Soul Fusion Online

Chapter 95 - Idiots Will Be Idiots

[AN: Bonus Chapter 1/3]

The next day Ryu and his team of girls were all standing in front of the old monkey once more. "Me and my kin give you my deepest thanks. With this root of life, I will be able to live a few thousand years more. Hopefully, by that time, one of my kin will grow strong enough to protect the clan. As promised, here are your rewards." 

The old monkey waved his hand, and streaks of light shot out, turning into 5 treasure chests that landed in front of Ryu and the rest. The chests opened, revealing an old scroll and 100 low quality soul stones. While the girl's eyes were glowing with excitement, Ryu bowed his head as she said: "Thank you." 

With the quest fulfilled, Ryu and the girls collected their rewards and began making their way back to Roland Village. "Ryu, GreenHat said he reached the village late last night." 

"Is FingerSandwhich and the other three there as well?" Ryu asked.

"They are almost there. FingerSandwhich had to meet up with the other three and is escorting them to the village as we speak. We may reach the village at the same time." WhiteLotus answered. As soon as she logged out this morning, Greenhat was all over her asking her to hurry up and get to the village, so he could spend time with his baby sister. In the end, he was being so annoying she had no choice but to ignore him and get ready for classes.

"Alright then, let's try to hurry then." Ryu said as he scooped Chi up into his arms and dashed forward. 

"Ryu, I can run by myself!" Chi complained softly with a big smile on her face as she snuggled into Ryu's embrace.

"Chi, your words and actions don't match up." WhiteLotus teased. She then looked back to see Rose and Violet's reactions, only to frown when she saw Rose carrying Violet the same way Ryu was carrying Chi.  "Damn you and your dog food!" WhiteLotus yelled out as she shot forward, not wanting to look at the two intimate couples.

Ryu chuckled as he continued forward. The group rushed forward, ignoring all the mobs on the way, taking only one day in game time to reach the village once again after moving at full speed.  When they got to the village, they were automatically stopped at the front gate. "Halt! This is the guild's Golden Sword domain. You must pay1 silver to enter."

"Huh?" Ryu looked at the young man, who seemed to be a swordsman, coldly. He activated his cultivation suppression, causing the young man to suddenly collapse to the floor. "Who the hell gave your guild the right to ask players for an entry fee?" 

"I did!" A familiar voice came from inside the village. Ryu tilted his head to the side to see BurningToast standing there just inside the village's gates. Just enough so that Ryu could not attack him. 

"Oh! If it isn't MoldyToes!" Ryu yelled out with a big smile.

Just hearing Ryu once again calling him something ridiculous caused BurningToast to turn red in the face with anger. "You! What's your name!? Do you dare say your name to me!? Or are you afraid that I will set a bounty on you!?"

"Bounty? You can set a bounty on me. I don't care. My name is BurningToast!" Ryu righteously declared. Causing the girls to almost choke on their spit as they burst out laughing.

"Haha! Finally! Quickly go put a bounty out on BurningToast! Five hundred gold per kill! Set it for 100 kills!" BurningToast sneered at Ryu, looking at him like he was an idiot.

"But..." The guild member looked at BurningToast like he was an idiot. Why would he want to put a bounty out on himself!? He didn't understand! But before he could even ask this question, BurningToast turned around and glared at him. 

"Hurry up and go post it! What the fuck are you waiting for!?" BurningToast yelled at his guild member.

"Ri-Right!" The golden sword guild member wanted to cry. Don't blame me for this! 

Five minutes later…

[The Mercenary Guild has just placed a new bounty out on player: BurningToast. All mercenaries take up arms and help fulfill this bounty! 500 gold for each kill!  Up to 100 kills! Get your kill in to secure that 500 gold before it is too late.]

Right as the message was heard, Ryu pulled out his sword and marched towards BurningToast, who was standing "Safely" within the bounds of the village, that was until Ryu walked right up to him, grabbed him by his neck, and stabbed him with the sword with a big smile on his face: "That's once… 99 more to go!" 

BurningToast stared at Ryu in disbelief, unsure of what was going on. Why was it that this man was able to kill him within the confines of the village!? When he respawned, he sat there in a daze. He didn't understand. Only those with bounties could be killed within the village without the guards rushing over. It was only then that things clicked together. "Fuck! He tricked me! Motherfucker!"

"Chi! Girls, we are going to the respawn shrine! " Ryu yelled out joyously. "Who would have thought the Golden Sword guild was so nice to give us some pocket money!"

WhiteLotus and Rose were bent over laughing while Violet had her mouth covered, doing her best to hold her laughter back. As for Chi, she ran up happily and clung to Ryu's arm. "Hehe serves him right for trying to put a bounty on you."

"Well, idiots will be idiots. I mean... Who puts a bounty on themselves for so much money?" Ryu said with a wide grin as he made his way to the respawn points. On this day, Roland Village was filled with obscene words as a single man died one hundred times by five different people. When Ryu counted the last kill, he waited for BurningToast to respawn once more and clapped his hands together. "I must thank brother BurningToast for giving the guild I am about to make enough funds to pay for all the guild fees. You are so kind!"

BurningToast anger went through the roof as he pointed at Ryu and wanted to swear, but when his eyes fell on the new current level, he cursed out loud: "Fucking shit! Fuck this game! How the fuck am I level 0 again!?"

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