Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 85: Too Lazy to Write

“Ah! I forgot to wash my clothes!”

Adelle hurriedly flung open her wardrobe, her face the picture of gloom: “I forgot to wash my clothes a few days ago, and now I have nothing clean to wear, Lois—”

“Don’t look at me, blame your own laziness,” Lois replied, tugging at the corner of her mouth. “My clothes are tailor-made. You wearing them even once basically ruins them, especially since you stretch out the chest area… Go ask Sonya.”

Engulite, who had just finished showering, spoke while drying her hair: “I do have some loose clothing, but I’m taller than you, so the sleeves might not fit properly.”

Adelle turned to Sonya with hopeful eyes: “Sonya…”

Indeed, Sonya was the only one in the dormitory whose figure was close to Adelle’s. Seeing that there was no escape, Sonya had to think of an excuse—she didn’t want to lend her clothes to someone else either.

“No borrowing. I don’t like wearing others’ clothes, and I don’t want others wearing mine.”

Lois and Engulite exchanged glances with Sonya, their looks slightly peculiar.

Adelle blinked and had no choice but to borrow clothes from Engulite. But Engulite was a head taller than her, and the Swordsmanship Department girl’s top nearly turned into a dress when worn by Adelle.

That morning, they all had a public lecture to attend, so they headed out together to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Halfway there, a male voice suddenly called out: “Sonya!”

They looked over and saw a handsome blond young man approaching. Lois’s face darkened instantly.

This male student was Merovee, who had pursued Lois in the past. Attracted by his good looks and Noble lineage, Lois had granted him the opportunity to court her, only to have him switch sides after a few coy glances from Sonya, causing Lois to lose face in front of her friends.

“Good morning, Merovee.”

“Good morning, Sonya,” Merovee greeted warmly. “I’ve barely seen you since you transferred to the Swordsmanship Department. What a coincidence to meet you today. How about we have dinner together tonight? It’s the seafood season, would you prefer Gold Coast or Eel Affairs Fish Intentions?”

Lois snickered inwardly. Sonya was now out of Felix’s league and naturally cared even less for Merovee. Merovee’s sudden initiative was likely influenced by his Family, given that Sonya was Professor Trozan’s Apprentice and had the achievement of besting Leoni, almost ensuring her future as a Sanctuary Sword saint.

For a mid-sized Noble house, the addition of a Tri-wings Sorcerer could be tremendously helpful. If Merovee was initially just moved by lust, he was certainly now motivated by gain as well.

Lois knew Sonya would refuse, but the manner of refusal was uncertain, especially since their relationship wasn’t exactly friendly. She wouldn’t be surprised if Sonya took the opportunity to throw some snarky comments her way…

“No, I need to train. I don’t have time.”

“You’re truly diligent, but relaxation is part of better training. If you’re not interested in seafood, we could—”

“I don’t think dining with you would be relaxing.”

Merovee’s face stiffened, and after a curt ‘Excuse me,’ he quickly walked away. Sonya moved on a few steps and noticed the other three hadn’t followed. They were still behind, exchanging looks. Puzzled, she asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” Lois replied, smoothing the strange expression on her face.

The four of them arrived at the tiered lecture hall, and the students they passed all took the initiative to greet them. Not to mention Sonya’s recent maneuvers, even beforehand she and Lois were considered a beautiful part of the school scenery, always surrounded by a crowd wherever they went.

Lois responded enthusiastically to the greetings from her classmates, while Sonya just nodded calmly, not uttering a single word. The other three couldn’t help but feel that their peculiar sensation was growing stronger.

Adelle became pale as soon as they sat down: “Oh no, I forgot to write my short paper! It’s due this class!”

Engulite couldn’t help but take a bit of pleasure in her misfortune: “Then you’re done for.”

The class was “Stars Modern History,” and the professor, Wesley, was over sixty years old, notoriously old-fashioned and strict. Surprise checks and roll calls were routine for him, and if you didn’t complete your essay, you might as well prepare to retake the class next year.

Sure enough, as soon as the white-haired, straight-backed old professor walked into the classroom, he issued the command that filled the students with dread: “Place your papers on the podium for on-site Retrieval.”

With that, the professor flicked his hand, and a One Wing Sorcerer spirit floated to the podium. It might have been just a One Wing spirit, but it was a nightmare for countless students—the ‘Retrieval’ spirit!

As long as the Sorcerer set it up with detailed instructions, the Retrieval spirit could quickly determine whether an article met the requirements. A Sorcerer could even Cast Miracle to link it with the ‘Student information’ in the school’s archives, checking for plagiarism on the spot!

Students handed in their papers one by one, and the Retrieval spirit would lightly touch the document. If the document turned green, it passed; yellow indicated a high similarity index, and red signaled significant suspicion of plagiarism.

The old professor didn’t speak; he just sat there watching everyone hand in their work, only snorting coldly and noting down the Student information when a student failed to submit a paper.

When it was Adelle’s turn, she walked up empty-handed, her bright eyes full of sincerity: “Professor Wesley, I accidentally fell asleep while writing the essay last night, so I haven’t finished it. Can I hand it in next week?”

Professor Wesley glanced at her: “If the similarity index of your paper exceeds 10% next week, you’ll fail the course participation grade.”

“Okay!” Adelle bounced back to her seat, not taking the pressure to heart at all.

When it was Sonya’s turn, she too approached empty-handed, but Professor Wesley’s expression softened a lot: “You didn’t write it?”

“That’s right.”

“Why not? Is it because you have a heavy Training load? I heard Professor Trozan often pulls you aside for extra lessons. Although practice in Magical Factions is important, you can’t fall behind in your cultural studies.”

The other students were filled with envy and resentment—it’s maddening to compare oneself with others. They were all doomed to have points deducted for not submitting their papers, but Sonya had the backing of Professor Trozan, and Wesley was even finding excuses for her!

If Sonya just went along with it and said a few kind words, the old professor might even let her off for this assignment—

“I was too lazy to write.”

The classroom fell silent.

After a brief moment, Wesley displayed a look that seemed to say, “Did I hear that correctly?”: “What did you just say?”

Sonya felt that everyone was acting oddly and was about to repeat herself subconsciously.

But then she snapped back to reality—wait a minute, wasn’t this the moment when I should be using Professor Trozan’s name to compliment Wesley and get him to excuse my paper assignment?

“I…” Sonya opened her mouth: “I can’t be bothered to write such a time-wasting, utterly un-nutritious assignment.”

Looking at Wesley’s face, which seemed ready to erupt with Magma in fury, and the admiring yet suppressed laughter on the faces of her classmates, Sonya finally understood what a ‘Sincerity’ Summoning Ritual truly was!

Observer, meeting you is truly the misfortune of my life!

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