Soul Fusion Online

Chapter 161 - Plans For A City

Yuki's words caused everyone to look at Mary and Bell. Mary lowered her head, her cheeks blushing, acting all bashful while Bell just looked away. Greg was the first to speak. "You're right. I can't see Mary as an A.I. now that I think about it."

"Right? As I see it, she is no different from you or me. This makes her a sentient being, and she deserves the same treatment as you or I. The same goes with the A.I. in the game. They are no different than Mary. They are even more so since they are beings living in a world of their own living day to day lives. The only difference is that they are in a game while Mary is in the real world." Yuki hoped this explanation would make them understand that just because it is a game world that they should not treat NPCs as NPCs. 

"I understand. I will be careful not to treat NPCs as just a pile of code from now on." Greg said seriously. 

"Same here." Jen also agreed. Sophia and Amber also raised nodded in agreement. Jen then asked: "Yuki, what are your plans for our new town or village?"

"This… I was thinking of taking over Flim Village. We already own most of the property there. And there is no rule that says we can not expand the boundaries of the village outwards. So I was thinking…."  Yuki began to explain her plan. As they can do anything in the game that they could do in the real world. It was very possible to build and create the technologies they have in the real world in the game world. Yuki's plan was simple. 

First, they would build the tools needed to begin the construction of taller buildings made of metal. This was the most important task as they would need to make multiples of every tool. The reason they would be made of metal was so that defending would be easier. So even if a high level monster showed up or a large guild, the city would not be taken down so easily. 

Second, they would slowly start to expand. Work their way to Roland Village. This, of course, would already be owned by Yuki by then through "diplomatic means," of course. By the time Flim Village was working its way towards Roland, Roland's development would also follow. Soon the two villages would be connected to make the first ever highly advanced metropolis in Soul Fusion Online. 

Third, while all of the building was happening, they would need to work on creating new defensive systems to ward off the kingdom's army because no king will allow a grand city to suddenly appear out of nowhere without it being under the kingdoms control. 

And last, a grand wall encircling the city with hundreds of defensive towers. "I figure once word gets out that there is such a grand city in development, the main hub would instantly switch to the new city  which we can rightfully call Serenity City."

"Yuki…. Your plan is fucking crazy! I love it!" James, Greg's brother who appeared out of nowhere, shouted. His appearance startled everyone, including his own brother. 

"James! Holy shit, are you trying to give me a damn heart attack!?" Greg yelled.

"No, but I can give you another slap. Father also told me to tell you to bring your girlfriend with you and go to meet with him. He has a few things he would like to speak to you about." James said coldly before raising his hand and smacking Greg in the back of the head. 

Greg's eyes showed a trace of fear as he looked at Yuki, who shrugged then at Trisha, who only smiled warmly at him. He knew then that his own little sister had sold him out, and she did it out of spite! He could only lower his head in defeat. He patted Jen's hand and said: "I will take full blame, so when we go, don't speak." 

"Mmm..." Jen's face was pale white. She was scared of Melgrave!

"Anyway! Yuki, can the Evergreen family help finance such a grand event in game? We will be willing to hire many architects and workers to help make construction smoother. For such a city we would need at least four to five hundred thousand workers. I can also bring in some top scientists and master metalsmiths to help with creating the tools needed." James was overly excited about this. He could just picture such a massive city in Soul Fusion Online. To him, that would be one of his dreams come true.

"Umm... " Yuki looked at Trisha for her okay since she knew Trisha did not like dealing with her family.

"It's fine. If it helps, make Yuki's plan succeed, then let's make use of the connections we have."  Trisha surprisingly readily agreed. 

"Alright, James, take a week and get things ready. Come back to me when you get the final numbers. Our first goal is to kill and cook that oversized chicken." Yuki really wanted to kill that chicken!

"Alright, a week will be more than enough time. I will also settle the village lord of Roland." James was very hyped up about this.

"Alright, if you need me for anything, just ask." Yuki was happy that James showed up. With his help and connections, they would be able to build the city quickly.

"I will. If the city is made of pure metal, we will need miners as well as drilling equipment. Ahh! I have  to go home and make a list." James went to turn around but stopped and looked at Yuki. "Congratulations on your recovery progress. My father also sends his regards. He said he hopes his future daughter in law will be up and running around by the end of the year."

"Mmm.. Tell him I said thanks." Yuki said with a smile. Hearing the word daughter in law made her happy. She looked over at Trisha and reached out and held her hand. Trisha looked at Yuki and smiled while interlocking her fingers with Yuki's.

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