Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 252: Reduced to Tears

Red Death Eater: “Thank you, I really like it.”

Black Butler: “Huh? Do I get one too? After all, I haven’t really talked much with you… Heh, it’s quite nice though.”

Deya: “White Queen, let’s just let it go this time. After all, we didn’t tell her in advance.”

“Exactly, exactly.” Lise nodded vigorously. “It’s all the shopping channel’s fault, with their endless variety of attractive items. If it’s not a limited-time deal, then it’s a special sale day, or they’re giving away a free gift… I didn’t do it on purpose.”

Seeing Lise’s pitiful look, White Queen sighed, “Just spoil her! In the end, if anything goes wrong, we’ll still be the ones to handle it.”

“It’s a habit.” Black Butler remarked, “Isn’t it always us who clean up after Deya’s messes? Whether it’s herding one sheep or two, it makes no difference.”

Red Death Eater: “We are experienced; we perform our duties faithfully.”

“Why are you bringing me into this?” Deya protested, “I haven’t been much trouble to you guys recently!”

Black Butler scoffed, “Is that so? Then who was it that the Observer had to stay behind for a counseling session last night?”

Lise blinked, “What’s going on with you guys and the Observer?”

“Nothing.” White Queen quickly replied, “Lise, this time your initiative is excused, since we didn’t explain the importance of that money to you. Ignorance is no crime…”

“I realize my mistake!”

White Queen continued, “I’m not looking for you to admit you were wrong, but I hope you can also consider things along with your sister. We are now forced to obey Annan’s orders, our freedom restricted, and that 10,000 copper coins represents the most liquid asset we currently have. We could have used it for many other things… like giving gifts to others, something you did well, Lise.”

“But giving gifts isn’t done simply by handing them out. There are two parts to it: the ‘gift’ and the ‘giving.’ The act of giving is as important as the gift itself. Like this time, you gave gifts to everyone, and while that seems nice, there are many issues upon closer examination.”

“For instance, everyone sees the gifts, which leads to comparisons. Comparisons breed hierarchies, and hierarchies define closeness or distance in relationships. Someone like Igor would surely check the price of each gift privately. If his gift isn’t the most valuable, his fondness for you would reset; if his gift is the least valuable, he might even hold a grudge.”

Deya was surprised: “There’s such a strategy?”

“However, Igor doesn’t have the Bracelet connected to the Curtain, so we don’t have to worry about that for now,” White Queen said. “Besides, giving everyone a gift never has the same impact as giving a gift to someone individually. If you were to give Ashe a gift alone, it would make him ten times happier. But giving gifts to everyone might only make him three times happier, even if the gift is perfectly suited to his tastes.”

“Why?” Lise didn’t understand. “Isn’t it all the same?”

“What if Ashe made a Red Velvet Cake just for you, would you be happy?”


“But what if, when you’re about to eat it, he divides the cake into five parts and gives them to other people? Would you still be as happy?”

“Hmm…” Lise pondered deeply. “But I think I could eat half the cake… And wasn’t the Red Velvet Cake made especially for me?”

“Lise is smart to catch the key point so quickly,” White Queen praised. “‘Made especially for me’ is the key in gift-giving. Just like a cake meant to be shared with everyone, you wouldn’t feel it was made especially for you, and naturally, you wouldn’t be as happy.”

“The same goes for your gifts. If everyone receives one, they might think their gift was just something you handed out casually. Only by giving privately can you make them feel valued.”

Lise nodded thoughtfully, “White Queen makes a good point… From now on, when I give gifts, I’ll trick them by saying, ‘This gift is just for you, no one else has one. I spent a lot of time picking it out just for you, don’t tell anyone else, or I’ll be embarrassed.’”

Black Butler: “Lise’s sly way of thinking unexpectedly aligns with mine. Shall I take over her training?”

White Queen: “Don’t cause trouble. One of you is already enough of a headache for me. Lise, I won’t say much more, but I just want to tell you that our wisdom can help you, and we won’t refuse your proposals. If you want to buy gifts, we’ll agree and discuss with you what gifts are better and when it is appropriate to give them.”

“Lise, most of the time we won’t hinder your actions, but you must not act on your own while we’re all in the Virtual Realm.”

“To be honest, I’m heartbroken—not because you’re mischievous, but because I didn’t earn your trust.”

“No!” Lise quickly shook her head. “I didn’t—”

“You bought the items before we returned and didn’t tell us about it until the delivery arrived and you couldn’t hide it anymore.”

White Queen calmly stated, “You clearly don’t trust us, thinking we would cancel the order, so you waited until the dust settled to tell us, forcing us to accept the outcome, right?”

“I, I didn’t mean to…”

“You weren’t trying to hide it from us? Not trying to force us to accept the outcome? You don’t mistrust us? Your actions certainly don’t show that.”

“You still want to argue now.”

“I hate children who are dishonest.”


Tears dropped heavily onto Lise’s hands as she faced downward, not looking in the mirror, her shoulders trembling slightly, her nose twitching.

(Whoa.) Black Butler: (Such a familiar scene, Deya was also scolded to tears like this once.)

Deya: (I was never cried after being scolded by White Queen!)

Red Death Eater suddenly jumped in: (Ah? Then who was it that needed to cry on my shoulder after being scolded?)

Deya: (Definitely not me!)

Black Butler: (Speaking of which, Deya still has a meaningful existence. It’s precisely because of practicing with Deya that White Queen got so good at teaching children.)

Deya: (We’re all perpetually 15 years old! We’re not children!)

Black Butler: (We average 15 years old, but Little Red is probably 12, I’m a normal 15, and White Queen is mature like she’s 28, so that puts Deya’s age at about…)

“I, I…”

Lise choked up with tears, rubbing her eyes, which only made her cry more. Stifling sobs, she said, “I was just afraid of being scolded… I didn’t dare tell you… I don’t mistrust you, I’m really not a bad child… please don’t hate me…”

Sensing the moment was right, the White Queen softened her tone: “Of course we won’t hate you, no matter what happens, we will always love you.”

“So, Lise, do you know what to do next time something like this happens and we’re not around?”

Lise sniffled, “Wait until you come back and then tell you.”

“What if it’s something urgent that requires immediate decision?”

“Then I’ll make the decision first and tell you as soon as you return.”

“That’s our good Lise.” The White Queen smiled. “I forgive you this time. What about you?”

Deya: “You having Ashe apologize to me was the best gift, I’m very satisfied.”

Black Butler: “I enjoy seeing Lise cry, I choose to forgive, as it will only encourage her. Then when she makes a mistake again, she’ll be scolded by the White Queen.”

Lise vigorously wiped her tears and declared loudly, “I won’t make the same mistake again!”

Red Death Eater: “Ignore her, Black Butler always speaks harshly, but she was actually pleading with the White Queen on your behalf just now.”

Black Butler: “My intention was clearly for the White Queen not to stop…”

“But,” Deya asked, “besides the gifts for us, there’s a lot left over. What are those?”

“They’re gifts I bought for myself!” Lise exclaimed with wide, red eyes, giggling, “The best gifts I always keep for myself!”

After a brief silence, the White Queen helplessly said, “Also, when you give gifts, don’t let the recipient find out you bought better things for yourself.”

“Why not?”

“Because even we would dislike you for that!”

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