Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 48: Awakening Battle Record Water Moon


In the noisy and chaotic Combat Hall, amid the tense moments of battle, Sonya suddenly heard a melodious sigh.

Then her vision split in two.

On one side were the faces of the other students in the Combat Hall—some sneering, some expectant, some envious, a myriad of expressions all different yet part of the same tapestry.

On the other side, she saw a woman… someone very much like herself.

Although she bore a strong resemblance, Sonya was certain that the woman was not her.

The woman stood on a lake bathed in moonlight. Suddenly, a huge horned monster charged at her from afar. As the beast charged, it stirred up a dark maelstrom, a destructive torrent that seemed to obliterate the sky and could even obscure the moonlight, as if darkness itself was collapsing!

Compared to this, the woman seemed so fragile, so insignificant!

Yet, she didn’t dodge in the slightest. Instead, she stood her ground, summoned her spirit, and then—

With a single sword strike!

The darkness was cleaved in twain, and the pure light shone through the creature’s split form, illuminating her ferocious and elegant sword posture!

Sonya couldn’t make out her movements clearly, nor could she see what kind of spirit she had summoned, but somehow, Sonya felt that she could imitate it.

The desire to mimic was so strong that Sonya’s body started moving on its own!

‘Not abandoning the sword, huh…’

Leoni, dancing in the air, couldn’t help but score her junior high when she saw that Sonya made no move to concede. Conceding in a battle that seemed lost was the logical choice, but it’s only through stubborn persistence that miracles could be born.

Without the courage to challenge the strong even in such a safe environment, how could one ever forge a sorcerer’s resolute heart to face real-life dangers?

True to the Hidden Hand Sword Saint’s reputation, he has taken a fine apprentice…

Though appreciative in her mind, Leoni would not hold back.

It was not just about upholding the dignity of a Rhythm Sword Saint, but also because engaging with full force was the ultimate respect for a Swordcerer!

Miracle Melody Rhythm – Third Movement!

As Leoni launched her attack, she noticed Sonya making a strange move—she performed a Sword-drawing technique.

At the same time, many moonlit threads appeared around Sonya, each one connected to her body, as if she had turned herself into a trap.

A trap?

A mutual destruction?

Many thoughts flashed through Leoni’s mind, but she still swung her sword—when faced with an unseen change, a Swordcerer has only one way to respond, and that is to cut through all obstacles with the blade!

Forward, forward, forever forward!

This is the way of life for a Swordcerer!

The golden sword light shone again in the hall, but just as the sword light touched the moonlit threads, Leoni immediately sensed something was amiss—the Melody Rhythm couldn’t cut through the threads!

No, it wasn’t just the moonlit threads!

Upon closer inspection, each thread had water flowing along it, not only deflecting the impact but also giving the moonlit threads unparalleled tensile strength!

No, the water wasn’t just deflecting the impact!

Leoni’s eyes widened as she realized that the moment her sword light touched the threads, all energy was being channeled towards Sonya, who was in a Sword-drawing stance. The threads and Sonya formed a spring system, and when impacted by an external force, Sonya, connected to the threads, would unleash the most ferocious counterattack!

Water flow… moonlight threads… and the Vibration Sword…

This was a Counterattack Miracle!


As Sonya swung her sword, releasing a Vibration Sword Qi that left only a blur to the eye, Leoni finally emerged, her Feathered Armor visible and her hands empty.

Clap, clap.

When the broken wooden sword hit the ground, the people in the Combat Hall still hadn’t grasped what had happened.

“Leoni… lost?”

The speaker’s voice trembled, as if fearing they were fabricating facts, spreading rumors, a truth that would demand accountability.

“She lost… The Orange Dancer lost…”

“Leoni has been defeated by Sonya!”

“What was that move? I’ve never seen such a Miracle… A new Miracle!?”

“Sonya, who became a Sorcerer just a few days ago, has beaten the complete Silver Sorcerer Leoni!”

“A freshman has toppled a fourth-year!”

“My god, am I witnessing the rise of a new Sword saint!?”

Amidst the shouts, cheers, and exclamations of the crowd, Leoni looked at Sonya, who was drenched in sweat and barely able to stand, and smiled as she asked, “What do you call that Miracle?”

As if the image of the woman dancing with her sword under the moonlight appeared again in Sonya’s eyes, the name came out without a second thought:

“Water Moon.”

