Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 95: I Will Be Watching Over You

Gales, Swordflower College.

As the three Radiant Stars began their slow descent in the west, a Young Professor walked steadily along the campus avenue. His pace suddenly quickened, attempting to escape as he saw a vibrant young female student approaching him head-on.

“Professor Liblom…”

“Miss Therave.” The Young Professor stopped, resignedly saying, “I have to admit, your Sincerity has touched me. After all, if you continue to pester me like this, my reputation will be ruined. Even my strict and serious father has taken the trouble to warn me not to do anything that would damage the reputation of Swordflower College, such as getting involved with a female student.”

Sonya’s eyes brightened: “Then—”

“But I really don’t have the authority to change the host at the last minute. Either you disappear, and if I can’t find anyone half an hour before the party starts, I’ll have to implement the emergency plan. The cost is that you’ll have to take a warning.”

Professor Liblom explained, “Alternatively, you could go directly to the President. As long as you get the President’s permission, the school regulations can naturally be bent for you. But you refuse to provide even one ‘good reason’ for canceling your hosting duties.”

Sonya shook her head repeatedly.

“The President keeps a low profile, and she is a Legend Sorcerer with Quadruple Wings. I wouldn’t dare to disturb her. If I anger her, not even Professor Trozan can protect me.”

“Aren’t you afraid of making me angry?”

Sonya immediately covered her mouth, but her voice still leaked through her fingers: “Because you’re just a Two Wings Alchemist who excels in academic theory. Offending you doesn’t really matter, and it can’t harm my interests.”

Having said that, Sonya looked at Professor Liblom with a pitiful gaze: “Professor, I really have no other choice. This is my heartfelt truth, I can’t lie.”

Professor Liblom’s face stiffened with annoyance, and he took a deep breath: “Thank you very much, Miss Therave, for your honesty. You’ve enlightened me to my true value in the eyes of the average student, and I’ve learned a great deal.”

“But since you dare not seek the President, you only have two choices left: fulfill your duty, or take a warning. It’s almost dinner time now, please decide quickly. I’ll be waiting for you backstage at the Mixer Party.”

Watching Professor Liblom walk away, Sonya felt helpless. She wanted to call out to the Observer to discuss a strategy, but knowing that today was also the Observer’s day of action, she extinguished the thought of disturbing them.

She wondered if the Observer was now enjoying the scent of freedom…

Sonya sighed heavily, despondently returning to her dormitory.

At that moment, Lois and her two friends returned from dinner and were shocked to see Sonya still there: “Why are you still here? The people from Truth College are already at the gate, aren’t you going to get changed and put on makeup?”

“I don’t want to.”

“What kind of childish tantrum is this? By not showing up, you’re not just spoiling your own reputation, but Professor Trozan’s, and Swordflower College’s. Don’t think that just because you’re a Swordsmanship prodigy you can do whatever you want!”

Lois was taken aback. As roommates under the same roof, they knew Sonya had been out of sorts these past few days, but they hadn’t realized it was to this extent.

This was the Mixer Party between the two colleges, after all!

The Mixer Party was more than just a simple social gathering. Under the watch of the stars, both schools would send their best students to participate in a ‘stop at the touch’ Friendly Match—it was actually the warm-up for the annual Gales Intercollegiate League, where everyone got a sneak peek at the other college’s competition team roster for the year, gaining a rough understanding of the strength of their rivals.

In today’s society, although Battle Sorcerers are not as important as they once were and Production Sorcerers have gradually gained more say, universities have cut back on battle-related courses and added many related to the Magical Factions of production. Students are also more enthusiastic about researching spirits, Miracles, and even Magical Factions with production value.

Nevertheless, Sorcerers skilled in combat still manage to receive the most resources and respect!

This isn’t because everyone fears a Sorcerer’s violence, but rather because for a Sorcerer, combat power equals potential! The more adept in combat a Sorcerer is, the more they can harvest in the Virtual Realm, the further they can go, and the higher their potential ceiling!

Among One Wing Sorcerers, the number specializing in production often exceeds those in combat.

But at the Two Wings level, Battle Sorcerers far outnumber Production Sorcerers.

By the time they reach Tri-wings, even those who specialize in production must have an impeccable combat system; otherwise, they simply cannot survive the adventures in the Virtual Realm!

To encourage Apprentice Sorcerers to improve their combat abilities, the Gales Intercollegiate League was born. Now in its 167th edition, it has become the highest-rated program in not only Gales but the entire Stars Kingdom!

For Apprentice Sorcerers, performing well and earning a ranking in the Intercollegiate League is the fastest shortcut to fame and success!

As a prelude to the League, the Mixer Party naturally rose in prominence, and with Truth College as the partner for this event, no effort was spared in preparation!

However, Lois realized something serious was up when she saw Sonya still lazing around on the table, not moving.

“Adelle, go through her wardrobe and find the school’s custom dress; Engulite, help prop her up, and I’ll do her makeup.”

“Got it!” “Okay.”

Adelle and Engulite dutifully followed orders, while Sonya let them fuss over her without any resistance.

She was, in fact, still undecided in her heart because she couldn’t determine whether ‘telling the truth at the party’ or ‘receiving a school warning’ was the worse outcome.

If the ‘school warning’ was a negative impact of -100, then the ‘participation in the party’ ranged from 0 to -1000.

Maybe Sonya could keep things within a reasonable scope and perfectly fulfill her duties as the host; but it was also possible that she could blurt out something outrageous, offending all the Professors from Swordflower College and Truth College, becoming the most notorious college student in history.

