Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 194: The Weaving Festival and the Echoer

The “Gospel” is a Boon from the Omniscient Weaver, a miracle beyond the reach of mortals, an omnipotent wishing machine, the foundation upon which the Gospel Kingdom operates.

But it is, after all, just a tool.

Even the greatest tool, weathered by the long passage of time, will eventually lose all its sanctity. To utilize a tool is to embody wisdom, and even more so, the instinct of a Sorcerer.

“If the ‘Gospel’ is a spider’s web spread across the nation, then the Firm is like the insects wriggling through the web,” chuckled the Purple Moth. “The Gospel doesn’t make mistakes; it’s just… slow.”

“By transferring talent before the Ranking List is set, one can affect the hierarchical status of two cities. There are many, many rules like this that can be exploited. For instance, the Gospel does not allow us to directly obtain someone’s specific information and current location. However, if you ask in a roundabout way, you can still achieve your goal—you can’t ask for someone’s location, but you can ask for the location of their car.”

“The work of the Firm is to exploit known loopholes in the rules to fulfill various commissions,” Annan said, flicking the rim of his glass lightly. “It’s a very dangerous Occupation, because the Gospel doesn’t make mistakes; it’s just slow. When it realizes that there’s an unusual tremor in the web, the insolent insects that dare to defile it will meet the fate they deserve.”

Igor frowned and said, “If the Gospel despises those of you who exploit loopholes, then why does it allow you to be on the list?”

“Because the web still has eyes,” Annan whispered. “As long as there are eyes in the web, there will be a space for Firms like ours to exist. The day the Firms are completely annihilated, that will also mean the reality is about to turn into paradise.”

“A paradise where everyone is involved in intense competition, constantly striving for higher rankings?” Ashe pondered and then shuddered: “Sounds more like hell, doesn’t it?”

“I think it’s quite nice,” Harvey interjected. “The corpses of Sorcerers who died suddenly are excellent material.”

Annan looked at Igor, then pointed at Ashe: “Is the environment in your Blood Moon Kingdom so harsh that even those who detest competition can become Two Wings Sorcerers?”

“Still, the same rule applies: personal actions must not escalate to the level of the Kingdom,” Igor said with resignation. “So, we, the People from the Exotic Lands, are we just tools for you to exploit loopholes? The Contract is for 101 days, during which there is an important Ranking List assessment?”

“That’s correct.” Annan nodded in satisfaction. “Mr. Bukin, if it were the past, I would have very much liked to invite you to join the Funeral Firm, but unfortunately, that’s not possible now.”

Igor’s expression cooled slightly: “Miss Annan, I don’t think it’s wise to reveal your killing intent 101 days in advance.”

“You misunderstand me deeply,” Annan said, spreading his hands. “What I mean is, by joining my plan, not only will I benefit in ways that are hard to articulate, but you will also transcend the ordinary and stand at the pinnacle of the world.”

“I’m not afraid of your retaliation, because in 101 days, you will only have gratitude towards me.”

“Our goal is not the ordinary Ranking List, but the Weaving Festival that occurs once every fifty years!”

Our goal is to ring the bell at Nasdaq… Ashe suddenly remembered how his boss had bluntly offered him a vision when he submitted his resume. Fresh out of college, he was almost stirred by the passion, but was eventually defeated by the advanced flexible work system (no overtime pay) and the excellent learning platform (multiple roles but only one salary).

But now they had all signed a tyrannical Contract that demanded and took without question, why was the new boss still putting effort into sweet-talking? Even with a high-handed approach, he still bothered with the foreplay, which was rather meticulous.

“The ‘Gospel’s’ Ranking List, as well as the information it can exchange, are all things of the past,” Annan explained. “If one wishes to exchange for information about the future, not only is it costly, but it’s also highly likely to be unobtainable—unless it pertains to security information about guests from the Exotic Lands. The ‘Gospel’ has increased predictive resources for national defense needs, lowering the cost of exchanging information about you, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to welcome the three of you so appropriately.”

“The Ranking List unveiled during the Weaving Festival is different, because that is the future that is still being woven.”

“The future.” Igor’s eyes flickered. “Could it be that…”

Annan said, “Take for instance, if the Weaving Festival introduces the ‘Quadruple Wings Sorcerer Strength Ranking’, the ones who make it onto the list will likely not be the legendary sorcerers known to us now, but new legends who will rise and dominate the era over the next fifty years!”

