"Who?" Qin Chu asked, voice just fell, looked up, saw a familiar figure fell on them not far away, fell in the sea of flowers, less than 10 meters away from them.

"Rong LAN!" Qin Chu's heart a joy, rushed to the past, huahaiqing action faster than her, quickly when in front of her, dark red eyes coldly looked at her, "Qianqiu When you saw him, you forgot me, didn't you? "

Qin Chu's joy disappeared. He looked at him and looked at Rong LAN. Compared with the evil of the flower sea, Rong Lan was not much better, and his face was extremely ugly! She seems to be a scale, the two ends of the scale are Rong LAN and Huahai feeling. She looks around in a daze, and she doesn't know which side to go. She even wants to disappear in the sea of flowers and never see a trace again, so she doesn't have to have such a difficult choice.

"Qin Chu, come here!" Rong Lan said in a deep voice. Qin Chu looked at him, but he didn't see him for two years. Rong Lan's body was full of dark air, which was as insidious as flowers and seas. Two years ago, it could only be said that it was cold. Now it can be said that She noticed that he had a sword in his hand, which was not a sword she had made for him. She was familiar with it, but could not remember it for a moment.

"I didn't expect that you really got zhushenjian!" Flower sea feeling cold smile, "mirror mainland, is really a good place ah, not in vain I used to make every effort, scheming."

After a flash of inspiration, Qin Chu finally remembered that the sword was not familiar with. It was the sword they saw in the mirror land. It was in the cave. It seemed that he wanted to be powerful. Rong Lan was obsessed with it at that time. The black body of the sword gave off strong power.

Kill God sword!

It was the first time she heard the name of this sword. Did Rong LAN go to the mirror land? When he got the Zhushen sword, his strength must have become quite strong. What would he do if he got the Zhushen sword? Are you here to kill Hua Haiqing? For her, he went to the mirror land again. He didn't even know whether he could come back. Qin Chu felt his heart hurt and was torn at both ends.

Rong LAN looked at her coldly. In the past two years, he was tortured in the mirror, but she was in love with Huahai. He saw from his dream that they were as intimate as a couple in love. In the dream, there was this sea of flowers and this house. Jealousy and anger grew up in his heart like vines. He wanted to believe in Qin Chu.

He always told himself that it was just a dream, just an illusion, and a means to confuse himself with the love of the sea of flowers. He deliberately created such pictures to confuse himself, which was not true.

However, when he saw Qin Chu's hesitation and Qin Chu's hesitation, he felt like a fool. He thought Qin Chu would never change his heart even if he was captured by Hua Hai Qing. However, he never thought that she had changed her mind.

She fell in love with the sea of flowers, otherwise, why hesitate between them.

"What am I? In the past two years, in order to kill the divine sword and bear the suffering of thunder, why? Is it my wishful thinking? You don't want me here at all. Instead, I've broken the world of two of you. You'd rather live with him in such a ghost place all the time Rong Lan's voice is painful and sharp. In the past two years, his efforts have become a joke.

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