Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 62: Curse it, He Bluffed His Way Through

“Just leave the way you came in.”

Ashe instantly understood, “Are you talking about… the ship that transports death row inmates?”

The Medic nodded, “Shattered Lake Prison is located in the middle of Shattered Lake. Besides shipping and flying, there are no other modes of transportation. However, the airspace nearby is a military no-fly zone. All flying objects are subject to scanning and verification, and any without flight permits are shot down by the prison’s Lex Rapid-Fire Cannons; and in the sea, there’s a large group of finger sharks. Unless you’re Merfolk, even a Sorcerer specializing in defense would find it hard to swim away.”

“The only method of escaping from prison, from beginning to end, has been one: leaving on the ship that transports death row inmates. Even for us and the Prison Guards who want to travel to and from Shattered Lake Prison, that’s the ship we take, no exceptions. The prison supplies are also delivered when transporting prisoners.”

Although anyone could guess that the ship would be heavily guarded and it was impossible for a death row inmate to hide on board and escape, at least there was a correct direction to think about. This avoided the embarrassing situation where Ashe might consider digging through the sewage to escape, only to disturb the finger sharks during their mealtime.

“Is there really no exception?”

Ashe just asked casually without much hope, but after thinking for a moment, the Medic nodded.

“There actually is one. According to the law, if a mayor faces extremely serious accusations during their tenure, but no key evidence like memory evidence is found, they must immediately step down from all positions and be temporarily detained in the nearest Blood Moon Prison—Kaimon City’s only Blood Moon Prison is Shattered Lake Prison—to be isolated until the investigation by the Sin Hunter’s Hall is concluded. They may either resume their office or be incarcerated on the spot depending on the outcome.”

Ashe was somewhat surprised, “If no memory evidence is found, doesn’t that indicate innocence?”

The Medic nodded and then shook his head, “Generally speaking, yes. But among Sorcerers there are spirits capable of rewriting memories, such as ‘Overwrite,’ ‘Cut,’ and ‘Erase.’ Although editing memories is a grave crime, and both the Sorcerer and the subject would be severely punished, many unclean politicians and councilors would rewrite memories. The Sin Hunter’s Hall can’t distinguish true from false immediately.”

“For investigations concerning important individuals, they usually search the memories of all close associates. The memories of others can also serve as evidence for conviction. If no evidence is found, it suggests that the accusations are false.”

“Has there ever been a case where a mayor was imprisoned?”

“It’s happened about three or four times in history, I think? I only remember that each time it ended with the mayor resuming their office, their reputation greatly enhanced, and even winning reelection.”

“Does that mean the mayor was actually innocent?”

“That’s the general assumption,” the Medic said indifferently, “After all, there’s no loophole in the procedure.”

“But even the best system is implemented by humans.”

“Is that what you told the hunters when you were caught?”

That topic passed quickly. Incidents like the mayor’s imprisonment and isolation were too rare to be factored into any plan.

Ashe came up with a few outlandish ideas, such as swapping places with a Prison Guard, clinging to the underside of the ship, or hiding in a garbage water bucket. The Medic rejected each of his ideas one by one and expressed fear regarding the last one.

In the midst of their conversation, the sound of a bell suddenly rang from outside. The Medic let out an “Ah” sound and said, “It’s already midnight. You should hurry back to the dormitory. If you encounter a Prison Guard, just say you were delayed by treatment. Don’t take any detours on the way, as wandering around at night on purpose will cost you Contribution points.”

Ashe nodded, slipped on the pair of ‘Dark Monarch’ series Boots that Nago had given him, and felt that these cool boots were a total mismatch with his prison outfit. Wearing such nice boots without a matching set of cool clothes just didn’t seem right.

“Wait a minute,” Ashe suddenly realized something. “What time is it now?”

“It’s midnight sharp. That was the bell to remind Sorcerers to enter the Exploration in Virtual Realm because after midnight, the Blood Moon strengthens our connection with the Virtual Realm, allowing our Soul Energy to recover faster while we’re exploring.” The Medic shrugged. “But that doesn’t really concern you.”

Ashe blinked, a bead of cold sweat running down his forehead.

