The cliff collapsed, like a circular dead corner, collapsed on one side, and all the rolling stones fell to the ground.

She also has a lot of rolling stones around her.

Wushuangjian lay quietly beside her. Qin Chu was so surprised that she pulled out wushuangjian?

as like as two peas, but a sword that is exactly the same, now there is a sword on her side. There are two jewels on the sword. Obviously, two soldiers be made one.

There are also some changes in its appearance. The white hilt is surrounded by a light blue color. The body of the sword is silver white, which is not very sharp. There is a vivid white dragon carved on it. The sword body is surrounded by a beautiful water color.

There are two stones on the sword. There is also a black stone about the size of litchi. She doesn't know what it is. Qin Chu takes it curiously. The sword is very light and can't feel the strength in her hands.

She could feel its power, its toughness, but not its weight.

It's amazing.

She took up the sword and waved it with little strength.

Qin Chu sighed. Even if she took wushuangjian, it was useless. It was just a scrap iron. Even if other people flocked to it, the sword would not be of any use to her. Maybe her blood Demon Stone would be gone.

If she had the sword spirit, she would be able to use the two swords.

"You can't use me now." A vague voice sounded, which she had heard in the cave. Qin Chumu was stunned. A sword could speak????

This is amazing!

"No double swords?" She asked uneasily.

"Yes Wu Shuangjian's voice is very nice, gentle and meticulous. "After thousands of years of cultivation of the spirit of heaven and earth, I have my own consciousness, and I can speak with my master with consciousness."

The matchless sword suddenly flew up and showed a beautiful shape in the sky. It fell like a meteor and stood steadily in front of Qin and Chu.

Qin Chu heart a joy, "master, I am your master?"

"Yes." Matchless said, "you are after the dragon race, naturally my master, just your blood..."

"I know. I'm a half dragon."

Wushuangjian said, "yes, you are a half dragon. What I want to say is that I can't detect which dragon vein belongs to. In common sense, I shouldn't be unable to detect who you are."

This is also where he is very confused.

From her coming to him, his consciousness began to wake up. He had been sleeping for thousands of years, and there were also people who came to look for treasure. Their blood was too low, and they wanted to have it, which eventually led to the destruction.

She's different. She's not greedy.

When he woke up, he realized that she was a half dragon. As long as he had the blood of the dragon family, he could become his master.

He didn't want a half dragon to be his master. In his heart, half dragon didn't belong to dragon, and had half low blood. However, he didn't want to see low-level human and kill a half dragon.

At the moment of her blood flowing into the sword, he suddenly burst out a huge energy. He was very surprised. He dried up his blood for thousands of years and was nourished and revived. In a moment, he chose her to be his master.

He is a peerless weapon, and after thousands of years of heaven and earth aura, with consciousness, naturally also has the right to choose the master.

"Perhaps, because I am a half dragon, the human blood is mixed with the dragon's blood, you can't detect it."

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