Soul Fusion Online

Chapter 127 - Guild Recruitment Part 1

"You will need to exercise your entire body! Not just your tongue!" Ryu let out a laugh as he kissed Chi. "Come on, let's log out." 

Chi and Ryu logged back in pretty early. Ryu found himself running back to Flim village to check the status of things. He made sure to buy a cheap cloak from a shop before going so he could avoid running into that strange girl. Only one site was finished. It was the first of the five four story buildings that had twenty crafting rooms for alchemy in it. Ryu's special options were the extra floor and the ability to switch the bedrooms out for crafting rooms.

  He kind of wished he could swap out the second floor of the guild house in Roland where the bedrooms were and replace them with crafting rooms like this guild house, but there was nothing he could do about it. "Not bad!" Ryu looked at the first floor of his guild house. The main hall was more like a reception area of a big company. It had a front desk for people to greet others and two halls, one on each side. One hall led to a recreation area and kitchen, while the other hall led to three meeting rooms. And the three floors above of course were filled with crafting rooms. There was also one area outside the house that was used for teleportation, but it would only activate if the guild had a second guild house someplace else. Ryu had noticed it was already active, which meant the house in Roland was also already finished. Luckily this teleportation device was locked to guild members only.

"When will you start on the next house?" Ryu asked the leader of the construction team, who was standing next to him.

"We already sent men out to start clearing the area and should be ready in a few weeks." The man answered.

"Alright, I will leave it to you then. I will come check it out when it is complete." Ryu was excited to try out this new teleportation device. After saying goodbye to the lead contractor, he went straight to the teleportation device and stood in the middle. As he did, a menu popped up in front of him, asking him the location he wished to go to. 

The list only had Roland active, but it still showed the other properties as well, but their names were greyed out. "I just hit this and..." Ryu suddenly felt a strange sensation as his entire body turned into particles of light, and his vision went black. It was only for an instant, but when he could finally see again, he was standing on the platform for the teleportation device in Roland Village. After taking a second to collect himself, he finally moved his body around, checking to make sure everything was okay. "Not exactly the best feeling in the world, but I guess I will get used to it."

"Ryu?" Chi called out as she saw a familiar figure appear out of nowhere. 

"Mm… I tried out the new teleportation device. It is very strange. But it does what it is supposed to." Ryu walked towards Chi and pulled her into his arms. "We can now start setting up things for recruitment."

"I already contacted everyone, and they should be logging in soon. Let's head to the meeting room." Chi replied. 

Twenty minutes later, everyone was sitting around the  WhiteLotus, Rose, Violet, Greenhat, FingerSandwhich, Number6, Number7, Number8, along with Ryu and Chi, all sat around the meeting table for their very first official meeting in their new guild house.

Ryu had made sure to hire a few maids and cooks as well as staff for the reception area. So they were not just sitting there with an empty table, it was filled with drinks and food. "Now that we have not just one but two guild houses up, we can not start our recruitment process. As of now, we have two guild houses completed, and by tomorrow night real world time, two more should be done in Flim village. That will give us four recruitment sites. As for how we recruit, I was thinking of making a few guidelines, but I need all of your input." 

"Ryu, since we will be mass recruiting crafters, we can use one site for the signup process, right? We can have the recruits one by one craft an item for us to prove that they are indeed crafters. This way, players can not just say they are a crafter and not be able to craft." Chi suggested.

"Yeah, I think Chi's idea is very good!" GreenHat immediately spoke up. He, of course, would agree with everything his baby sister suggested.

"Can the idiots in the room not speak?" Chi asked coldly, causing everyone else to chuckle. 

"Alright, alright. No fighting." Ryu placed his hand on Chi's to calm her down. She always seemed to want to dig into GreeHat every time he spoke. "What Chi suggested is good. So let's take a vote on it."

"I'm for!" GreenHat raised his hand first.

"Same!" FingerSandwhich also raised his hand.

This was followed by the three girls as well as the number brothers. The number brothers were the name Ryu gave to the three people the king sent to help Ryu make the guild. "Okay, we will go with this then. Now we need to decide on the criteria on everyone else." 

"Ryu, are you looking to limit the guild entries by level?" Rose asked.

"No, I think a guild can only have true members if the members are raised within the guild from a low level. Of course, I do not mean higher levels can not join, but normally higher levels are likely to jump ship if they see a better guild offering what they want. We want people who will be loyal, and loyalty is more likely with people we raised ourselves." Ryu truly felt that if one was to raise new players, they would be more likely to want to stay in the guild that has always treated them well. But there was an issue here too. If the guild was too big then the lower levels would feel neglected if things were not structured in a proper way.

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