Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 167: Gerard and the Four Pillars Cult

On the evening of his 24 years and 1609 months and 16 days, Gerard sat on the steps of the high platform, looking down at the Adventurers receiving their blessings, his mind however, drifted back to himself 134 years ago.

Back then, having passed three battles and academic examinations, he finally got admitted to the Research Institute just before the Human age limit of 25. But with little interest in academia, Gerard joined the Sin Hunter’s Hall as an ordinary Hunter.

The Senior responsible for guiding him was a member of the sacred bloodline with a penchant for smoking, a lazy character who would reliably need to use the Restroom whenever clerical work beckoned, earning the moniker ‘Restroom Hunter’ and giving young Gerard a proper lesson.

Being a Hunter was not a glamorous Occupation. The tedious everyday tasks were just as annoying as trivial domestic complaints, especially in an era still rife with Racial discrimination, gender discrimination, and class discrimination. Although many were not utterly villainous, they were like fishbones in rice – that indescribable annoyance.

The more he interacted with them, the more his throat felt like it was accumulating fishbones, and one day, it would need blood to cleanse.

However, the unreliable Senior often had an uncanny ability to discern Gerard’s low spirits and would occasionally take him to places like Tea Cafes and gambling houses to relieve stress. Although Gerard was mostly unappreciative, the Senior’s sleazy smile, hidden behind a beard, indeed cleared the clouds in Gerard’s heart.

Until one day, both Gerard and his Senior were transferred to a special task force to participate in an operation to eradicate the Four Pillars Cult. Initially, Gerard did not take such organizations seriously; under the benevolent Blood Moon, evil was like puddles after rain, bound to be evaporated by the fierce sun eventually.

However, the crackdown operation encountered repeated unexpected events. The main force got separated, Cult members fought fearlessly to the death with the Hunters, and by the time they reached the Cult Leader’s location, only Gerard, his Senior, and another old Hunter remained.

The Senior asked Gerard to stand outside the door to prevent escapes and to be responsible for raising the alarm.

This reason was entirely legitimate, and Gerard had no room to refuse.

Sensing Gerard’s eagerness to prove himself, the Senior chuckled, “You’ll have plenty of chances to lead when it’s your turn. Right now, it’s my time to shine. You just wait outside—and come to the rescue if things go south.”

Even in grim times, the Senior could dispel the darkness in Gerard’s heart. So Gerard watched as the two of them pushed open the door and entered the dark room with their lanterns, in search of the hidden Cult Leader.

One minute passed, then two, then three, and no sound came from inside. Gerard couldn’t wait any longer; he too raised his lantern and stepped into the room.

The darkness in the room was so thick it felt tangible, the light from the lantern unable to pierce it, and even a modern Handgun seemed useless against this unknown fear.

Crunch—he stepped into a puddle of liquid, blood. Looking down, Gerard saw an unfamiliar Corpse lying on the ground, and following the trail of blood, he found two figures entangled.

The Senior was biting into the throat of the old Hunter, who had pierced the Senior’s heart with a sword.

“It’s beautiful, don’t you think?”

The Corpse was speaking. Gerard, startled, fell onto his rear, only managing to aim his Handgun at the Corpse.

“I’m not a Sorcerer, nor do I have any weapons; you don’t need to be so tense,” the Corpse said, sitting up with a smile. “If you pull the trigger, I’ll just die.”

“You… they, they—”

“The vampire feared the Hunter would strike, so it bit first, and then the Hunter retaliated and killed the vampire. I just happened to be lying here, sleeping.”

Gerard’s tone was intense, “You’re lying!”

“Such a decisive rebuttal. If it doesn’t fit with your truth, it’s not the truth, is that right? I rather like that way of straight-line thinking.” The Corpse tilted its head, “You must wonder, why would a vampire fear the old Hunter? Because there was an old grudge between them.”

“The Senior was so kind, how could he—”

“Just because he was kind to you, does that make him a saint? Never offended anyone, never did anything wrong?”