“Isn’t this the opportunity you’ve been looking forward to?” Lois asked, puzzled, while applying false eyelashes to Sonya. “Two months ago, we signed up together, stood out from over a hundred Female Sorcerer Apprentices, and it was finally after you defeated me and the other senior students in the final selection that you got this chance.”

“You know, the host of the league is often selected from the party hosts, which is why I put so much emphasis on this opportunity with you. If you can really become the host for this year’s league, just having that on your resume is enough to apply for a host position at various channels, not to mention the exposure you’d get in front of millions across the nation… There’s no more comfortable shortcut than this!”

“Even though you’re currently a Research Apprentice for Professor Trozan, you don’t just want to be a Swordcerer who practices every day, do you?”

“What’s wrong with being a Swordcerer?” Engulite retorted with displeasure.

“It’s great for you, Engulite, since you’re not good at socializing and don’t like the spotlight. Being a Swordcerer is indeed the most comfortable and happiest choice for you,” Lois said while applying eye makeup to Sonya. “But Sonya, like me, you’re not someone simple.”

“Radiant and dazzling, the center of attention, sought after by all, a name that resonates across the Stars Kingdom…” Lois said, her lips curving into a slight smile. “First, make a name for yourself at school, then star in movies, release albums… just like Delarose, become the brightest shining star in this sky.”

Sonya blurted out, “How did you know Delarose is my favorite?”

“Who wouldn’t like Delarose?” Lois shot back.

Delarose Lena, the most famous actress in the Stars Kingdom, began acting in movies as a teenager and nearly every one of them is a classic. TV series like “The Queen Returns,” “The Magnificent Rebellion,” and “Don’t Apologize to Strangers” are replayed year after year, and she has won the ‘Holy Grail Best Actress’ award five times, earning the title ‘The First Beauty under the Stars.’

Moreover, she is also a powerful Sorcerer. The news of her stepping into the Tri-wings Sanctuary last year set off cheers throughout Gales.

Even Wealthy Nobles spent a fortune hiring Sorcerers to launch fireworks into the sky for three days straight to celebrate her Promotion to the Sanctuary. For those days, residents of Gales only had to look up when stepping outside to see the words “Congratulations Delarose on your Promotion to the Sanctuary.”

For Sonya, Delarose undoubtedly represented the most beautiful aspiration of her childhood.

As a young girl, her only Entertainment aside from studying was watching the Meteor Channel. When she saw Delarose shining brightly in the movies, receiving awards on stage, and singing songs, that yearning gave her endless motivation.

Back then, she didn’t even dare to hope she could become like her, but she knew that if she didn’t study hard, she wouldn’t even have the chance to approach the beauty on the Holographic Screen.

Lois was right; Sonya wasn’t content with just being a Swordcerer.

Power is important, but it’s not everything to her, not even her goal—it’s just a tool.

Even though she’s no longer a child, Sonya’s desires are still superficial: she wants to step into the Holographic Screen, she wants to be a performer, she wants to sing, she wants to be dazzling, she wants to enjoy the envy and praise of countless strangers…

She also wants to be someone others aspire to be.

Sonya took a deep breath, “Thank you, Lois.”

“You’ve become more straightforward lately, to be honest, it’s kind of disgusting,” Lois said with a laugh.

“Then why are you encouraging me so much?” Sonya asked. “Seeing me about to miss this opportunity, shouldn’t you be secretly pleased and then go laugh about it with the other students?”

The corner of Engulite’s mouth twitched slightly, and Adelle suddenly burst into laughter, covering her mouth. Lois looked a bit embarrassed and pouted, “I would never… Didn’t you also mock me here and there after you won the selection?”

All of a sudden, they were rehashing old grievances. Lois was mentally preparing her ammunition, ready to shut Sonya up with even older incidents as soon as she retorted—

“Because I can only feel confident dealing with you on an equal footing by putting you down.”

As soon as she said this, even Sonya was taken aback, and the dormitory fell into an eerie silence.

Lois was also caught off guard by Sonya’s words and instinctively blurted out the response she had prepared in her head, “You, you even flirted with my admirer…”

“Because I wanted to get your attention, I want you to look at me, I want to keep competing with you. If you were to start dating, I’d feel very lonely.”

Lois was left staring in disbelief.

“I, I’m sorry, I…” She didn’t even know why she was apologizing. “Why then, when we first enrolled, did you have to be so adversarial? I really wanted to be friends with you, but you kept rejecting my kindness, I wouldn’t have…”

“Because you come from a Noble and Wealthy family background, you’ve had a rich childhood full of plenty, while I come from a small village, a wild girl with nothing. I envied you so much that it made me feel inferior. Your kindness felt like charity to me at the time, and to protect the little dignity I had left, I could only use my one defense mechanism—stubbornness.”

By this point, Sonya was completely disheartened.

This was so embarrassing, more so than wetting the bed as a child.

There was no place for her at Swordflower College now; she wanted nothing more than to pick up a train and flee back to her hometown.

This was definitely not her true feelings; it was the Observer controlling her mouth!

It doesn’t count, it definitely doesn’t count!

After a long silence, Lois suddenly said, “Alright, change your clothes. There’s no time for dinner, we need to head straight to the party.”

Sonya was pulled out of the dormitory, and as they were going down the stairs, Lois suddenly leaned in and whispered to her.

“I’ll be watching you.”

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