Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 66: The Aftereffects of Death


In the Meditation chamber, Felix let out a muffled groan, clutching his stomach and covering his nose as blood continued to flow unabated, drenching his forehead with cold sweat.

His abdomen was filled with the sensation of death.

It wasn’t pain, but emptiness.

It felt as if a void had suddenly appeared between his upper and lower body. Even as he clutched his stomach, it felt like he was holding a piece of pork, completely devoid of the sensation of touching his own body.

This was the aftereffect of dying in the Virtual Realm—his soul had been severely wounded, to the point of losing his sense of reality.

With a faint wail that seemed almost inaudible, the ruby on Felix’s necklace shattered into pieces, and a single-winged spirit made of light dissipated into the air.

This was the Device Spirit known as ‘Dragon’s Belly Scales,’ whose effect was to transfer all the death damage received in the Virtual Realm to the abdomen. It was also the secret behind the enduring strength of the Vlozrada Family.

When a Sorcerer dies in the Virtual Realm, the fatal blow reflects upon the soul, causing a deficit in Soul Energy.

An incomplete soul cannot pass through the Gate of Truth, and therefore, a Sorcerer cannot enter the Virtual Realm until the Soul Energy is replenished.

And since the soul is closely linked to the body, the loss of any part of Soul Energy can result in a temporary ‘soul disability’ for the Sorcerer.

In simple terms, if the chest soul is wounded, then the heart will maintain a low-frequency beat for a long time, preventing the Sorcerer from engaging in any physical activity;

If the limb soul is wounded, the Sorcerer might not be able to control his or her hands and feet;

If the head soul is wounded, the Sorcerer will fall into a coma.

It is only when the Soul Energy is restored that the Sorcerer’s bodily functions will return to normal.

Therefore, sailing across the Sea of Knowledge, a goal that seems not too difficult, is an unreachable horizon for many Sorcerers—not all Sorcerers can devote themselves to full-time training. Life is not just about the distant future; it must also consider the immediate struggle for survival, and each death in the Virtual Realm inflicts substantial losses on the Sorcerer.

Although death is inevitable and soul injury is certain, Sorcerers still think of numerous ways to minimize losses.

For example, by ensuring each death inflicts damage on non-critical body parts.

‘Dragon’s Belly Scales’ is a legendary miracle passed down within the Vlozrada Family. The Family’s Sorcerers extract the miracle’s effect and, through a complex Ritual Track, insert it into a gemstone, creating a temporary ‘Device Spirit.’ When a Family Sorcerer dies in the Virtual Realm, the ‘Device Spirit’ within the gem activates, transferring all death damage to the abdomen.

Aside from a significant decrease in digestive capabilities requiring a few days of a liquid diet, the Sorcerer almost pays no other price.

Furthermore, the Vlozrada Family possesses another miraculous technique, ‘Dragon’s Banquet,’ which allows for rapid restoration of soul energy in the abdomen through consumption of food, thus reducing the cooldown time for re-entering the Virtual Realm.

With these two miracles, the Vlozrada Family’s Sorcerers can reduce the losses from Virtual Realm death to a minimum, greatly enhancing the efficiency of Exploration in the Virtual Realm, and significantly increasing the odds of producing Gold Two-Wings and Sanctuary Tri-wings Sorcerers. This is the foundation of Vlozrada’s prosperity for hundreds of years.

Other noble Families, such as the Dukes, also possess similar methods. An excellent system for cultivating Sorcerers is almost a standard for centuries-old Nobility; otherwise, the loss of talent in a single generation could spell the end for once-glorious Stars Nobility.

In the face of the Virtual Realm, all Sorcerers are equal, but some Sorcerers manage to secure more equality than others.

However, minimizing the cost of death is already the limit; what needs to be lost will still be lost.

Felix introspected his spirit and suddenly felt like he was about to faint as darkness threatened to overtake his vision.

His Killing Intent Sword spirit was gone!

When a Sorcerer dies in the Virtual Realm, there’s a high chance of losing a spirit because spirits reside within the soul. When a part of the Soul Energy is lost due to death, that part might just contain a spirit, which could be lost along with it.

The more spirits one has, the greater the chance of losing them, and the greater the number!

Despite being mentally prepared to lose spirits, Felix did not expect to lose his most important Killing Intent Sword on his first death!

It was an heirloom from his mother, one of the legendary Secret Sword Twenty-One Spirits!

Spirits of this caliber are almost impossible to purchase, and even if they were available, Felix, the unfavored Noble young master, would not be able to afford it!

Moreover, Felix hadn’t fully mastered the knowledge of the Killing Intent Sword, meaning he couldn’t summon it on his own!

A small consolation for Felix was that his Silver Wings had already condensed by half, shortening his cultivation time by more than a year.

He also didn’t expect to encounter the natural marvel of a Whirlpool within just a few days in the Virtual Realm.

No Sorcerer would miss such an opportunity, let alone a revenge-seeker like Felix, thirsty for power. However, after transmigrating thousands of miles through the Whirlpool, what appeared before Felix was a Growth Stage Slaying Fish-Dragon!

In the Knowledge Creature compendium, Slaying Fish-Dragons are considered quite strong, especially one in its Growth Stage!

Knowledge Creatures are divided into Juvenile Stage, Growth Stage, Maturity Stage, and Perfect Form amongst others. In the outer regions of the Sea of Knowledge, one would typically encounter only Juvenile Stage creatures, while the inner regions may have Growth Stage creatures, and the core regions might have a chance to present Maturity Stage creatures. As for Perfect Form, they do not appear in the Sea of Knowledge.

