Now, she had to admit that she was afraid of the man, the ghost behind him, which seemed frightening.

The man seemed to feel her fear, looked back, and said, "go back!"

Qin Chu thought, is he talking to those shadows?

Last time, he also reprimanded the shadows, with murderous and rude spirit. He thought that he was scolding his servants. Maybe he was talking to the shadows like a madman.

That group of shadows suddenly became very quiet, it seemed that they did not dare to act rashly. They did not do anything. They were quietly hidden in his shadow. Their peace was incredible.

Qin Chu's face was pale, and the dim light made her pale and bloodless. The man's tone was very rough, "what are you afraid of?"

She didn't know what she was afraid of.

This fear, like deep in her bones, made her tremble. When the man stepped closer, Qin Chu hurriedly stepped back several steps. As soon as he retreated, Qin Chu felt that the Yin wind was blowing, and the temperature around him seemed to have dropped several degrees. Suddenly, it turned into a deep winter. Qin Chu regretted his subconscious action, which must have been very hurtful.

The man's anger is heavy again, Qin Chu can feel his look at her is full of hatred, anger and cold, and with a trace of indescribable injustice, Qin Chu sighed.

"What do you want to do?"

The man did not speak, Qin Chu said faintly, "Xiaojin and matchless said that I am the reincarnation of Qianqiu princess. However, I have forgotten about the past life. I am Qin Chu now."

The past and the past have nothing to do with her.

The man is more silent.

Standing in front of Qin Chu, he did not move, like a wooden man. Qin Chu suddenly asked, "are you cold?"

“…… Cold. " The man said, suddenly floated over, so close, Qin Chu saw his eyes, a pair of dark red eyes, black hair blowing in the night wind, plus this cold eyes, Qin Chu subconsciously looked at the painting on the table.

The painting was still confiscated and spread out on the table like this. The vivid demon clan, the solemn and stirring background, the tall man, the tall horse, the long black hair, the dark red eyes, the mysterious machete, this man has all the characteristics of the demon clan. However, the demons did not have those ghosts behind him, and Qin Chu couldn't help hesitating. Who was he?

Qin Chu more and more curious, heart with a trace of guilt, the man followed her eyes to see the past, a cold smile, "what broken things."

"This is the material of the demon clan. It is the demon clan painted by the ancestors of the Terran clan." Qin Chu said, slightly pick eyebrows, "is it true that the demon clan is not so?"

The man was cold hum. He didn't say yes or no. Qin Chu couldn't help thinking that the demons seen by human ancestors must be superior, mysterious and noble, and have great power at the same time. In the face of such demons, they describe what they look like, whether they are real demons or people's impressions of demons. No one can say for sure.

"Are you a demon?"


"I think it's very similar." Qin Chu said, "long hair, red eyes, tall body, machete, are quite in line with."

The man's hand a Yang, posture to tear up the painting, Qin Chu hurriedly to grab his hand, "stop, do not tear."

Just touched a man's hand

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