He used to enter the Virtual Realm around ten o’clock at night with the Swordswoman. Now…

The Virtual Realm, the Sea of Knowledge, Inheritance Island.


Thunder, entwined with iron whips, roared wildly, the thunderous iron whip breaking everything in its path. The air was filled with stray electrical arcs, and the sandy ground was split into glassy crystals!

“Embrace justice and conceal danger, thus connect to dreams and communicate with spirits.”

The Thunder Holder chanted strange and difficult verses with a hoarse voice. He was bare-chested, his brown skin covered in dark tattoos that resembled mathematical figures, his face hairless, his eyes bloodshot, and he wielded the spinning thunderous iron whips as if they were barriers of thunder protecting him on both sides!

Sonya was panting heavily, supporting herself on the ground with her wooden sword. Her hair was still dotted with burnt ashes, her face filled with fatigue and fear, her figure blurred and dim, as if she might be swallowed by the white mist at any second.

‘So quickly I’m about to suffer my first death in the Virtual Realm, yet Felix hasn’t died once. Wouldn’t I be a step behind him in Professor Trozan’s eyes if that happens? But I heard from senior Leoni that she gave up her first death on her second entry into the Virtual Realm… I wonder if that’s true…’

Sonya was not afraid of death. A Sorcerer is bound to die in the Virtual Realm eventually. Even the legendary Sorcerer from the Stars Kingdom, the ‘Spellbinder’ Metas, had said he died twenty-one times in the Virtual Realm and was quite proud of it—’Among those with Quadruple Wings, I’m one of the ones who died the least.’

For Sorcerers, dying in the Virtual Realm is like taking a day off. Although you don’t want it to happen, there’s nothing you can do when it does. You just have to accept the bad news and think about how you’ll spend the holiday time when you don’t have to clock in and work in the Virtual Realm.

Sonya also knew that dying early wouldn’t affect Professor Trozan’s assessment of her. Dying early is just bad luck, and dying late isn’t necessarily a good thing.

Some losses and some lessons must be experienced personally by the Sorcerer to gain experience.

But as a young person, who hasn’t harbored such fantasies—

‘Maybe I could become the first Sorcerer in history who never dies in the Virtual Realm.’

Watching her achievement slip away, Sonya wasn’t too discouraged; after all, being able to last until her fourth entry into the Virtual Realm before succumbing to her first death was an accomplishment that defeated 99% of Sorcerers.

The vast majority of Sorcerers face their first death upon their first entry into the Virtual Realm, with drowning being the most common cause—despite countless notes from Sorcerers emphasizing not to dive into the Sea of Knowledge. Yet, for a Sorcerer soaking in the water, it’s hard to resist the urge to peek at what lies beneath the waves.

Is there fish? A seabed? Treasure?

Curiosity is something Sorcerers are never short of.

So, after suppressing her longing for the seabed, Sonya turned her gaze to the surrounding white mist.

Calling out several times with no response from the Observer, Sonya had to accept the fact that this time the Observer did not join her in exploring the Virtual Realm—a normal circumstance, as exploring the Virtual Realm in solitude is the everyday norm for a Sorcerer. Having the chance to explore with an Observer was a miracle in itself, akin to a student bringing a teacher as a reference tool during an open-book exam.

However, Sonya was not uneasy. On the contrary, she felt like a child who had slipped away from parental supervision, excited to explore the Virtual Realm on her own.

Yet Sonya soon found herself in a state of bewilderment. Without the guidance of an Observer and with the thick white mist obscuring her vision, she had no idea where to go and could only swim in a random direction.

Swimming was far more draining on her Soul Energy than sitting on the Boat, and after more than an hour, Sonya felt more exhausted than when she used to help her mother harvest wheat as a child. She even considered exiting the Virtual Realm voluntarily.

But it seemed the Virtual Realm didn’t plan on letting Sonya leave empty-handed; her random flailing led her to discover an Inheritance Island.

Sonya hurriedly went ashore to face the challenge, confidence brimming within her. Clutching the ‘Water Moon’ Miracle, capable of counterattacking Senior Leoni, she even felt there was nowhere in the Sea of Knowledge she couldn’t tread.

