Soul Fusion Online

Chapter 84 - GreenHat The Idiot

By the time Ryu and the girls finished 'bathing', the monkeys had come back with their clothes all washed. Everyone got dressed and was now ready to set out. Ryu stood in front of the old monkey and asked: "Which direction is the silver springs from here?" 

"Oh? I thought you knew. This is easy to fix." The old monkey motioned with his head, and a small monkey came running up and jumped on Ryu's shoulder. "This little one will assist you."

"Thank you. I will be sure to come back with the root of life." Ryu bowed his head to the old monkey before turning and leaving. It was a little depressing having to leave the beautiful little oasis in the dark, dingy woods. But they could not stay here forever since they had to make it to the silver springs before it got too late. 

Ryu had noticed the time was already getting rather late and knew that WhiteLotus and the other girls would need to log out soon. "WhiteLotus, we will find a safe spot outside the dungeon to log out when we get there. I am not sure about you and Rose, but I am sure Violet needs to get up soon for classes."

"Yeah, now that you mention it." Violet frowned when she looked at the clock on her HUD.

"My classes are not until later, but if what Ryu said earlier is true, then I will need to wash up before heading to college." Rose blushed slightly just thinking about the fact that they had just all masturbated to their friends fucking.

"WhiteLotus?" Ryu looked over at WhiteLotus, who was still quiet and seemed preoccupied.

"Little Lotus, what's wrong?" Rose asked, poking WhiteLotus's side.

"That idiot logged out early and actually tried to fondle me while I was in game and saw that my crotch was wet! Now he's saying I am cheating on him!" WhiteLotus said with tears welling up in her eyes. She found it unfair to be said to be cheating when she had not even done anything wrong! Was she not allowed to masturbate!?

Ryu thought for a moment before saying: "Just tell the idiot that if he doesn't cut the shit that you will dump him for your right hand. No guy is worth the time if they do not at least hear you out."

"But he is not listening to me! He knows I am with you, so he thinks I was cheating on him with you." WhiteLotus frowned. She was wondering why her stupid idiot was acting so outrageous.

"Where are you located? Can you come to my house? You can have him come take a look at who you are cheating on him with." Ryu could only offer this as a solution. He figured once GreenHat saw the disabled girl lying in bed, he would know that he had nothing to worry about.

"He's not even answering me. Can you talk to him? He seems to be hell bent that you are now my in game sugar daddy." WhiteLotus pouted. She hated this. She just wanted him to listen to what she had to say.

"Mmm... Hold on." Ryu wasted no time sending GreenHat a private message. "Hey, dipshit, how can you make your girlfriend cry?"

GreenHat, who was sitting in an inn drinking a beer, saw a private message notification pop up and hit the button to listen to it. When he heard Ryu's voice calling him a dipshit, he spat out the beer he had just taken a sip of. He quickly wiped his mouth and sent a message back. "Who the fuck are you!?"

"The player you say your girlfriend is cheating on you with. Let me tell you this right now. Your girlfriend would never cheat on you with me. Are you in city C?" Ryu asked.

"Huh? No, City D about an hour away, why?" GreenHat was confused and answered absentmindedly.

"You and WhiteLotus come to this address tomorrow..." Ryu gave him her address. "You can meet me and my girlfriend then. Just call this number here before you come." 

"Huh? Alright… I will be there." GreenHat suddenly felt gloomy. He looked at the beer in his hand and put it down. It seems he owed WhiteLotus an apology. Pursing his lips, he quickly sent WhiteLotus a private message.

Back on Ryu and the girls' side, WhiteLotus suddenly ran over to Ryu and hugged him. "Ryu, thank you!" 

"Damn it, WhiteLotus, let go!" Chi quickly pried WhiteLotus off Ryu and hugged his arm. 

"Haha! Sorry Chi, but Ryu really is amazing. That idiot actually apologized to me. He also said we were going to your place tomorrow." WhiteLotus seemed pretty excited.

"Hmm? Ryu, people are coming over?" Chi asked.

"Yeah, so tomorrow, can you help me dress in normal clothes? And I will need to be in the wheelchair..." Ryu frowned. He was not embarrassed by his state, but he just didn't want others to look at him with sympathy. 

Violet suddenly said: "I'm coming too. I can miss a day of school. Ryu, Chi, can I come as well?" When Violet heard Ryu say wheelchair, she had a feeling something was very wrong.

"Yeah, that's fine. Just meet up with WhiteLotus." Chi was the one who spoke up this time. She was actually interested in who this Violet girl was. She wanted to keep a good eye on her rivals.

"Wait, if you are all going, so am I!" Rose cut in. She was feeling left out all of a sudden.

"Alright, then you can all come. My place may not be all that big but should have room for six people." Ryu said with a smile. She wondered just how these girls were in real life. She had read that some people act completely differently in game than out of game.

"Okay, it's settled then. Why don't you all come around ten." Chi figured that would give her time to prepare and order some food.

"Then it's settled!" WhiteLotus said happily. 

Not long after, the group stood outside a cave that's entrance was at the root of an old ancient tree. The area around it was well lit by the sunlight that was able to pierce the tree canopies, and only low level monsters roamed around outside. "Okay let's log out here. It seems rather safe. Even this little guy seems to find this place safe." Ryu said as he watched the little monkey run around the tree chasing after some bug. 

"Okay, see you in a while. " Rose said before sitting down and logging out. 

"Yes, see you later!" Violet also quickly logged out. 

WhiteLotus looked at Ryu and Chi and smiled: "Ryu, Chi, thank you."

"No problem. It is good for us to meet up anyways. It will allow us to get to know each other better." Ryu gave a wave after saying this and logged off. 

Chi sat down next to where Ryu logged off and looked at WhiteLotus. "WhiteLotus, tomorrow when you see Ryu please do not give him any pity. Just act yourself." 

WhiteLotus was a bit confused by what Chi meant but she kept those words to heart and logged out as well.

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