As all the items from the wooden chest were laid out on the table, everyone’s gaze was fixated, including Felix’s—each time he encountered his mother’s legacy, he felt the profound depth of her maternal love.

“According to the rules, I get to choose first.”

“Please, go ahead.”

The stipulations within the oath contract had already determined the distribution method. If there was only a single piece of Treasure, Felix was obliged to compensate Sonya with a substantial sum of money;

If there were two pieces of Treasure, then they would split it equally;

If there were multiple Treasures, Felix would choose one first, then Sonya would select the second and third, Felix would take the fourth and fifth… and so on.

However, the number of Treasures Felix obtained had to be equal to or greater than those of Sonya, and the wooden chest was to remain in Felix’s possession.

Truth be told, Sonya really wanted to contend for ownership of the wooden chest. With this chest that could transport items between reality and the Virtual Realm, she could exchange materials with the Observer, which would be almost transformative for both her and the Observer.

But the contract clearly stated that ‘the container for transport belongs to Felix,’ and Felix adamantly refused to budge, leaving Sonya with no recourse—who would have guessed that the chest holding the Treasures could be more valuable than the Treasures themselves!

Sonya had to temporarily give up; after all, at the end of the day, the Treasure was like an unexpected windfall, so it made sense for Felix to claim a larger share.

If it weren’t for Sonya’s accidental discovery of the Killing Intent Sword, Felix wouldn’t have even considered bringing her into the fold.

Moreover, Sonya had a nagging premonition—

That her Killing Intent Sword might actually be one Felix had lost.

Although Felix hadn’t said so, his ability to detect the presence of the Killing Intent Sword through its aura suggested he had previously possessed a spirit of the killing intent type, likely the Killing Intent Sword itself.

Otherwise, he’d be like a fool who had a wine glass and red wine but no corkscrew—unable to open the wine until someone brought a corkscrew. Even if Felix were that foolish, his mother, who had arranged an Inheritance within the Virtual Realm, certainly would not be.

What’s more significant is the grievously wounded Slaying Fish-Dragon that she and the Observer had fought the day before. Its wound bore a striking resemblance to one inflicted by the Vibration Sword. At the time, Sonya hadn’t paid much attention, as the wound itself didn’t seem to reveal much.

But as pieces of evidence accumulated before her eyes, Sonya had to believe in the truth that her logical deduction revealed, even if it seemed too coincidental:

Felix’s half-materialized Silver Wings;

The Treasure of the Virtual Realm that required the Killing Intent Sword to access;

And the Slaying Fish-Dragon, critically injured by the Vibration Sword.

Clearly, Felix had also encountered a Whirlpool the previous night. After transmigrating through it, he was attacked by the Slaying Fish-Dragon. He managed to inflict severe injuries on it, but ultimately, he perished and lost the Killing Intent Sword.

What followed was the cheerful episode of Sonya and the Observer taking advantage of the situation after transmigrating through the Whirlpool.

With this realization, Sonya found herself not only in possession of someone else’s Killing Intent Sword but also sharing in their Treasure.

At the thought, Sonya’s cheeks reddened, her heart pounded with excitement, and she nervously lowered her head, unable to meet anyone’s gaze.

Otherwise, they might discover the smile she was struggling to contain.

What a thrill!

Is this what they call a win-win?

Stumbling upon the Killing Intent Sword was a win, and using it to share Felix’s Treasure was another win!

Ah, praise the Observer!

May the Observer’s Small Horn stay healthy!

“Sonya, it’s your turn.”

Sonya took a deep breath, holding back her smile, as she looked at the Treasures in the wooden box.

As expected, Felix chose the only real item in the box: the Locket Box.

While it didn’t seem to hold any clues, it was probably an important keepsake from his mother, and it could even be related to the next inheritance. Sonya naturally had no intention of vying for something she shouldn’t take. She glanced at the Treasures in the box and decisively picked the Splitting Sword spirit and the Swordsmanship Orb!

The Splitting Sword wasn’t the best, but it was the most suitable spirit for Sonya because it could be combined with the Vibration Sword to form the powerful Miracle, Rupture Wave Slash!

If she had to rely on her own training to summon it, Sonya estimated it would take her half a year to possibly summon the Splitting Sword. Getting the Splitting Sword ahead of time not only meant saving time but also meant that Sonya could accelerate her Exploration in the Virtual Realm!