“Some on the list might currently be obscure apprentice sorcerers, and some may have just been born. But with the full effort of the Gospel weaving their Destiny, their futures will become fixed history, and we will be able to hear echoes from the future.”

“To differentiate them from the usual chosen ones on the Rankings, those who make it onto the list during the Weaving Festival, we call them ‘Echoers’—the echoes that the Gospel sends back after observing the future.”

“The Weaving Festival starts on May 10 and ends on August 10, every ten days a future Ranking List is released, making a total of ten future Ranking Lists. Unlike the usual points rewards of the ordinary lists, the future lists will offer tailored rewards for those ranked, including but not limited to Experience Orbs, rare spirits, precious Items, and even the miracle of a permanent Boon!”

Harvey had a sudden realization: “If we make it onto the list, you want us to give our rewards to you?”

Annan gave a slight smile but did not immediately respond, continuing instead to explain, “There is a hierarchy among the Ranking Lists, you understand, don’t you?”

Everyone nodded. A national ranking undoubtedly trumped a regional one, an Organizational Ranking was greater than an Individual Ranking, a sorcerer’s ranking was higher than that of a non-sorcerer, and a Quadruple Wings ranking was above a One Wing ranking. In short, the harder it is to get on a list, the more prestigious it is.

“Out of the ten Ranking Lists in the Weaving Festival, aside from the tenth which is predetermined, the rest are completely random. The last Weaving Festival even had a ‘Cat’s Cradle Ranking’,” Annan tapped the long table with her fingertips: “Therefore, each Ranking List has ‘hidden points’ to differentiate the hierarchy among the Echoers. And the Echoer with the highest hidden points will receive the Boon of the Omniscient Weaver.”

“What kind of Boon?”

“A wish.” Purple Moth’s beautiful green eyes shimmered with a lively light, as she raised a finger pointing upwards: “One omnipotent wish.”

“To bring back the dead, eternal life, surpass the Quadruple Wings, or even… transmigration through time and space!”

Igor’s pupils dilated sharply, Harvey ceased gnawing on his finger, and Ashe squinted slightly.

After a long silence, Lise suddenly propped her face with her hands, staring at the Scarlet Gold Dragon Lizard on the table, and said, “How wonderful, Lise also has a wish to make—I seem to remember having a sister, and I really want to see her.”

The mood lightened suddenly, and Igor, caressing his ring, asked, “Is this wish your goal?”

Purple Moth nodded: “That’s right. I won’t ask for any of the rewards you get for making the list, but that wish with the highest hidden points must be given to me.”

Ashe suddenly spoke up: “How can you be so sure that we’ll become Echoers who make it onto the future list? Aside from being single and lazy, I’m not really confident in other areas.”

“People from the Exotic Lands,” Igor said calmly. “Whether or not we become Echoers has nothing to do with our current abilities, but it has everything to do with our identity as People from the Exotic Lands.”


Annan flicked her earring and smiled, “What do you think the Gospel bases its predictions of the future on?”

“The past.”

“Family, environment, resources, genetic heritage… In reality, it’s not complicated. A child born into a privileged family, with loving parents adept at education, surrounded by knowledgeable and upper-class neighbors—anyone can see the advantages of their future development.”

“Likewise, for someone of humble beginnings, orphaned early, timid and unassuming in appearance—their future is equally obvious.”

“The Weaving Festival is about turning the vast tapestry of the past into threads, weaving an absolutely certain, undisturbed, and inevitable future. If a person has lived in the Gospel Kingdom from the moment of their birth, even if they have not yet cried their first cry, the Gospel can weave their future with absolute certainty.”

“But we are People from the Exotic Lands.” Harvey looked at his finger, which was nearly bleeding, and gently licked the wound, calmly stating, “The Gospel can only envelop this Kingdom. Even though the Virtual Realm Passage once briefly connected to the Blood Moon, it could not possibly know our distant pasts.”

“With no sufficient past to rely on, the Gospel’s predictions about your futures would almost entirely be based on everything happening ‘now.’ In other words…”

Annan’s fingertips produced a Two Wings spirit in the shape of a moth, “You can use the ‘now’ to deceive the Gospel into weaving a more spectacular ‘future’ for you.”

“You are the most dangerous bugs in the web of the Gospel Kingdom.”

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