A'Ruheng aimed an inquisitive glance at Shi Mengshan, and after a brief moment of hesitation, she said, "The final three levels aren't guarded by Battle Gods, but I must warn you that they hold the sternest trials the Battle God Hall has to offer. As a Battle God, I can't tell you what they are, and according to the rules of the Battle God Hall, this is as far as I can accompany all of you."

Everyone's hearts jolted slightly upon hearing this.

It seemed that Shi Mengshan hadn't said anything, but in reality, she was warning them that there were significant perils awaiting them in this underground river.

She had already witnessed everyone's powers, yet she was still extending these words of caution, which meant that the perils lurking in the water posed a serious threat to everyone's safety.

A'Ruheng had already said that he could remain underwater for at least two to three hours, yet she was still giving them this warning, and this indicated that the danger didn't stem from the duration that they would have to be underwater for. She hadn't expressly declared what the danger was, but it was clear that she was very apprehensive.

Tang Wulin nodded in response. "Alright, then please wait for us here; we'll go into the water together. Senior Disciple Brother, you bring up the rear, and I'll lead from the front. Everyone else will be between us with Xiaoyan at the very center."

Shi Mengshan was very surprised to hear this. In her eyes, Tang Wulin wasn't a rash individual, so why was he proceeding with such a plan despite her warning?

An urgent look appeared on her face, and she wanted to say something further, but refrained from doing so in the end.

She had actually already violated the rules by accompanying everyone here, and she wouldn't have been able to do this had it not been for Guan Yue's approval, so of course she couldn't leak more of the Battle God Hall's secrets.

A'Ruheng smiled as he laid a reassuring hand onto her shoulder. "Don't worry, Wulin isn't the type to do something rash; you've only seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of what he's capable of. Let's go, Junior Disciple Brother."

Tang Wulin gave Shi Mengshan a parting nod, then leaped into the river.

Right as he entered the water, Shi Mengshan was greeted by a peculiar sight: the water in the river had parted on its own to open up a passageway for him, and he descended in a stable manner after performing a somersault.

The underground river was very deep, reaching over 10 meters in depth even at the entrance, but once he entered the river, it seemed as if all of the water had disappeared.

How had he achieved this? He clearly wasn't using any soul power or soul tools!

Everyone strode forward one after another and followed Tang Wulin into the underground river.

Yuanen Yehui and Yue Zhengyu followed along on either side of Tang Wulin, creating a triangular spearhead comprised of three assault system Soul Masters.

Behind them were Xu Xiaoyan, Ling Zichen, and Xie Xie with Xu Xiaoyan at the center, while Sima Jinchi and A'Ruheng brought up the rear. Thus, the eight of them quickly advanced in a three, three, two formation, and much to everyone's surprise, not a single drop of water could reach within five meters of Tang Wulin; it was as if the water were intentionally avoiding him.

As he advanced onward, this area that was devoid of water would follow him. As such, they were able to advance on foot along the river bed, which was riddled with uneven stones, thereby allowing for very stable and fast progress.

Furthermore, the air within this space with a radius of five meters was enough for everyone to breathe for a very long time.

Xie Xie had roughly guessed that something like this would happen, but everyone else was astonished, especially the other members of Shrek's Seven Monsters.

They had been with Tang Wulin for a very long time, and they had thought that they already knew him extremely well, but they had never seen him display such an ability!

Tang Wulin didn't make any explanations as he raised his right hand to summon his Golden Dragon Spear, then advanced forward at a speed roughly equivalent to a normal person's sprint.

Yue Zhengyu extended his right hand forward, releasing a beam of light to illuminate the river up ahead.

Due to the fact that they were in an underground river, his holy light was refracted in very interesting ways by the water, presenting a strange and abstract underwater world.

After some time had passed, Xie Xie said, "This is the farthest point I reached, so I don't know what the situation is like up ahead; be careful, Boss."

Tang Wulin nodded in response and also slowed down slightly. At the same time, he released the full extent of his spiritual power into the distance.

Why was the water in the river naturally avoiding him? That was naturally because he was the son of the Sea God.

Back in the sea, he had forced the united fleet to a complete standstill all on his own, thereby circumventing the war that was imminent at the time.

As Ling Zichen had said, this underground river flowed into the Bright River, which ultimately flowed into the sea, so in a sense, this underground river was connected to the sea.

As the son of the Sea God and the wielder of the Sea God's Trident, there was no way that this river would pose any threat to Tang Wulin.

For the majority of people, the sensory range of their spiritual power would be greatly reduced in water, but it was the exact opposite for Tang Wulin, whose sensory range was amplified by severalfold in the presence of bodies of water.

Finally, after advancing for around another kilometer, Tang Wulin drew to a halt, and an enlightened look appeared on his face.

"I see."

"Did you discover something?" Yuanen Yehui asked.

Tang Wulin smiled, and replied, "I know what the trial of the 16th level is now. You won't be able to sense it yet, but the river has already begun to exert suction force upon us. Due to the fact that we're in the river, we could easily be misled into thinking that this was just the natural current of the river. Even for a Titled Douluo, getting to this point would be quite taxing, so they would be in a hurry to advance onward. However, if they continue to follow the current forward, they would soon encounter some severe trouble.

"As we keep going, the current of the river will become faster and faster, and around two kilometers away is a giant crater. I don't know how that crater was formed, but I'm guessing it's most likely a mouth of an underground spring. The current there is extremely rapid, and a massive vortex has formed there, and it'll be very difficult to escape once someone gets swept up in the vortex. On top of that, during the struggle, one would have to expend a large amount of their oxygen reserves, and that's where the problem lies.

"I don't know how the Battle God Hall can save someone in that situation, but the Begonia Douluo is right in that this really is a very perilous place."

Everyone drew a sharp breath upon hearing this.

Regardless of how powerful an individual was, they couldn't contend with nature so long as hadn't they attained godhood.

In an underwater world where breathing was impossible, how could someone break out of such a mighty vortex, especially after expending a significant amount of energy and oxygen to get to the vortex in the first place? In order to pass this trial, one would most likely require some special abilities, as well as the premonition that something was wrong well in advance.

However, spiritual power was severely limited underwater, so it was extremely difficult to detect the dangers that awaited one up ahead.

A'Ruheng's eyes narrowed slightly as he mused, "If the eight of us had charged into this completely blind, I'm not sure even half of us would've been able to make it to the other side."

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