Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 40: Observer Father

After parting ways with Engulite, Sonya walked alone to the Meditation Tower, and asked in her mind, “You just said that I could use the Rapids spirit on my own?”

“Yes,” the Observer walked alongside her, “Don’t you have a bit of a foundation in the Water Art Faction? I remember that the core spirit of one Swordsmanship Miracle is the Vibration Sword combined with the Rapids.”

“Do you know the specific trick to that Miracle!?”

Sonya immediately became excited. If she could master a Swordsmanship Miracle, not only could she gain the appreciation of Professor Trozan, but she might also qualify to participate in the Intercollegiate League of Gales, and use her solid abilities to knock on the door to high society—

“I don’t know.”


“But since you have these two spirits, you can invent this Miracle on your own.” The Observer spoke with ease, “Isn’t the wonder of being a Sorcerer the ability to combine any number of spirits into incredible, dazzling Miracles?”

“I’ve also asked Professor Trozan, but even for him, creating a Water Sword Miracle based on the Vibration Sword and Rapids would take several months…”

“How can he compare to you? You are the Swordswoman I’ve found.”

Sonya pursed her lips. She wasn’t a three-year-old child; she wouldn’t believe such flattery that came without cost—If you really thought so highly of me, why not just tell me the Procedure for the Miracle?

I would remember your great kindness, and once I rise to the top, wouldn’t I repay you?

Even if you die before I reach my zenith, I would surely prepare a grand funeral for you!

Her eyes shifted, controlling her mental fluctuations as much as possible, and she continued the conversation, “So, Observer, you took the Substitute spirit because you intended to give me the Rapids spirit? You’re so kind to me~”

The Observer suddenly shivered and moved a step aside, seemingly uncertain and wary, as his dim face watched Sonya.

Sonya maintained her sweet smile, exerting all her effort to control her thoughts, desperately trying not to let the Observer hear her true Inner Voice.

“…Enough, stop probing. I took the Substitute spirit because I need it.”

“With your level, you would need a One Wing spirit?”

“First of all, there are no weak spirits, only weak Sorcerers. That’s a principle that should be taught in every Sorcerer’s textbook.”

The Observer continued, “Secondly, I am now just a weakling, weaker than you, and also in danger. My body is imprisoned in the Prison. I am not only weak but also lost many memories during the awakening process, so I need to learn the common knowledge of Sorcerers through you.”

He is weak now… does that mean he was strong before?

Lost memories… could it be a Miracle that erodes memory?

No wonder he asked so many foolish questions; he was really foolish.

But even Sonya, who didn’t read much fantasy literature, could immediately conjure up a plethora of plots like ‘Return of the Strong’, ‘Fall of the Legendary Sorcerer’, ‘Awakening of a Great Being’ in her mind, and couldn’t help but get excited—

Isn’t this the potential stock she had always been looking for!?

Although the Observer’s current situation isn’t great, given enough time to grow, he’s sure to become an unparalleled powerhouse, a towering figure who will reign over his own domain, basking in glory and wealth!

With ordinary potential stocks, one has to consider the odds, but with the Observer, it’s a return to the peak. As long as there’s enough time, success is almost guaranteed!

Sonya has always been indifferent towards Felix simply because she hopes to find a potential stock herself. After all, the benefits of being a Noble aren’t easy to come by. Even if Felix, the Noble’s son, is a fool, his parents are not. To rely on the power of a great Noble family, one would have to make significant sacrifices—real flesh and blood sacrifices, with no hope of escape unless a child is born.

If she could marry a potential stock, not only could Sonya enjoy wealth and honor, but she could also maintain her autonomy and not be voiceless in her family.

Although the Observer is her superior, the principle of choosing a marriage partner is similar to choosing a superior.

Rather than join a large organization later and become just a cog in the machine, it’s better to be a founding member of a startup with a potential stock superior!

“Observer, what dangers do you face? Do you need my help? Speak freely! To protect your safety, I am bound by honor!”

“… During our next Exploration in the Virtual Realm, if we come across the spirit needed for the Slay Me Miracle, let it be mine.”

“The Slay Me Miracle?”

“Oh right, I haven’t told you yet. I’m currently imprisoned in a Prison, and I need the Slay Me Miracle to escape.”

After the Observer explained the Slay Me Miracle in detail, Sonya was astounded—if she remembered correctly, this was a Miracle not yet registered in the Stars Miracle Catalog!

A Miracle that has never appeared in the Stars Kingdom!

And it’s an extremely practical one that a Silver Sorcerer could use, a Swordsmanship Miracle for self-healing!

