Soul Fusion Online

Chapter 148 - Beauty Gets Beaten Up

"Look, you have been told many times that anyone with the name of Beauty is not allowed in our guild." WhiteLotus was doing her best to contain her anger. She never expected someone to be this unreasonable. 

"Then I will change my name! What does it matter if my name is Beauty or not!?" Beauty yelled out. She did not understand what their guild master had against her name!

"I think it is best that you leave." Chi was also losing patience. 

Ryu, who was hiding, thought for a moment. Before a wicked idea came up in his mind. He quickly ran off to the teleporter and teleported to another guild house before hurrying to the mercenary guild. 

[The Mercenary Guild has just placed a new bounty out on player: Beauty. All mercenaries take up arms and help fulfill this bounty! 1 copper for each kill!  Up to 1000 kills! Get your kill in to secure that 1 copper before it is too late.]

@FreeLoader: Ahhahahahaha, who is hated so much that they would get a one copper per kill bounty placed on their heads!

@GreenHat: This sheboy was banned from joining my guild, so it is probably something they did to the guild.

@Yuyu: How dare you call Beauty a sheboy!

@GreenHat: Oh, here we go, it seems the sheboy fan club has arrived. Figures as much with a name like beauty that they would have a few followers. Nothing more than a sheboy who is trying to get its kicks off of fooling every man they see. I bet it spreads its legs to get more followers. 

@Yuyu: You! Just you wait until I find out who you really are!

@GreenHat: Oh no! Someone is going to hack my account!

@FreeLoader: GreenHat run, or you will end up married to another sheboy!

@AzuritePaladin: Married to another sheboy +1

@DrakeStarkiller: I just got here but… Married to another sheboy +1

@MrShadowMan: Married to another sheboy +1

@KJellTheViking: Married to another sheboy +1

@Draconis0Kelly: Married to another sheboy +1 (Please send me a sheboy too...)

@FreeLoader: I just died because of the person upstairs!

After placing the bounty on Beauty, Ryu quickly returned to the alchemy house. When he arrived, he heard WhiteLotus say mockingly:  "Seems like you are really hated to have someone put a bounty on you and only for a single copper per kill."

"I..." Beauty's words got caught in her throat when she saw a familiar figure walking towards her: "BurningToast you bastard, this is your doing, isn't it!?" 

Everyone was confused as they turned their head to look at the person walking up. But as soon as they saw Ryu, they understood. Chi chuckled, knowing that Ryu had used someone else's name the last time he ran into this girl. WhiteLotus also figured out this much.  "It is so what?"

"You bastard! Hah… Hah..." Beauty's face started turning bright red as her body started heating up. Those eyes! It was those eyes that looked down upon her as if she was a disgusting insect. It was the same eyes that girl had that day as well. A light flashed through her eyes. Beauty was always a greedy person. If someone had something, she wanted she would do whatever she could to take it. She bit her lip and walked right past WhiteLotus and Chi and stood in front of Ryu. She looked up at Ryu with blushing cheeks and said: "If you become mine, I will forget ab… Ahhh! My hair!"

Beauty was yanked back by Chi and tossed to the ground. Before beauty even knew what was going on, she was mounted by Chi and then had punches rained down on top of her. "Ahhh! Stupid bitch get off me! Ahhh! My face! Don't hit my face!"

Chi was going all out as she continued to punch Beauty over and over. Now, normally Beauty would have been killed within a few punches, but the guilds priest decided to take this chance to practice their healing, so every time beauty's health reached the fifty percent mark, it was quickly restored to full with ten priests healing her. 

  WhiteLotus moved to stand next to Ryu and patted him on the shoulder: "It seems Chi is broken."

"Ahh, well, some things happened recently… I think the stress has finally gotten to her." Ryu scratched his head. He could only think that the run in with Princess Jasmine might have caused this sudden outburst. "Well, at any rate, relieving stress is good." 

"Is this relieving stress, though? I mean, she is being pretty vicious." WhiteLotus asked. She stared at Beauty's face that was swelling up like a balloon, then deflating back to normal from the heals.

"Let her be. It is better for her to release her anger. She finally found someone she can use to do just that. Now that I think about it, maybe I should let Beauty in the guild? Then she can serve as Chi's punching bag.." Ryu rubbed his chin as he fell into thought.

"Don't even think about it! If she were to go this nuts day after day, she would end up traumatizing the other person!" WhiteLotus yelled.

"I guess your right..." Ryu let out a sigh. 

"Why do I feel like I have just said something wrong!?" WhiteLotus asked as she looked at Ryu, who was acting as if someone stole his favorite toy.

Ryu grinned and said: "I'm joking. I guess we should stop her for now." 

Ryu went to step forward to stop Chi but paused when he heard something that sent shivers down his spine. "Ahh! Yes! More! More!" 

"Err..." Ryu turned and looked at WhiteLotus with a look that asked: "Did I just hear that?"

WhiteLotus nodded her head as she made a disgusted face. Ryu's face turned black. He drew his sword, walked over to Chi and beauty, and in between Chi's punches, stabbed Beauty in the face, instantly killing her. Only then did Chi come back to her senses. "Hmm? Ryu?"

"Let's just kill her from now on…" Ryu then looked at his other guild members and said: "If anyone sees Beauty, just kill her. I will keep a running bounty on her from now on..."

"Ryu, why's the ground wet?" Chi asked as she stood up. There was a wet spot just behind her, and she knew it was not from her.

Ryu scratched his head and whispered into Chi's ear. Chi's face turned black, and her whole body shivered. "From now on, stop me from punching people..."

At the respawn area, Beauty sat there with a gloomy face. "Miss?" Yuyu softly called out to her.

"Yuyu…. I was so close… I was right there, and that bastard killed me! He is ruthless! But… I love it!  He is handsome, and I can't wait to make him mine! And that girl with her fists... If I can make both of them mine... Hah! Hah!" Beauty yelled out as she hugged herself.

Yuyu gave her miss a strange look. Ever since the run in with Princess Trisha, her miss had been acting strangely. Her miss pulled her into the car and asked her to be slapped and spanked. "Should I tell his majesty that miss is broken?"  Yuyu mumbled to herself. She then bent down and picked up her miss, who was blabbering about how she wanted the handsome man to spank her and a fox girl to punch her, and walked towards an inn. Yuyu could only sigh at her fate of being her miss's maid. 

Back on Ryu's side, Chi was currently standing in front of him, pointing her finger at him. "Ryu, you are too handsome! Why do you not wear a mask like before!? From now on, I forbid you from going out in public without a mask! Otherwise, you will end up bringing more freaks back."

"Yes, yes, I will do as Chi says..." Ryu chuckled as he tried to calm Chi down. "I promise I will make one soon. But we still have a lot to do. But it can all be done within the guild house. I will be calling a guild meeting soon." 

"Humph!" Chi snorted before wrapping her arms around Ryu and hugging him. "I don't mean to nag. I just hate when all these girls stare at you."

"I know. Come, we will head to the Westfall guild house and get someone to prepare food for the meeting. I want to hand out all the cultivation manuals I have." Ryu needed everyone to start cultivating as soon as possible. Otherwise, taking over the Qin family will never come to pass. This meant not only cultivation but many dungeon runs and resource gathering as well. There was a lot to do in order to prepare. But once they got enough strength, then they could easily start planning a raid on the Qin family.  Ryu figured once Chi and himself reached the nine souls forming realm, they could easily lead the strike against the Qin family. He just hoped they would surrender quickly.

"Alright, you gather everyone, I will handle getting the chefs to cook up some snacks." Chi said, breaking her embrace with Ryu. She then grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the teleporter.

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