments suitable for human mages from the Magus World to explore, it seems this is an entirely different situation... I fear that even Quasi Mages may struggle to survive there for long,” Morsidor explained.

After a brief moment of silence, he could not resist asking, “Considering the images and information sent back by the initiates who have already crossed to the other side of the space-time rift, it seems like a broken plane when you take into account the elemental disturbances and environmental conditions. What’s driving our continuous interest in exploring it?”

“I’m concerned that the gains will most likely not even be enough to make up for our initial investment, even though the geo elemental particles seem to be abundant in that broken plane,” Morsidor expressed.

Morsidor’s question left Lady Jeanne in a long silence before she finally responded, albeit evasively, “Do not fret, that plane has what the dean and I need even if it lacks inherent development value. We will also honor the initial compensation agreement we made with you.”

After saying that Lady Jeanne’s presence vanished without a trace.

Morsidor was left with a furrowed brow. A few moments later, his eyes widened as he muttered to himself, “Did she say ‘dean’ instead of Lord Martin?”


The swirling passage within the depths of the magic altar was not particularly long.

Sein and the other intermediate initiates proceeded very slowly due to the numerous dismembered limbs and lurking dangers inside the vortex passage.

As Sein moved forward, another scream echoed from up ahead. He observed an intermediate initiate losing his arm inexplicably.

The severed limb hung suspended within a dense elemental cloud.

This was the danger of traveling through a space-time rift. Even the smallest fissures at its edges were incredibly hazardous, and these initiates, who had yet to reach the strength of a full-fledged mage, were ill-equipped to withstand such dangers.

The guy who lost his arm was the third unfortunate initiate to be injured by the space-time rift out of the fifty intermediate initiates in Sein’s group.

Fortunately, he was luckier than the first two. One had succumbed to a fatal head injury, while the other had been severed in half at the waist and was teetering on the brink of death.

The deaths and injuries of these three intermediate initiates made the progress of Sein and the others to advance at an even more cautious pace.

Their reduced speed, combined with the fact that the hundreds of fresh initiates who had gone before them had paved the way with their lives, allowed the group to reach the main entrance of the space-time rift without losing another member.

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