Gerard was momentarily speechless but quickly retorted, “You are the Cult Leader of the Four Pillars!”

“Because I’m the bad guy, my words are always wrong, right?” The Corpse flashed a sweet smile. “I really do enjoy your linear thinking.”

“But do you know why the Four Pillars exist?”

“Desire!” Gerard gasped, his words laced with anger. “You’re just a group of demons that lure people into corruption—”

“It’s about peace of mind,” the Corpse replied, placing a hand over its heart. “The desire to become stronger, smarter, more popular, to find more happiness… People pursue peace of mind, and so the Four Pillars answer their wishes.”

“These two, they sought peace of mind, and that’s why they killed each other, dying here. Because without doing so, they couldn’t vent the darkness in their hearts.”

“You’re lying!”

“Deep down, you’re already agreeing with me, aren’t you, Hunter Gerard. You’re a perceptive kid; during your investigation, you realized that the Senior and the old Hunter were at odds. You’ve guessed their untold story…”

“Shut up!”

“You also know that the Senior’s smoking, lethargy, and untidiness stem from his dark and enormous past. From the few words spoken, you’ve discerned that the Senior is a tragic failure. Beneath his smile, a madness is brewing, capable of destroying sanity…”

“I said, shut up!”

Gerard pressed the Gun to the Corpse’s forehead, but the Corpse just smiled, lifting a bloodied finger to trace two blood-like tears under Gerard’s eyes.

“Indeed, rainwater is evaporated by the sun, but some of it has already seeped into the soil, nourishing the earth. The evaporated water doesn’t disappear; it follows the natural cycle, awaiting the next downpour. The rain doesn’t stop; it keeps falling because I exist, because you exist.”

“In a world where the law becomes a butcher’s knife, committing a crime isn’t shameful.”

“So, Gerard, for whom are you crying?”


The Corpse spoke no more, as other Hunters arrived belatedly, concluding the hunt.

A century swiftly passed, and Gerard became lazy, wild, and rule-breaking, but also stronger. Just when he thought he could slumber in the paradise that is Kaimon City, familiar names awoke memories dusted over by time.

Thus, Gerard volunteered and crafted a thorough plan. With the strongest stance, he wiped out the nascent Cult of the Four Pillars—a feat he used to atone for past regrets.

Yet, Gerard felt no satisfaction—for this Cult Leader was the weakest he’d ever encountered.

Youthful, bewildered, speaking in a low voice, he was almost like a fresh college graduate. Capturing him was hardly more difficult than nabbing a cat.

That’s why, when Ashe claimed amnesia during the interrogation, Gerard believed him on the spot, thinking him an unfortunate scapegoat whose memory was erased by the true mastermind.

Later, Professor Sylin approached Gerard to discuss Ashe’s dangerous nature, even willing to expend a favor to have him ‘gauge’ Ashe’s capacity once more. Respecting his kin, Gerard spared Ashe, but his thoughts remained unchanged—he still saw Ashe as an insignificant lamb.

Then a series of events erupted like a tempest: an escape from prison, the takeover of the Prison, the Blood Moon Tribunal, Sylin’s disappearance…

Just now, Gerard received a message: the Chairman of the Elven Rights Association, Sylin Dole, was missing, his fate uncertain, with the news temporarily under wraps.

A century later, albeit sitting under a bright Blood Moon, Gerard felt as if he had entered that dark room once more.

Ashe Heath, undoubtedly the Leader of the Four Pillars Cult, was the origin of chaos, the secret chieftain—his mere existence caused disaster; he was an evil Whirlpool in himself!

He earned the trust of the Tri-wings Sorcerers and the folly of the Enforcement Squad Captain with his perfect disguise!

“So, just like last time…” Gerard murmured to himself in a voice only he could hear, “Am I only able to make amends after the fact?”

Suddenly, a commotion arose from within the blessing procession.

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