Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 69: Finding Teammates

“Slay Me Miracle, Slay Me Miracle…”

Igor paced back and forth in the room, unconsciously biting his nails, unable to hold back his question, “Are you really confident that you can perform a Miracle without the use of arcane energy?”

“There’s no certainty,” Ashe said calmly. “Moreover, I definitely can’t use it now; I still lack a key spirit to form the Slay Me Miracle.”

“How will you—”

“I told you, I have a secret channel for acquiring spirits. I don’t know when I’ll find that key spirit, but it’s only a matter of time.”

Igor opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it.

Without Ashe saying, Igor naturally couldn’t guess what that ‘secret channel’ was, but he had little doubt about the truth of the matter.

Because of the Libra spirit.

If Ashe had the Libra spirit a few days ago, he wouldn’t have been unilaterally bound by Igor’s Contract spirit.

Although it was possible that Ashe was feigning weakness, Igor had been the one to provoke him; how could Ashe have possibly set a trap specifically for Igor?

Rather than believe in such a conspiracy theory that only had a probability of being true, Igor preferred to believe in Ashe’s potential.

It wasn’t because Igor was naively optimistic and charming, but because Ashe had already personally performed one miracle after another.

In a Deathmatch with Igor, he went from a complete novice who couldn’t even fight, to a skilled boxer in a matter of minutes;

In a Deathmatch with Valcas, he went from a novice who couldn’t even hold a sword, to a Swordsmanship expert in a matter of minutes;

During the Blood Moon Tribunal, he was unafraid of the Flames of Atonement, even though he was the Death row inmate with the deepest sins.

With the sudden appearance of the Libra spirit, Igor felt he had no reason to doubt Ashe. Even if Ashe’s ‘secret channel’ seemed almost like a pipe dream under the prison’s surveillance, in this world of Sorcerers, Miracles were the most common inevitability.

Besides, Ashe Heath was the Leader of the Four Pillars Cult…

Igor’s expression changed unpredictably, and with gritted teeth and a stomp of his foot, he exclaimed, “Let’s do it!”

“However, just the two of us won’t be enough to escape from prison; I must recruit a few more people.”

“Of course,” Ashe smiled. “The reason I approached you first is that you must be familiar with the other Death row inmates’ information. After all, I’m a stranger here and need a cunning and resourceful ‘local’ to build the team.”

“Thanks for the compliment. As a Con Artist, intelligence is my weapon,” Igor bowed elegantly.

“So, whom shall we recruit?”

“I already have a preliminary plan. Assuming you can use Slay Me Miracle to remove the Chip Restrictions, we need three types of people: a vanguard responsible for breaching operations, a demolisher responsible for sustained output, and a logistics support responsible for rapid movement and healing.”

“Sounds like we’re looking for specialists with high professional standards. Can we find them?”

“Are you joking?” Igor laughed.

“Scoundrels, murderers, black market smugglers—aren’t these three types everywhere in Shattered Lake Prison?”

Stars Kingdom, Gales.

Engulite curiously watched the scenery of the villa district from the car, while Adelle excitedly touched the decorative leather inside, feeling the luxury. Lois, embarrassed by her companion’s behavior, quickly restrained Adelle’s hand and, attempting to make conversation, said, “Thank you for the tea party invitation, Felix.”

“There’s no need to thank me,” Felix replied gloomily as he drove. “It was Sonya who insisted on bringing her roommate, so that’s why you were invited… If anyone, thank her.”

His tone was brusque, betraying his foul mood and a lapse in the basic aristocratic etiquette, which frightened Adelle enough to stop her from touching anything further.

Lois, not wanting to poke the bear, covertly observed Sonya, who sat in the passenger seat, wondering about the nature of her relationship with Felix.

Earlier that day, Sonya had suddenly approached them, mentioning that Felix wanted to invite them to his villa for a tea party.

Tea parties were a common student affair, usually involving a few students gathering at a scenic spot to enjoy pastries and tea while gossiping and stirring rumors—a lot of campus rumors started at such gatherings.

Lois had attended her fair share of tea parties, even hosting a few to spread rumors about Sonya—if not for slander, the gatherings would lose their appeal.

Thus, it puzzled her why Sonya would want to have a tea party with her, given that it was an activity for like-minded individuals to engage in gossip. Lois didn’t see her relationship with Sonya being close enough to comfortably speak ill of others behind their backs.

Even if Sonya wanted to bring friends to the tea party, it would have made sense to invite just Engulite, given their recent closeness. Why include Lois and Adelle?

