The Griffin, who was just about to tear her up, spoke respectfully to her, and He even used honorific words, he even used honorific words!!!

Dragon people?

What kind of eyes do you have? I'm a serious human being.

"You don't seem to know." Griffin respectfully said, the voice is very flat, "no wonder, if you know you are a dragon people, how can you mix with shameless and ignorant human beings."

"Stop!" Qin Chu raised his hand and looked at him very puzzled, "which eye of yours sees me like a dragon?"

Laozi is a pure blood human, OK?

"Dragon people can be transformed into human beings." "Don't you know?" asked the Griffin

Qin Chu swears, she dares to swear, although the last question of Griffin has honorific words, but the blatant contempt is almost not written on the face of your ignorant dragon.

"I don't know." Qin Chu's face paralyzed reply, conventional consciousness received a huge impact.

In her impression, the dragon clan is not a pile of dragons??

A bunch of dragons.

Can you turn into a human being?

Well, the fairy tale of the three princesses of the Dragon King of the East Sea is pretty handsome. She can also accept it if she can be transformed into an adult. However, where is she a dragon? She doesn't want to be a dragon with two horns and one tail!!!!!

"That is to say, the wooden arrow has the blood of the dragon. No wonder it can hurt me." The Griffin murmured to herself, and finally understood why she could hurt herself, only%

He looked at Qin Chu in front of him.

She looks pretty and exquisite, with no horn or tail. She just begged for mercy??

Hum, the great daughter of the dragon clan, how can she beg for mercy like a man.

With noble blood in her body, the daughter of the dragon is the most noble and beautiful race in the mainland. No one can make them kneel down and beg for mercy.

They are powerful, mysterious, noble and kind.

The daughter of the dragon is weak, incompetent and cunning. She is not like the daughter of the Dragon at all Well, it's a bit of a temperament, but it's not a pass at all.

Well, she must have been brought up by ignorant human beings to become today's powerless and weak daughter of the dragon.

It's all the fault of ignorant human beings.

Polluted their most noble, holy and powerful daughter of the dragon.

It's just I will never forgive you!

"What a dragon I am?" Qin Chu uneasily asked, God, she does not want to be an animal, she ostracized when an animal, through she recognized, at least a woman, good-looking.

But Loong?

Oh, my God, who's going to kill her and send her back to the Academy of Sciences.

"Yes, you are a noble dragon."

"I am human!" Qin Chu's face paralyzed to repeat, "you must have mistaken, I am Qin Ying's daughter, he is human, my mother is also human."

"Ignorant..." The Griffin coughed. The ignorant human seemed to be his mantra. Look, he could not accept that she was a dragon. The Griffin said, "although you are not a pure Dragon..."

"Wow You mean I'm a hybrid? "

Wipe, it's more unacceptable than being a pure blood animal.

“……” Griffin angry, "as a noble dragon daughter, how can you be so rude!"

"The state of Chu

She is more unjust than Dou E, she is only used to hybridize two words, such an image of a word.

Besides, you forgot to use honorific. Hello!!

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