In last night’s Battle, Sonya realized her current shortcomings. Although the Water Moon Miracle was indeed powerful, it had disadvantages like being a reactive counter, short attack range, and consuming too much arcane energy. She urgently needed an active output Miracle that could work with the Observer, and Miracle: Rupture Wave Slash was the most cost-effective choice.

Felix also had the Vibration Sword, and Sonya was worried he would snatch the Splitting Sword, so naturally, she had to grab it first. As for the Swordsmanship Orb, there was no need to explain; any sane Swordcerer wouldn’t miss out on such a treasure.

But Felix’s choice was unexpected to everyone: he took the Poison Magic Orb and the Wind Magic Orb.

Wind Magic was one thing, at least it was a legitimate Magical Faction, but Poison Magic was an extremely niche faction. Not only were there no college courses available for it, but there were also no study books on the market, and probably only certain specialized departments would have related materials.

Besides, Felix was the second young master of Vlozrada; his status didn’t allow him to use poison, the House of Nobles wouldn’t allow anyone to commit acts that would tarnish the noble’s reputation!

Then it was Sonya’s turn to choose again. Under the enthusiastic gaze of her roommates, Sonya thought for a moment and took the most valuable Torrent spirit and the Hydrotherapy spirit.

Felix chose the Malevolent spirit and the Foul Wind spirit.

With only two spirits left, according to the distribution rules, Felix had to take more than Sonya, so she could only pick one.

“Which one do you want?” Sonya asked.

“I’m okay with either, you choose.”

“Then I’ll take this one without being polite.”

Sonya took the Weakling spirit, a spirit with low practicality but high value. It could only be activated when the sorcerer was weaker than the enemy, providing all-around enhancements to the disadvantaged sorcerer, including but not limited to strength, agility, arcane energy, and thought speed. The bigger the gap between the sorcerer and the enemy, the greater the enhancements it provided.

It sounds feasible, but the problem is that the bonus provided by the Weakling doesn’t bridge the gap in strength. When both sides are of similar strength, it is utterly useless; when there’s a large disparity, it can’t help the Sorcerer achieve a miraculous turnaround.

On the contrary, it gives the Sorcerer a psychological suggestion: even the Weakling spirit thinks you’re a weakling.

In fact, many Sorcerers’ battles are about who makes fewer mistakes and who holds on until the end. This sort of “you’re a weakling” psychological suggestion can make Sorcerers lose more decisively, even amounting to a curse: the Weakling feels you’re going to lose, and then you definitely lose.

However, the Weakling spirit is highly valuable, as it is one of the few spirits that cannot be obtained through training and learning. It only emerges within the Weakling, by a slim chance, after they miraculously defeat a stronger opponent.

It is also the most mysterious of the Destiny Faction spirits, with immense research value. Hence, there’s a high demand for it on the market, and countless Sorcerers are eager to study the Destiny Faction through the Weakling spirit.

Felix, of course, took the last spirit, “Sorrow Wind.”

Once the Experience Orbs and spirits were distributed, the next item was shared knowledge: the Miracle Procedure! The Contract specifies that the Miracle Procedure, being a kind of knowledge, cannot be copied or leaked. The original record is kept with Felix, but everyone is allowed to view it.

There were precisely ten Miracle Procedures in the wooden box, but only one belonged to the Swordsmanship Department—a combination miracle of the Killing Intent Sword and Vibration Sword, “Evil Light Slash.” It’s a vibration miracle capable of causing dizziness and damage to the enemy. Sonya quickly memorized this miracle.

With that, the box’s Treasure was completely divided. Yet, Adelle picked up the box and examined it closely, squinting. Lois asked curiously, “What are you doing?”

Adelle responded seriously, “I’m checking for a hidden compartment. There might be more treasures inside that Felix will only take out for himself after we’re gone.”

“The Contract states that whatever Felix finds, he must notify us to distribute,” Engulite said with a smile.

“Good, the Contract is really thorough!”

“Likewise, if we discover any secrets within these spirits, we also have to share them with Felix.”

“What? Why should we? Once the spirits are in our hands, they’re ours!”

Lois looked at Sonya, who pondered for a moment. “I took the Swordsmanship Orb and Splitting Sword for myself. I’ll divide the Torrent, Hydrotherapy, and Weakling spirits among you three, how about that?”

