Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 145: Half an Hour

Freya knew what to do and helped Ashe wash the dishes.

After they finished, Freya glanced at the Knowledge Screen. “Do you need to use the Knowledge Screen tonight?”

“Yeah, I need to look up some information.”

“Can’t you use your own Chip to connect to the Curtain?”

“The premise of my escape from prison involved removing the Chip from the back of my neck.”

Freya was a bit surprised: “So where will you stay in the future? Without a Chip to register, you can’t even rent a place… You don’t plan on living with me permanently, do you?”

“The Contract specifies a maximum of seven days at your place,” Ashe replied, annoyed. “After seven days, I’ll find my own spot under a bridge.”

“As long as you honor the Contract and deliver the Sympathy Spirit to me, I don’t really mind letting you stay a few more days… If you’re willing to cook every day, I could even let you live here rent-free.”

Freya paused for a moment: “I need to use the Knowledge Screen after I take a shower, for about half an hour.”

“No problem, I need to shower too. I’ll let you have that time.”

Ashe continued to surf the Curtain, while Freya began working on her Social Science Department homework. The Social Science Department wasn’t part of the Magical Factions, but the Municipal Civil Service Examination drew all its content from the Social Science Department, meaning that a Silver degree from there was essential for anyone aspiring to become a civil service Operator.

The speech from Fernand Snow during last night’s Blood Moon Tribunal had gone viral, and even someone like Freya, who hadn’t watched it, was forced to see it in class. Consequently, the Professor assigned an essay titled “The Pros and Cons of Socialized Rearing versus the Family System.” It was rumored that ‘Socialized Rearing’ could become a key topic in the Municipal Civil Service Examination in the coming years, a critical piece of knowledge to master.

The homework wasn’t difficult. Writing from the perspective that ‘Socialized Rearing completely outperforms the Family System’ would be sufficient to pass. Aiming for a high score would require more thought, adding unique points reflecting the societal advantages not covered in textbooks.

Contemplating the Professor’s intentions… Fernand Snow’s speech… the Blood Saint and Moonshadow races…

Freya quickly formulated her thoughts.

“…The Family System will incite more Faction strife within the Blood Saint and Moonshadow races. Those who successfully transform into the Blood Moon progeny will use their power to secure illicit gains for their Race-origin kin, depriving other Race-origin individuals of their rightful resources… It can lead to the undeserving, through Kinship Bonds and unspoken rules, becoming affiliated with the Blood Moon kin, thus diluting the average quality of the Blood Moon kin…”

“If a family all belong to the Blood Saint and Moonshadow races, they will form an unbreakable interest group, detrimental to the leadership of the Research Institute and the Church… It will contaminate the governance of the Government Affairs Hall…”

“Kinship Bonds are a weakening poison for the Blood Saint and Moonshadow races, a precursor to internal strife…”

“The Blood Saint and Moonshadow races are the foundation of the Blood Moon Kingdom’s growth and strength; backward systems must not be allowed to taint the purity of the Blood Moon kin…”

Since there was no other table, Freya also sat next to Ashe to do her homework.

Fortunately, the desk was large enough. Freya worked on the left side and Ashe surfed the web on the right. Apart from sitting a bit close, they managed to not disturb each other—the left side of the desk was originally cluttered with skincare products, lubricants, snacks, tissues, cotton swabs, and other various items, all of which had been neatly organized.

Speaking of which, since Freya couldn’t afford to hire a cleaning service, her home was basically in a ‘good enough to sleep in’ state. Undergarments had to pile up before she would wash them, trash had to overflow before she took it out, and the hallway was filled with a cluttered Maze that barely allowed one person to pass. The landlord even said she was quite normal.

Now, taking a look around, Freya realized her home had been transformed. Clothes had been washed, trash had been taken out, and miscellaneous items had been tidied up in the corner, making her wonder, “Is this really my place?”

“Did you clean up during the day?”

