Nangong green Luo glared round eyes, "Hello, of course, it has a relationship, OK? People want clothes, Buddhas need gold? Even if the natural beauty, I have such a good craft is also three points, you dare say that today is not her most beautiful appearance? "

He also really felt that today's Qin and Chu were particularly beautiful. There was always some difference between wearing makeup and not wearing makeup. Only by cleaning up the powder, they would be more gorgeous and attractive.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Nangong lvluo was satisfied.

"Is Rong LAN ready?"

Situ Zhuo nodded and said with a little worry, "there is no movement in Baidi city. Do you think baiqingcheng will come?"

"She will certainly come." Qin Chu said.

She and Bai Qingcheng also played several times. She understood Bai Qingcheng's mind very well. It's good to say that she will come today, otherwise, she can't swallow this tone.

"Well, I hope so. I've arranged everything else. As long as she comes, we can definitely hold her back." Situ Zhuo said, "then you should act according to circumstances, and do not love war."

"I understand. Don't worry."

Situ Zhu nodded and walked out of the camp. Nangong lvluo said, "he cares about you very much. I seldom see him so concerned about a person."

"In fact, you have some misunderstanding about situ. He is a cold and warm-hearted man. He looks at him coldly. In fact, he cares about his friends very much. He regards me and Shizi as friends. He also cares about Rong LAN before. Maybe Bai Qingcheng's incident has made a shadow on him. He was indifferent to Ronglan at that time, and now he is better." Qin Chu said, smile, "he is very lively with you, I have never seen him curse before."

"Cut, a Muggle." She waved and said that she didn't care. Qin Chu just laughed.

Soon, the good time came.

Rong LAN came to meet Qin Chu. Today, he was wearing a black dress. Thinking of Phnom Penh, he couldn't find the red bridegroom's dress. He could only find the black one, which looked noble. Qin Chu always thought that Ronglan looked the best in red. He was wearing black clothes, which gave people a very dark feeling. On the contrary, he was enchanting in red, and seemed to be a changed person. However, with his present temperament and manner, black is more suitable for him.

It's just a jade tree facing the wind. It's a monster.

If there is no such good appearance, Qin Chu is really embarrassed to stand by his side, and will be compared alive. If Qin Chu in the 21st century, it is estimated that her appearance can only be her girl.

The women of the sword God land are very beautiful.

Rong Lan also took a look at Qin Chu. In his impression, he saw Qin Chu so well dressed, elegant, noble and gorgeous for the first time. He almost couldn't recognize it.

In order to avoid gaffe, he lowered his eyebrows slightly.

Damn it.

He even wanted to hold her, hard kiss her lips, plunder her sweetness, this feeling from the first sight of her in, can not extinguish, this is his bride.

People who belong to him.

When he got married with Bai Qingcheng, he didn't have the idea of safety. At that time, he didn't know that baiqingcheng was a woman in the land of witches, and baiqingcheng was also shining brightly, but he did not give him such an impulse. At that wedding, he was like a puppet, and he only wanted to see Qin Chu.

However, this wedding, looking at her in a red dress, his heart beat hardly on his own.

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