They naturally had no objections. After all, Sonya had contributed capital to the group, and the other three were simply taking advantage of her presence. If Sonya had been bolder and not brought them along, she could have split the profits 64-36 with Felix. But for the sake of safety, she preferred to share her benefits and use the other three as a shield.

“But since you’re not Sorcerers yet, I’ll hold onto your spirits for now and return them when you’ve grown up.”

Adelle was taken aback, “This sounds somewhat familiar…”

“Alternatively, we could sell your spirits and split the money three ways. What do you think?”

Lois shook her head first: “I want the Torrent spirit; the Torrent spirit is the most valuable, I can offer some extra money to compensate them.”

Like ‘Rapids’, ‘Torrent’ is also a superior spirit of the Water Department and even has the additional effect of fast movement. Lois naturally wouldn’t miss out on this opportunity.

Adelle looked at Engulite: “I want the Hydrotherapy spirit; my mom said being a Medic is in high demand…”

Engulite seemed indifferent: “Then I will take the Weakling spirit.”

With the benefits distributed, Felix was about to offer to send them back when Adelle asked, “Is there any pastry here? Do you have any black tea?”

Felix was taken aback: “There are some in the kitchen…”

“So is it tea party time next?” Adelle said excitedly, “I’ve never had a tea party in such a luxurious villa! I need to take lots of photos later!”

“Photos?” Felix’s voice rose in pitch.

Adelle said matter-of-factly: “Of course, I have to take photos, otherwise, isn’t this trip a waste?”

This time Lois was on Adelle’s side: “Everyone saw us leave in your car, taking a few tea party photos would also help explain where we were this afternoon.”

“Yes, yes, that’s what I meant!” Adelle nodded vigorously and ran up the stairs: “I’m going to see what pastries are in the kitchen!”

Lois and Engulite exchanged glances and sighed, following her. A secret shared is indeed the best lubricant; after this Treasure event, the relationship between Engulite, Lois, and the others had unconsciously become much closer.

Sonya walked to the staircase and turned to look at Felix, who was still sitting, “Aren’t you coming?”

“I’m not interested, you guys have fun.” Felix was holding the Locket Box he had just acquired: “Plus, I have things to do.”

Sonya nodded, “You don’t plan to learn Swordsmanship anymore?”

Half of the spirits and Orbs in the Treasure had nothing to do with Swordsmanship, and among the Procedure miracles, there was only one Swordsmanship miracle; the rest were Composite Miracles of Wind Magic, Water Art, and Poison Magic. This was the Treasure his mother left for him; clearly, she did not arrange a path of Swordsmanship for him.

“Professor Trozan is a good teacher, I still need his protection for the time being,” Felix smiled: “I will continue to learn Swordsmanship, just not as good as you.”

“The second young master of the Vlozrada Family needs protection?”

“Don’t talk about just a second young master, even the Duke of Vlozrada has to be careful of revenge lurking in the shadows.” Felix said with a cold laugh.

Sonya raised an eyebrow: “Your Noble circle is really chaotic.”

“But aren’t you still trying to be a part of it?” Felix shook his head: “Sometimes, I actually envy you, Sonya Therave…”

“Alright, a Noble young master who has had everything since childhood shouldn’t say such disgusting words.” Sonya waved her hand, “However, since I’m your senior and now I’ve also benefited from this Treasure, it’s only right that I tell you something in advance.”

Felix curled his lips, somewhat resigned to Sonya’s self-proclamation as his senior—after all, Professor Trozan had taken on Sonya as an Apprentice before him. In terms of seniority, Sonya indeed had the edge.

“If you ever find yourself embroiled in Noble feuds, on the run and in desperate need of help, with no place to call home…”

Felix felt a twinge of surprise. He had brought up the Duke of Vlozrada, and yet Sonya dared to meddle in his affairs? This forced him to reassess his opinion of Sonya’s character—

“…just remember not to come looking for me,” Sonya instructed. “In order to clear myself of suspicion and protect my own future, I would certainly play nice at first to keep you around, then bring in the authorities to capture you, exchanging you for a title and reward.”

“There, I’ve said it in advance. If you ever have a sudden lapse of judgment and decide to place your hopes on me, don’t blame me for being ruthless and turning my back on you.”

Despite being the complete opposite of what he had expected, Felix found his understanding of Sonya’s character profoundly updated.

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