Soul Fusion Online

Chapter 91 - Flood Dragon Part 1

Right now, Ryu was getting annoyed. With the armor buffs he had on, he was not taking much damage, but his armor was a different story. The low level armor was just not enough to actually do anything. At this point, it was barely covering his skin. After they killed the four human faced spiders, Ryu looked as if he was wearing nothing but rags. "Why does this game have to be so real in this aspect!?"

"I don't know. But I feel this look fits you well. I am sure the girls who see you like this would fall in love instantly." WhiteLotus teased.

"Haha, very funny..." Ryu sulked. He looked at this armor that was now just strips of cloth and let out a sigh. The only good thing was his privates were still covered. 

Chi walked over and hugged Ryu and whispered: "This look does have a certain appeal to it."

Ryu rolled his eyes and looked at the dead monsters on the ground. "What loot dropped?"

"Just crafting materials. I swear this game just wants us to craft everything!" Rose answered as she reached out to grab the items on the ground. As she did, the spider bodies turned into balls of light and disappeared, leaving behind only the loot they dropped. 

"But the outcome is much better if you craft it yourself. You can even customize the armor to suit your tastes. If I had higher quality materials, I would have made Chi and I new armor… But Since hitting our current level Chi and I have not had time to fight higher level monsters until now." Ryu now realized that armor upgrades were really important. Even if he could get by without needing to upgrade, it was still needed to cover his body. "That reminds me I have seen many ore deposits here, but none of us has a pickaxe to farm any of it… such a shame. If I could make some new weapons and sell them…."

"Ryu, do you only think about making money?" WhiteLotus asked.

"Hmm? No… I think about my future with Chi as well and how to make her happy..." Ryu answered truthfully. His answer making Chi blush.

"Sorry I asked… I didn't realize I was going to get a mouthful of dog food."  White Lotus said jokingly, causing the rest to laugh.

The group continued on with Ryu as the main tank. They fought all kinds of monsters, from lizard type monsters to snake type monsters. Their teamwork had grown by leaps and bounds. Even though there were many close calls, they were still able to pull through without anyone dying. By the time they made it to a large open room with a silver glowing pond, Ryu was wearing nothing but a pair of shredded shorts that used to be pants. "It's a little too quiet here..."

"Mmm… my guess is that this is the silver springs." WhiteLotus pointed at the pond not far from them. Around it were silver blades of grass and on top of a boulder at the very back of the pond was a green root gently glowing with an orange hue. 

Ryu swallowed hard seeing that orange hue. "A legendary item!" 

"That seems to be what the old monkey wants..." Chi said as she gazed at the root. But she did not look happy at all. "Why do I feel that something is not right about this? As Ryu said, it is too quiet. Don't dungeons have a final boss?"

"Shh, don't jinx it!" Rose cried. She was not ready to fight some amazingly strong monster right now!

"I do not think we have a choice. Ryu has a quest for the sweet silver grass, and we all have the same quest for the root. So my guess is that we will need to get closer to find out." Violet took a deep breath and gripped her wooden staff. 

"Hold on, let me buff up a little bit just in case..." Ryu did not want to take any chances right now, without his crappy armor, he had 0 defense. His armor now was nothing more than a blanket to cover his privates. He quickly cast Iron Body and Iron Wall on himself without a second thought. This brought his defense to 300. "Everyone ready?"

"As ready as I can be." WhiteLotus said as she shook her limbs to try to loosen up a bit.

"I'm ready!" "Same here." Rose and Violet answered.

"Where you go, I go." Chi answered with a nod of her head.

"Then let's do this." Ryu readied his sword and took a step forward. As the group got a few meters from the pond, a loud bang was heard, and the entrance they came in from was suddenly sealed off. Blue balls of fire began to light up around the pond. Ripples could suddenly be seen on the water's surface. 

"Get ready for incoming!" Ryu yelled out, and as he did, a massive black snake type looking monster with horns on its head and four limbs sprung out of the water.

With an ear deafening roar, this massive monster looked down at the puny humans in front of it. "You humans dare try to steal my treasure!?"

"A-A Flood Dragon!?" Rose yelled out. The pressure the flood dragon was giving off was weighing down on everyone present. 

"A stage 1 Soul Sensing realm Flood Dragon..." Ryu frowned. He knew this was going to be a tough fight, especially so for a monster who could speak. "Get into formation. Chi, WhiteLotus, you will be on add duty if there is any, otherwise, just focus on the overgrown snake." 

"Got it!" "Roger!" 

Everyone quickly got into their positions. The flood dragon looked down at the puny humans trying to figure out what they were doing. It had never seen humans act in such a manner before. "We need to pull it out first so we need to figure out its range. Rose, Chi and I will start by blasting it with long ranged skills. Violet and WhiteLotus fall back for the time being."

Ryu realized the flood dragon did not seem to be keen on leaving the water. And since most of his damage and WhiteLotus's damage was all melee they could not get close so he could only switch tactics and try to pull it out of the pond first. 

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