Knowing death was inevitable, Felix used all his skills in a life-or-death struggle, hoping to slay the Slaying Fish-Dragon first. But in the end, with too few spirits and insufficient methods, Felix inflicted serious damage on the Slaying Fish-Dragon but ultimately fell to its sharp tail fin.

“Lost the Killing Intent Sword, but condensed half of my Silver Wings…”

Felix sighed, finding it difficult to judge whether he had gained or lost.

Arcane energy is, of course, incredibly important to a Sorcerer, but the Killing Intent Sword was a vital lifeline for his current predicament—if not for the Killing Intent Sword, he wouldn’t have survived several assassination attempts.

“But now, I can inherit more of my mother’s legacy.”

Felix’s face darkened, his fists clenched tight, “Just wait, Bessel, one day, I will make you kneel and apologize to my mother…”

Due to her physical weakness, and having not moved all night, she was feeling a bit uncomfortable in her chest and found it hard to breathe steadily. Since she was alone in the Meditation Room, she unwrapped the bandage around her chest, allowing her two “big white rabbits” to leap out and breathe the free air, and she relaxed completely, resting against the wall for a good while.

After half an hour, Felix got dressed and left the Meditation Tower, stepping into the sunlight that Radiant Star cast down.

But having just experienced his first death, Felix soon felt a sudden loss of control over his lower body while walking. He stumbled and was about to fall when he quickly braced himself with his Sword bag.

“Heh, Master Vlozrada, why are you in such a bad mood early in the morning, taking it out on the ground?”

A hand reached out from behind and pressed on Felix’s shoulder, helping to stabilize him.

Felix turned around and said calmly, “You seem to be in a good mood, did you have a good harvest?”

Sonya walked past him with a clear and spirited demeanor, raising her eyebrows, “You could say that. You’ll find out in Professor Trozan’s office this afternoon.”

Smugness personified.

Although Sonya’s talent in Swordsmanship was indeed one in a million, Felix also noticed her character flaws: vanity, an inferiority complex combined with arrogance, and being cunning without wisdom… Without her Swordsmanship talent, Sonya wouldn’t be much different from the vulgar Female Sorcerers he had encountered.

Now, she was at best a rustic girl with a talent for Swordsmanship.

How… enviable.

Others might think Felix was also a Swordsmanship genius, but he knew very well that if it weren’t for the ‘Affection’ spirit left by his mother, he would never have been able to cultivate Fluctuating Stance to the level necessary to summon a spirit so quickly.

For this, he had paid a significant price—back when he had no arcane energy, the only way he could stimulate the ‘Affection’ spirit was by constantly changing girlfriends to provoke resonance with the spirit. This led to his notorious reputation and he was almost considered a disgrace to the Vlozrada name.

But things were different now.

After the transmigration through the Whirlpool, Sonya was far behind him, with no qualifications to compete with him.

His targets should be the Orange Dancer, Leoni, and those monsters at Truth College—


Felix suddenly felt a familiar flow.

He looked up and saw many students sneaking glances at Sonya.

The news of Sonya ‘defeating’ Leoni had spread through all the Sorcerer Colleges in Gales by the previous day, and Sonya had undoubtedly become the most prominent student at the moment. She seemed to enjoy this attention quite a bit, leaving with a calm and low-profile demeanor.

However, Felix felt that Sonya seemed to draw a kind of energy he was very familiar with from this attention!

‘Blindsight’ spirit, activate!

Felix closed his eyes, and in an instant, the world disappeared from his sight. In the pitch darkness, he saw wisps of blood-red smoke flowing into Sonya’s location!

That was Killing Intent!

And the Passive Effect of the ‘Killing Intent Sword’ was precisely the ability to absorb the killing intent others produced towards oneself!

Although there are many spirits that can absorb killing intent, Felix was somehow very certain that Sonya had just recently obtained a new ‘Killing Intent Sword’ spirit!

Could it be that the ‘Killing Intent Sword’ she acquired was the one taken away by the Slaying Fish-Dragon from me?

This thought had barely surfaced before Felix dismissed it—how could it be such a coincidence?

Moreover, the place where Felix battled the Slaying Fish-Dragon was near the Whirlpool. If it were such a coincidence, wouldn’t that mean Sonya also happened to transmigrate through the Whirlpool? But before Felix died, he clearly saw the Whirlpool shrinking almost to the point of disappearing.

Sonya must have just been lucky enough to obtain a wild ‘Killing Intent Sword’ spirit.

Felix felt so envious that he started to get hungry—an aftereffect of his Soul damage. Any emotional fluctuation he experienced directly affected his abdominal organs. A good mood would make him feel full, while a bad mood would make him unbearably hungry, and he couldn’t indulge in rich foods, or else he’d be left dealing with intestinal blockages and constipation.

Once he calmed down, Felix considered whether there was any possibility of obtaining the ‘Killing Intent Sword’ from Sonya.

But he quickly shook his head.

If he wanted to steal it, Professor Trozan was backing Sonya;

If he wanted to buy it, there were many who desired the Killing Intent Sword, and he lacked the capital to compete.

Yet the Killing Intent Sword was crucial for him. If there was no hope, he would let it be, but now there was a chance to recover his loss…

Felix gritted his teeth, opened his eyes, and called out loudly to Sonya, who had not yet walked far away:


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