Then she was thoroughly beaten.

The Sorcerer on Inheritance Island was a Thunder Magic practitioner wielding two Nine-section Whips. In terms of Faction strengths, both Thunder Magic and Swordsmanship are known for their aggressive attacks and do not have a relationship of restraint.

However, from the very first contact, Sonya was whipped around like a top by the Thunder Holder.

The Thunder Holder didn’t use many spirits, but his combat system and experience completely overpowered Sonya. He infused his Thunder into the Nine-section Whips, which could strike from afar like a spear and sweep close like an iron chain; his attacks were as fierce as thunder, his defense as formidable as a thousand-pound barricade.

When he danced with his Thunder Whips, Sonya didn’t even dare to get close.

Her Vibration Sword was nullified by the Whip’s shield, her Moon Silk was easily torn apart by the Thunder Whip, and even the Counterattack Miracle ‘Water Moon’ that Sonya had high hopes for was easily pierced and neutralized by the Thunder Holder’s distant thrusts of his Nine-section Whip—although ‘Water Moon’ was powerful and fast, its range was still too short.

No wonder they say the Virtual Realm is the best teacher—Sonya had to admit she had learned her lesson. She had always thought that Swordsmanship was merely a medium for casting spirit spells, but witnessing the impeccable skill of the Thunder Holder with his Nine-section Whip, she realized she was far from his level—a truly powerful Swordsmanship should be adaptable to any situation, rather than being helplessly thrashed about as she was now.

However, Sonya wasn’t one to resign to her fate.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the sea behind her; the edge of the island was not far off.

If she timed it right, there might be a chance to escape.

The Thunder Holder would surely pursue her, but he would never leave the island; Sonya’s only hope was that the water could shield her from his attacks long enough to make a getaway. Once she reached a safe area, she would have time to look for the Gate of Truth among her spirits and exit the Virtual Realm, returning to reality.

She silently swore to herself that she would sign up for swimming classes tomorrow—doggy paddling was just too slow.


The Nine-section Whip in the Thunder Holder’s right hand suddenly transformed, morphing into a spear-like Thunder Whip that thrust forward with the speed of lightning!

Right now!

Sonya launched a Vibration Sword attack and, using the momentum, retreated and jumped towards the sea.

But the Thunder Holder seemed to have anticipated this move; his left hand whipped out the Nine-section Whip, spinning it in the air like a lightning boomerang, aiming for Sonya’s legs!

This was it.

Sonya had to jump up, or else the spinning Nine-section Whip would entangle her legs and trip her on the spot, and the electricity wasn’t just for show—the intense current could incapacitate her in seconds!

But jumping would play right into the Thunder Holder’s hand, as his Thunder Whip spear would extend to pierce her chest!

She had to bet she could jump faster than his spear could thrust!

Sonya clenched her teeth and leapt back, narrowly escaping the maximum reach of the Thunder Whip spear. Just then, the Thunder Holder flicked his wrist, and a spiral thunderstorm erupted from his wrist to the tip of the spear, with the front section of the Thunder Whip exploding outwards like a thrown dart, accelerating towards Sonya!


Sonya was shocked and couldn’t help but curse, praying for a miracle.

And a miracle did happen—with a thud, Sonya found her back hitting something, stopping her mid-air!

In this vast sea, what could possibly be on the surface?

Could it be that a Mud Fish Dragon decided to jump out for a breath of air and just happened to collide with her in a boating accident?


Facing the approaching Thunder Whip, deathly fear washed over Sonya, her mind went blank, and she instinctively closed her eyes.



After waiting for two seconds, Sonya realized she hadn’t left the Virtual Realm, and more importantly, she found herself standing on solid ground, not falling into the sea. She opened one eye to assess the situation.

In front of her, there emerged a barrier like the body of a sword, with the Thunder Whip creating ripples upon it but never breaking through.

Looking down, she saw the familiar Boat.

“With me here, you’re really lucky.”

Turning her head to see the Observer emerging from the white mist, Sonya had only one thought:

Damn, he got to show off.

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