Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 92: This is My Lifetime Request

The atmosphere in the Treatment Room turned grave.

“You survived the Blood Moon Tribunal, didn’t you?”

“Yes, but my suffering is far from over.” Ashe spoke earnestly, “My enemies still lurk with bated breath, ready to use any means to doom me to death within these prison walls.”

The Medic shook her head, “This is Shattered Lake Prison, a place where the law is as absolute as the Truth itself, no one can break it here.”

“But he could legally push me to the brink.”

“That would only mean you are legally due for execution.” The Medic shrugged, “I’m not saying I don’t believe your innocence, and I do sympathize with your plight, so I will pray for you, pray that you find Redemption in the divine realm of the Blood Moon Sovereign.”

“That’s as much as I can do for you; anything more would exceed my duties.” She warned him, signaling Ashe not to make any unlawful requests.

Ashe waved his hand dismissively, “I’m not about to ask you for anything out of place, and I know my time is short, with execution looming… That’s why I wanted to properly thank you.”


“Medic, it was you who gave me a touch of humanity, a bit of warmth in this cold, merciless prison.” Ashe said with emotion, “To have met you before my end, I die without regrets and am ready to face my fate.”

“I—I’m not as great as you say…” The Medic replied in a low voice, somewhat embarrassed.

“But the terror of life and death is overwhelming, and in the dead of night, I can’t help but curl up, gripped by an unspeakable fear, sleepless and without appetite, living each day in agony.”

“I can help with that,” the Medic pulled out a syringe shimmering with a silver light, “I have a potent sedative that will free you from your troubles with just one injection, but this type of potion always has a side effect: it slows down your thoughts, in simple terms, it makes you a bit… slow-witted.”

“So! That’s why!” Ashe quickly interrupted her, “To have some peace in my final days, I was hoping you could stay with me.”

“Stay with you? How exactly?”

“You know, accompany me during meals, sleep, baths, and so on…”

“No! Absolutely not!” The Medic stood up nervously, waving her hands, “I mean, it’s not that I don’t want to… Yes, there are rules and regulations! We Medics are not allowed into the Prisoner activity Area, we mustn’t get too close to the prisoners! It’s not that I’m unwilling, it’s just not possible!”

Ashe sighed deeply – and this sigh was genuine. Although he had anticipated this response, the Medic’s rapid and vehement refusal without a glimmer of opportunity made him somewhat melancholy.

A little consideration would’ve been nice! Or at least a more convincing act!

Even the Crow Mask can’t hide your reluctance!

“I understand your predicament, and I don’t want to trouble you, but I do need your care and warmth.” Ashe blinked, “I’ve thought of a good idea.”

“What good idea?”

“Basically, you could give me your clothes, and I could hold onto them as if they were you, giving me a sense of warmth every night.”

The Medic fell silent for a moment, then stepped back, her voice trembling slightly, “You… want to sleep… holding my underwear?”

“No need for it to be that personal!” Ashe quickly clarified, “Plus, I’ve never seen your underwear, so I couldn’t possibly equate them to your embodiment, right?”

Finally, the Medic understood, “You mean you want my Crow Uniform?”

“Yes, yes, yes! Do you have an extra set of uniforms?”

“Well, I do have another set for changing. But according to the regulations, I can’t just give my uniform to someone else… And the idea of you hugging my Crow Uniform to sleep at night sounds somewhat…”

Ashe let out a heavy sigh, his face showing signs of dejection, “It’s true, I asked for too much. You’ve already helped me so much, and it would be unreasonable to trouble you further…”

“A person like me doesn’t deserve to move towards annihilation in peace…”

“I was holding onto hopes and chances that I shouldn’t have…”

“I’m sorry, just pretend I was never here. Thank you [222], I won’t forget your kindness…”

Even though he said this, Ashe didn’t get up. Instead, he looked at the Medic with puppy-dog eyes. The Medic had no choice but to click her tongue in resignation, “Alright already, I’ll give you my Crow Uniform. Are you happy now?”

Plan successful!

Ashe was secretly thrilled. He had laid it on thick just so the Medic would offer him the Crow Uniform of her own volition.

After all, he would need to snag a Crow Uniform for his escape from prison later, but he didn’t want to harm the Medic.

Due to his moral standards from a past life, he still held a certain respect for the medical profession, and although survival was paramount, he preferred to avoid conflict if possible.

It turned out his relationship with the Medic [222] was decent enough to leverage a favor when needed. If not now, when? So, Ashe played the sympathy card and feigned helplessness, first asking for an unreasonable request for companionship and then for her clothes. His schemes were layered, slowly prying open the Medic’s heart, luring her step by step into the Abyss of crime.

“Ah, but it seems I can’t.”

Ashe tensed up, “What’s wrong?”

“I just took off my other set of uniforms, and they haven’t been washed yet.”

“I don’t mind!”

“But I do! No, let me wash it first, then I’ll give it to you!”

Ashe was getting anxious, “I actually prefer it unwashed, please just grant me this one lifetime request!”

“No, no, definitely not!” The Medic shook her head adamantly, “Wait for me to wash the uniform first.”

“How long will it take you to wash it?”

“Not long, there’s a dryer in the laundry room, I can get it done in about an hour at most.”

“Then hurry up and wash it, I’ll come back to get it at noon.”

Ashe ushered the Medic out, leaving her confused, “Weren’t you here to chat with me? Didn’t you want me to spend more time with you?”

“Clothes can chat with me, they can keep me company, and they have many other uses too! Now go on, hurry up!”

The Medic, looking bewildered, went back to the dormitory to wash her clothes.

At the Sea-view Terrace, Igor stared at the gradually enlarging black spot on the lake’s surface, his heart pounding and goosebumps rising. He felt his face getting hot and his legs going weak, his whole mind speeding up.

This was nervousness.

This was fear.

But it was also excitement.

This was why he hadn’t stopped after earning so much money. The unease and trepidation before taking action was like poison he couldn’t quit, and now he was about to deceive the entire Shattered Lake Prison and escape from prison in broad daylight.

The thought of countless people being surprised, angry, appreciative, and fearful of his deeds made Igor uncontrollably exhilarated. There was nothing more pleasurable to him than fooling others!

As Igor watched with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety, a steamship billowing thick smoke appeared before him, cutting through the wind and waves toward Shattered Lake Prison.

However, Igor’s complexion turned increasingly unsightly and pale.

The steamship’s hull wasn’t much different from other ordinary military vessels, except for one strange feature: it was covered by a layer of high-strength steel walls that perfectly enveloped the entire ship, making it look like a seamless bullet battleship.

In other words, this ship had no deck exposed to the sunlight; there was no ‘outside,’ every Area was part of the interior of the ship!

As Igor stared in astonishment, the Transport Ship reached Shattered Lake, dropped anchor, and docked. And the first to step off the Transport Ship was a white-haired man dressed in a dark red hunter uniform, wearing a hood, and with a black Sin Hunter Half-sleeve draped over his right shoulder.

Noticing Igor’s gaze, he looked up and met Igor’s eyes, his expression unchanging, as his blood-colored pupils pierced Igor with a sharp gaze!

Igor’s pupils shrank.

A Sin Hunter Half-sleeve!

The department head of the Sin Hunter’s Hall was characterized by wearing a black Sin Hunter Trench Coat, while Captains of the Enforcement Squad, who are at the forefront of the Sin Hunters and represent the face of the Sin Hunter’s Hall, wore the Sin Hunter Half-sleeve as a mark of honor!

In Kaimon City, there were only two Enforcement Squads, and the Captains of these squads were, without exception…

Tri-wings Sanctuary Sorcerers!

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