Although Sonya couldn’t sell this Miracle—she couldn’t reveal its origin nor did she meet the conditions to create one (she didn’t even have all the spirits), and selling it would only get her accused of stealing someone else’s patent by the Sorcerer Association—if she could license and sell the Miracle Technique, the money she’d make could turn her into a wealthy woman in Gales!

That’s why Sonya, with her small-town mindset, is just that—small-town. Being discovered by the Observer for her Swordsmanship Talent and taken on Virtual Realm Adventures only made her ‘grateful.’

However, when the Observer gave her a Miracle Technique, one that she couldn’t currently use or sell, Sonya was so thrilled she could hardly contain herself, simply because it held more value in the Stars Kingdom.

This is called the future’s promises not outweighing the present’s paycheck, spiritual satisfaction cannot replace material satisfaction.

“This, this is a Swordsmanship Miracle you invented?”

“Not at all.”

The Observer glanced at Sonya.

“This is a Swordsmanship Miracle I stole from an enemy.”

Sonya blinked, “Will there be trouble if I use this Miracle?”

“You can rest assured, my enemy will definitely not appear before you.”

He paused, “Definitely not.”

Does that mean the original inventor of the patent is already dead?

Sonya’s heart raced with excitement. Once she fully deployed her Silver Wings and gathered all the spirits for the Slay Me Miracle, couldn’t she claim the Miracle as her own and license it for sale? Such a small perk, a minor benefit, surely wouldn’t matter to someone as important as the Observer, right?

“Okay, I will definitely put extra effort into the Exploration in the Virtual Realm, to help you collect all the spirits for the Slay Me Miracle. By the way, there’s something else I’ve been wanting to discuss with you…”

“Let’s talk about it in the Virtual Realm,” the Observer stepped into the Meditation Tower. “There’s plenty of time in there, you can discuss whatever you want. By the way, didn’t you hate that I could hear your Inner Voice? I’ve decided to respect your wishes.”

A smile spread across Sonya’s face. “Are you going to stop monitoring my thoughts?”

“No, I’ve decided to stop seeking you out,” the Observer shrugged. “You won’t have to shout ‘Observer’ in your mind before you go to the bathroom or take a shower anymore; I’m not toilet paper or a towel.”

“How did you know that I shout your name in my mind before I go to the bathroom and take showers?”

“That’s not important!”

The Observer waved his hand dismissively. “From now on, if you have anything to say, save it for the Virtual Realm. I won’t appear in your normal life anymore.”

“If… if you’re not listening to my Inner Voice, I still welcome you. Even if you insist on listening, I think I’m almost getting used to it…”

Sonya’s response was hesitant, clearly conflicted. She undoubtedly detested the Observer for invading her privacy, but it was precisely because of this that she could reveal her true self in front of him without wearing any masks.

That’s why Sonya seemed so pleased when she previously suspected that the Observer was a shadow of her own mental split.

An intelligent existence that knows everything about her, yet can’t affect her social relationships, is that not the ideal confidant?

“You talk as if your daily life is so exciting, as if I desperately want to see it.” The Observer crossed his arms. “I have my own things to do; I don’t have the time to watch a college student’s campus life every day.”

“In short, the few hours in the Virtual Realm are our time to communicate. Other than that, I won’t bother you. Even if you call for me, I won’t appear.”

“What if I have something very urgent to tell you?”

“Then it’s no use looking for me,” the Observer spread his hands. “The me that appears before you is just an illusion; I can’t even pick up a hair. I can’t offer any substantial help. If you call for me, all I can do is laugh at you.”

“Laughing is fine,” Sonya insisted stubbornly. “Will you appear when I call for you?”

“It’s a request that’s hard to refuse. But I’m curious, do you need me so much because I fill the void of the fatherly love you missed out on as a child?”

“Do you want me to call you ‘Daddy Observer’?”

“Forget it, just call me Observer,” he backed off quickly. “Otherwise, I’ll have nightmares.”

As they spoke, they arrived at the Meditation Room. Sonya sat cross-legged, glanced at the Observer beside her, took out the Vibration Sword spirit, and sought the Gate of Truth to enter the Virtual Realm.

Watching Sonya close her eyes and establish a connection with the distant Virtual Realm, the Observer suddenly let out a sigh.

How terrifying…

In just two days, she had actually found a way to conceal her Inner Voice, even capable of deceiving me in her mind…

Truly worthy of the Swordswoman bearing the name ‘Death Maniac’…

This Talent, this flair, allowing her to uncover her own potential ahead of time, is it a good or a bad thing…

But that’s no longer my concern.

The Observer shrugged his shoulders, his figure disappearing from the Meditation Room.

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