At that moment, Engulite, who was watching the duel with flushed excitement, suddenly raised her right fist and shouted, “Sonya!”

Freshmen from the Swordsmanship Department cheered in unison: “Sonya! Sonya! Sonya!”

Supporters of the Orange Dancer weren’t to be outdone: “Leoni! Leoni! Leoni!”

For a time, only two names echoed in the Combat Hall: Sonya and Leoni!

“After today, you will become one of the brightest jewels of Swordflower College.”

Leoni raised her eyebrows, “Just like me.”

Sonya managed a weak smile, but her body could no longer hold up, and she started to fall.

Leoni reached out to support her, and as their eyes met and they shared a smile, the crowd erupted in applause.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Felix and Lorein, who had been fighting to a standstill and were out of breath, also gradually stopped as they saw this scene, feeling as if all their strength had left them.

They looked at each other, sharing a wry smile, and helplessly shook their heads.

This strife that had started because of them, in the end, they weren’t the protagonists.

For them, natural talents who had always been the center of attention, nothing was more uncomfortable than being ignored.

Suddenly, Lorein threw down his wooden sword, “Stand still, let me land one punch.”

Felix was taken aback, but Lorein walked straight over and punched him in the face, sending him flying.

“Remember this punch, Felix, not all women are for you to provoke,” Lorein said before turning and walking away.

Felix sat on the ground, looking at the two people in the center of everyone’s attention in the hall, and sighed softly:

“Yes, indeed.”

At that moment.

Felix was unaware, and neither did anyone else notice, that suddenly two visitors without shadows appeared behind him.

They were invisible to everyone in the venue. When they spoke, all the commotion was automatically blocked out, and the world seemed to exist only for the two of them.

“I remember, losing to ‘Orange Flash’ Leoni was one of your few great humiliations, wasn’t it?” the Observer teased.

The Swordswoman remained calm in response: “Not really, I beat her three years later, and I didn’t take it to heart.”

“To be able to remember for three years…” the Observer muttered, then turned to look at Felix sitting on the ground. He took out a Handbook from his bosom and flipped to a certain page.

“However, it’s unexpected that the Evil Duke, notorious as he is, was once a Swordsmanship prodigy. His handbook doesn’t record this experience.”

“As a member of the Vlozrada Family, it would be more surprising if he wasn’t a Swordsmanship prodigy.”

“Could it be that because of this learning experience, the Evil Duke learned how to counter Swordcerers, laying the groundwork for his future title as the ‘Sword Saint Burier’?”

“Who knows? No one can predict how their choices at the moment will affect their future self. All Sorcerers are the same kind of creatures, digging with their hands on the land of fate for the future they want, but inadvertently they might dig their own graves… We are all fools digging our own graves.”

“Why so sentimental all of a sudden? That doesn’t sound like the Death Maniac Swordswoman I know,” the Observer said with a laugh. “Just a touch of the present Sonya causes such a big change in you?”


The frosty blade of the longsword kissed the Observer’s neck, and the Swordswoman said coldly, “Don’t take me for a fool like that girl, you’re just another of my defeated, mind your attitude.”

The Observer raised his hands in surrender, “Sorry, I was out of line. If you’re really angry, take it out on Ashe, I don’t mind.”

The Swordswoman snorted and sheathed her longsword.

“Speaking of which, the Water Moon Miracle I’ve seen before wasn’t like this. Could it be that, even in this state, you still have the leisure to improve Miracles?” the Observer asked curiously. “I thought we were all the same, only capable of decline, not of increase.”

“You’re wrong, this isn’t a brand-new improvement, but an outdated remnant,” the Swordswoman shook her head. “What you saw was the most perfect ‘Mirror flowers and water moon,’ before that, I created many different Versions. The ‘Moon Silk’ and ‘Rapids’ combination is one of them. Although it’s not powerful, not fast, and not strong in defense, it is perfectly suitable for the current Sonya.”

“Indeed,” the Observer nodded. “There’s no best Miracle, only the most timely one. Heh, I’m looking forward to seeing what Sonya, who is not deeply resentful, will look like.”

“You might as well worry about Ashe, today is the day of his Blood Moon Tribunal.”

“Why worry?”

The Observer chuckled, but that cold, mirthless, sarcastic laugh made the Swordswoman subconsciously grip her sword’s hilt tighter.

“The Four Pillars are watching him.”

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