Ashe hesitated for a moment but then nodded emphatically: “Yeah, to be honest, the sanitary conditions here were worse than the restrooms in Prison. Since I had nothing better to do, I did some cleaning. Consider it as paying the rent.”

Ashe continued, “By the way, I took your clothes to be washed. You don’t mind, do you? The weather has been quite warm recently, and without air conditioning, the pile of clothes in such a conducive experimental environment underwent a fascinating olfactory reaction. It was bearable at night, but during the day, it was simply unbearable…”

Freya’s cheeks flushed to her ears as she embarrassedly responded, “Really? I didn’t notice any smell… I don’t mind at all, thank you.”

“That’s a relief. I was worried you’d come back and call me a pervert, so I thought I’d try to win you over by cooking.”

“Why would I call you that? You can rest easy, you can wash my clothes from now on!”

“That’s not necessary, but could you maybe wash your clothes every day?”

“No way, I’m the type who waits until there’s a big pile of dirty clothes to wash them all at once. Just like you can’t ask me to put on clothes right after a shower, you can’t change my laundry habits.”

“Jeez, you’re so good-looking, how can you have such poor hygiene habits…”

“What does looking good have to do with anything? Everyone does it this way, tidying up and doing laundry every day is just a waste of time.”

Little String, having eaten its fill, jumped onto the table and curled up into a ball of fur, seemingly falling asleep to the sound of their conversation.

As the idle chat continued sporadically, Freya quickly finished her Social Science Department homework. Seeing that the time was right, she naturally took off all her clothes and tossed them onto a chair, humming a tune as she walked into the bathroom.

Ashe glanced at the undergarments on the chair, listening to the sound of water rushing inside the bathroom, finding it impossible to tear his gaze away from the lace lingerie. It took a considerable effort to redirect his attention, after which he summoned his Substitute spirit to move the clothes to the dirty laundry basket on the balcony—it seems that young people’s bodies can’t handle such stimulating sights!

Little String perked up instantly, chasing after the Substitute in play.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Freya also felt something was off. Bewitcher, being highly sensitive to mental states, could clearly sense a strange emotion budding within her.

She didn’t know how to describe this feeling, a sensation she hadn’t experienced in her eighteen years. Standing under the showerhead, letting the water wash over her fair skin, Freya quickly identified the source of this peculiar emotion—who else could it be but that Demon Saint who had suddenly barged into her life?

Afraid? A little.

Like it? It seems so.


Feeling as if her stomach was being wrung out like a towel, Freya struggled to breathe through the pain—yes, she found herself detesting Ashe. Although she couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason, she suddenly felt repulsed by this man.

So, did she want to stay away from him?

Breathing heavily under the shower, Freya stood against the wall for a while before breaking into a laugh: “How can such contradictory feelings exist… It must be a physical thing, right? Yes, definitely a physical reason, especially since Ashe interrupted me last night.”

She quickly dismissed the thought, dried off, wrapped her hair in a towel, and was just about to blow-dry her hair when Ashe zipped into the bathroom and swiftly closed the door behind him, so fast it was as if he had used a spirit. Freya barely caught a glimpse of his figure.

“In such a rush to shower? You could have said something; I would have let you go first,” Freya muttered to herself, then sat down in front of the Knowledge Screen to begin her nightly routine.

Ashe had been showering for a while when he gradually began to hear a soul-stirring, bone-melting moan.

At first, he thought it might be due to poor soundproofing in the apartment, perhaps a couple in another room getting ready to earn their fertility fund. But when he turned off the faucet to lather himself with shower gel, the absence of running water made the moaning sounds all the clearer.

The impact was much stronger than that of the lingerie.

Ashe silently turned the faucet back on, cranking it to full blast with cold water!

However, the melodious voice tickled his ears like a feather, and even with the sound of water it was to no avail. If anything, it was like adding a filter effect, expanding the space for imagination.

A thought suddenly popped into his head.

“Could it really take half an hour?”

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