Furthermore, considering it was Felix’s tea party and the infamous rumors surrounding the playboy Duke’s son, Lois’s thoughts immediately turned to the worst. Words like ‘Noble young master,’ ‘basement,’ ‘imprisonment of a young girl,’ ‘abuse,’ and ‘Slave’ flooded her mind.

Before Lois could refuse, Sonya suggested they inform their parents about attending Felix’s tea party. If anything untoward happened, it would surely be the misdeed of the second young master of the Vlozrada Duke…

Such thoughtful advice left Lois confused, but Engulite seemed to catch on, asking Sonya if they were needed as witnesses. Sonya didn’t specify, but promised that attending the tea party would bring benefits, especially related to Sorcerers.

If Felix had sinister intentions, then they would be in trouble, which was why Sonya stressed the importance of informing their parents.

The more Lois heard, the more it sounded like a bait to lure naïve girls. Normally, she would have refused, but considering it involved Felix and Sonya—who had both reminded them to notify their parents—and her own interest in acquiring the Rapids spirit from Sonya, she couldn’t afford to offend her.

Above all, Engulite had agreed to go.

In her words, “In the world of Sorcerers, to take risks is to move forward, to be cautious is to fall behind. If I’m not willing to take even this small risk, I might as well go back home and get married.”

Perhaps it was the young girl’s yearning for adventure, or maybe it was the hints of arranged dates subtly dropped by her parents during her last visit home, or it could simply be her unwillingness to show cowardice in front of the person she disliked the most, but Lois eventually agreed to the tea party invitation.

As Lois’s sidekick, Adelle almost didn’t think twice before deciding to come along.

However, after getting into the car, Lois’s anxiety gradually subsided. Not only because many students saw them getting into Felix’s silver sedan, but also because the car was heading towards the villa district in Gales, an area under constant surveillance by security eyes, and even more so as it is part of Gales’s Core Area, a place where crime was unlikely to occur.

The silver sedan pulled up to a luxurious villa, and Adelle looked around curiously: “Where are the servants?”

“There are no servants,” Felix said indifferently. “Housekeeping staff are only hired to maintain the villa when I’m not here. Otherwise, there’s no one else around.”

Adelle naively asked, “Without servants, how do we hold the tea party? Are we going to brew the tea and make the pastries ourselves?”

Lois, embarrassed, pulled her little sidekick aside to explain the situation.

Felix led them into the villa’s grand hall and, under the disdainful gaze of everyone, summoned a scantily clad, one-winged, beautiful girl spirit.

As if a mechanism had been triggered, the fireplace suddenly opened to reveal a secret spiral passage leading underground.

Sonya complained, “Do you have to make it this creepy and scary? Do you usually have hobbies like luring young girls, murder, dissecting bodies, or skinning?”

“Secrets are always associated with fear, darkness, and murder, not because they’re inherently so, but because they’re too weak and need to put on a show to protect themselves,” Felix retorted irritably. “Do you want me to change the location to the school cafeteria?”

“If it’s the school cafeteria at midnight, that might still meet your standards.”

Sonya muttered and followed Felix down the spiral passage, while Engulite took a wooden sword out of her Sword bag and followed closely behind. Lois and Adelle exchanged glances, hugging each other tightly and nervously following at the back.

Lois was starting to regret her decision.

It wasn’t that she feared for her safety; she even believed that she would gain something from this experience. But all gifts come with a price, and as a cost, she had a premonition that she would become bound with Sonya and Felix, forming an alliance of mutual interest.

She suddenly remembered a phrase her merchant father had told her:

“Interest is the most stable relationship, secrets are the strongest bonds, and accomplices are the purest of friends.”

After about thirty seconds, they arrived at an underground Training Hall.

Shockingly, the lighting system here wasn’t the civilian-use coal gas incandescent lamps, but a Device Spirit Item ‘Daystar’, which illuminated the vast underground room as bright as day—knowing that even Swordflower College’s Training Hall at night is lit by only one ‘Daystar’, one could see the extravagance of Felix from this detail.

Upon arriving here, Felix seemed to unload a burden and a mask, busying himself with a bottle of wine from the corner icebox and blowing across the top in obvious displeasure, he said, “I’ve kept my promise and fulfilled your request. You’ll have to deal with what comes next on your own.”

Engulite stood at the top of the stairs, blocking the two behind her, and asked, “Sonya, can you explain now?”

“No problem,” Sonya said with a smile. “It’s simple—”

“Felix has a Treasure, and he wants to split it fifty-fifty with me. But with such a good opportunity, how could I possibly forget about my dear roommates? So I brought you all along to share in this Treasure.”

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