Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 26: Hunting Records

A gun rang out, and both dove in opposite directions to evade the Shot Bullets!

However, suddenly there was an explosion in the air, and the Shot Bullets fired by the Hunter burst into Scattered Bullets, inevitably grazing both Ashe and Sonya!

Ashe thought it would be painful, but as the Shot Bullets passed through his body, he only felt as if he had lost something, as tired as if he had just run a 400-meter race.

He then remembered that he was in a state of consciousness, not a real physical body, and being hit by the Shot Bullets only meant a loss of Soul Energy.

Unlike Ashe, who had an epiphany, Sonya, who had taken an advanced course in the Virtual Realm, had anticipated this.

After Evading, she immediately charged at the Hunter, raising her wooden sword and slashing from afar. The blade gathered a misty white light, transforming into a crescent wave with her swing, charging towards the Hunter!

“Vibration Sword!”

This was the Secret Spirit of the Vlozrada Family: the Vibration Sword! A rare Long-range Attack spirit in the Swordsmanship Faction, capable of deriving powerful Attack Miracles like ‘Rupture Wave Slash’ and ‘Silver Wheel Burst’!

“With three thousand skills, a Gun in hand, swiftness is unbreakable, nothing is indestructible!”

The Hunter chanted while dodging, the barrel of his Long gun glowing faintly, and he fired another Shot Bullet! It looked like an ancient flintlock!

But prepared Ashe and Sonya were no longer flustered. Not to mention Ashe’s evade, which was as clumsy as a rolling donkey, Sonya performed a Laido quick draw, stepping forward and unleashing a Cyclone Vibration Slash!


Not only was the Shot Bullet directly deflected, but the Hunter a few steps away also took a fierce slash from the Cyclone Vibration Slash, even severing the barrel of his Long gun!

Without further ado, Ashe charged forward to bear-hug the Hunter. Sonya, recovering from the Stun of the Laido, took two steps in three and raised the wooden sword for a heavy slash!

Without a sound, the Hunter dissipated into a thick fog under the critical hit of the wooden sword, and a notebook bound in leather fell onto the rocky ground.

“Hey, hey, hey, you almost blew my head off!”

Ashe, seeing the wooden sword embedded in the rock, touched his head with a lingering fear.

“It was just a little bit off.” Sonya’s tone was full of regret as she bent down to pick up the leather notebook, flipped through a couple of pages, and then shook her head, handing it to Ashe.

Ashe took it and saw that it was a… well, Hunting Records?

The first page was information on a mouse, detailing the mouse’s weight, size, fur color, cause of death, and even included a photo of the mouse pinned to the wall with an arrow.

The second page featured a spider, the third a rabbit, the fourth a roe deer… The tenth page finally offered some variety, not only because the prey was a ferocious carnivore, a wild wolf, but also because the notebook’s owner had learned a new skill: he had killed the wolf with a trap.

By the twenty-third page, the entry recorded was an Orc Soldier clad in full armor, wielding a Long gun.

The following twenty pages were all about Orc Soldiers who were shot dead, but what attracted Ashe’s attention more was that the owner of the notes seemed to have abandoned his past archery skills and taken up the Long guns brought by the Orc Soldiers, using traps in the jungle to single-handedly confront an entire Orc army.

The notes did not disclose any details about the owner himself, but Ashe could vaguely discern a story: a boy born into a family of Hunters in a jungle village, inheriting his forebears’ hunting skills. However, the sudden appearance of an Orc army destroyed everything they had. Their bow and arrow techniques, once their pride, could not penetrate the armor of the Orcs, whereas the Orcs’ firearms could easily shatter their bodies.

The boy abandoned his bow and arrow, quickly learned Gun Technique, and then hunted Orc Soldiers like the Grim Reaper in the jungle he could navigate with his eyes closed, seeking revenge for his villagers.

The expressions on the faces of the Orcs before they died revealed the horror of the boy: the first few Orcs died peacefully, likely taken by surprise during their private moments; the later ones died with faces increasingly filled with terror, clearly attempting to flee; the last of the Orcs had even discarded their weapons, hiding in the bushes, faces full of devotion as if praying to be overlooked by the Grim Reaper.

After the Orc Soldiers were all dead, the owner of the notes seemed to have gone through a period of confusion. The hunting targets in the notes included animals, Humans, Orcs, Goblins, Wealthy individuals, bandits, prostitutes, and ordinary people.

A hundred pages later, the note owner’s hunting targets suddenly became fixed: Orcs.

For a full three hundred pages, all the data was about different Orcs hunted by the note owner.

Although not mentioned above, Ashe could infer a thing or two from the causes of death of the Orcs:

Firstly, the Orcs were all killed by the owner of the notes with a ‘Devotee Model 5 Standard Rifle’;

Secondly, there was more than one bullet hole on the bodies of the Orcs.

Thus, Ashe deduced that the note owner must have joined the military, killing Orcs in the war.

He killed not only Soldiers but also children, women, the elderly, and even his own comrades… No matter who the opponent was, he never changed his weapon, always using a Shot Bullet to end their lives.

Later on, the note owner seemed to have prospered and settled down, not only because his hunting targets were herbivores like rabbits and deer, but also because the people who died by his hand were no longer soldiers or bandits, but maids, servants, and Slaves.

It is worth mentioning that the frequency of the servants’ deaths was not slow.

He probably had an estate, with many servants at his service, but due to the aftereffects of the war, he was always armed, and would shoot the servants without hesitation whenever he felt suspicious…

Suddenly, an old woman appeared in the hunting notes.

Ashe guessed she was probably the wife of the note owner, because the look in her eyes was not one of terror, fear, or confusion, but of pity.

Pity for the note owner.

When Ashe turned to the last page, he was sure that the deceased listed there was the note owner himself:

“Cabin Storley”

“Human Race   Male   56 years old”

“Weight: 72 kilograms”

“Height: 1.76 meters”

“Features: Brown skin, abundant hair, body odor.”

“Cause of Death: Killed by an arrow.”

In the photo was a dignified, weathered old man, who had raised his handgun towards the enemy. However, he would never get the chance to pull the trigger, as an arrow pierced through his eyes and into his brain.

Ashe didn’t know who killed him with the arrow—it could have been a past enemy, possibly the old woman’s son, or maybe a thief breaking in to rob the place. Ashe also didn’t know why the battle-hardened man was slower than the arrow this time—was it due to a sluggish body, or did he underestimate the bow and arrow?

Regardless, Cabin Storley’s Hunting Records end here, though perhaps his name will appear in someone else’s records.

Turning to the last page, Ashe found a medal made of iron tucked inside. Ashe didn’t recognize the text on the medal, but since it was made of iron, it probably wasn’t very valuable; it was likely the first medal Cabin earned in his life.

Perhaps this medal represented the golden moments of Cabin’s life.

Ashe picked up the medal and felt a warm current flow into his hand, followed by a message popping up on the Holographic Screen:

“Rapid Fire”

“One Wing spirit”

“Restriction: Must possess a ranged shooting tool.”

“Basic Effect: After making one shot, you can immediately make a second shot.”

“Passive Effect: Increases accuracy of ranged shots.”

“‘Sometimes a few seconds too slow can’t be caught up with in a lifetime.’”

Simultaneously, an automatic message popped up in the game:

“Currency for recharge detected, would you like to exchange for Points?”

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