Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 108: Its Your Turn to Go to Prison

“Add a restriction for the prison guard?”

After spitting, Ronald wiped the corner of his mouth, disbelief on his face: “But they aren’t prisoners!”

“Why do you think that only prisoners’ chips would have restrictions added?”

Harvey sneered: “Or, why do you think the chips of ordinary people can’t have restrictions added?”

“Catalog of Sinners—”

“When you were detained in the Sin Hunter’s Hall, multiple restrictions had already been placed on you, even though you hadn’t signed the Catalog of Sinners yet. There’s no essential difference between you and an ordinary person. The effect of the Catalog of Sinners is merely to make our restrictions permanent.”

Ronald muttered, “I thought it was a hunter who used a miracle on me…”

A chill rose in Ashe’s heart.

This meant that everyone in the Blood Moon Kingdom, whether ordinary people or sorcerers, wore a shackle that could strangle them at any moment. If the processor received an order, it could control anyone within the area to do anything, even to pierce their own throats!

Ironically, Ashe had yet to truly see the Blood Moon Kingdom or even a single ordinary person from it, but he already knew many secrets inaccessible to the common folk.

It was as if he were observing the world through a crevice, gathering fragmented keywords: multiple races, Human Rights Association, Nursery, Sin Hunter’s Hall, Church, Memory Master, Blood Moon Tribunal, Woodpecker Gang… These keywords made up a bizarre world, democratic yet autocratic, wealthy yet poor, respectful of human rights yet invasive of privacy, indulgent in entertainment yet harmoniously stable.

It was like a blood lotus blooming over sludge, dazzling yet emitting the foul stench of corruption and decay.

This might have a lot to do with Ashe’s sources of information. After all, what visions of true goodness and beauty could one see in a prison for death row inmates? Yet, no perfect kingdom exists on earth. Perhaps once Ashe is out, he might find it delightful, lying on a sofa, watching the Blood Moon Tribunal on time every month.

“This is definitely not the kind of information a scavenger should have access to.” Igor suddenly said. “Who are you, really? How did you deceive the Sin Hunter’s Hall?”

“I am just a scavenger,” Harvey replied calmly. “My duty is to handle corpses, making sure they don’t call for help, don’t resist, and don’t try to escape.”


Something suddenly dawned on Ronald. “A few years back, there were some legendary murders in the underworld. Victims were killed in their homes without any sign of struggle, and their bodies vanished without a trace. Many of these victims were sorcerers… Everyone called the killer ‘Controller’, believing they possessed a powerful Control Miracle, one that could even render a Two Wings sorcerer completely powerless!”

“You flatter me. I’m merely exploiting existing loopholes.” Harvey shook his head. “As for how I managed to fool the Sin Hunter’s Hall, it’s simple—first erase the memory, then find a way to retrieve it.”

Ashe was puzzled. “If you can delete memories, why not just erase all illegal memories? Wouldn’t that result in being released on the spot without charges?”

“He can’t,” said Igor. “He majors in the Necromancy Faction. Most of his memories are related to necromancy. If he erased memories relevant to necromancy, it would be no different from total amnesia for him. And if he didn’t erase necromancy but did erase his memories of handling corpses, the Sin Hunter’s Hall would definitely know he tampered with his memory—without corpses, one cannot study necromancy.”

“This is the best outcome he calculated after considering all options.”

Ashe gave an “Oh” sound: “Wait, if you pre-handled your memories, does that mean you got caught on purpose? Do you have a reason you had to be in Shattered Lake Prison? Like… for Nalber?”

A sudden chill blew through the tightly sealed chamber.

When Harvey raised his chin, his sinister pupils scanning the room, Langna quickly pulled Ronald behind him, and Igor stepped forward to stand in front of Ashe.

The cold wind made Ashe’s skin crawl; he found it hard to breathe, his mind going blank.

Was it a spirit or a Miracle?

The wind came quickly and left just as fast. Harvey lowered his eyelids: “I can add Restrictions to the Prison Guards, making them unable to act or even send out an alarm. Can this ability secure a promise from you?”

Igor spoke up: “First, tell us what you want.”

“After we escape from prison, you will help me kill someone.”


“Arandor Fernand Snow,” Harvey uttered a widely recognized name: “The current mayor of Kaimon City.”

Virtual Realm, Sea of Knowledge.

“So you signed an unbreakable contract, and even though you haven’t escaped yet, you’ve already put the high-powered mayor on your hit list?”

“Yes, fortunately, we have a Contractor in the team, so reneging on a verbal agreement was never an option.”

“Tsk, you even thought about going back on your word.”

“What else?”

“Why don’t you just team up with others after the escape and take down the Necromancer? That way, you wouldn’t have to fulfill the contract! The contract doesn’t say you can’t harm each other, does it?”

“That’s why it should be you in prison.”

Amidst the idle talk, the Umbrella Bird-Dragon, looking disheveled like a broken umbrella, suddenly contracted its wings and spun like a twirling umbrella towards the white mist to flee, while simultaneously throwing a spirit in the opposite direction!


“No problem!”

Ashe dashed over to capture the spirit, while Sonya ran to the front of the Umbrella Bird-Dragon. Unfazed by the menacing charge of the Umbrella Bird-Dragon, Sonya assumed a sword-drawing stance, and streams of Moon Silk, flowing like water, materialized around her!


The moment the Umbrella Bird-Dragon touched the Moon Silk, Sonya, like a tightly coiled spring, swung her wooden sword in a perfect arc, unleashing a crimson wave of Sword Qi!

Miracle: Killing Intent Water Moon! A novel Miracle that infuses the Killing Intent Sword with Water Moon to amplify its power!


The Umbrella Bird-Dragon, cleaved open, let out a mournful cry of defiance before dissipating into a wisp of smoke, dropping two spirits in its wake.

Seeing this, Ashe sighed, “No Experience Orb again. At this rate, how long will it take for you to achieve Promotion to Two Wings…”

Sonya consoled, “These things can’t be rushed. Many Sorcerers say that the Virtual Realm listens to our desires; the more we want something, the more it withholds it. When we no longer care, it will likely deliver it right to us.”

“That makes the Virtual Realm sound pretty sly.”

“Say a couple more things like that, and you might as well kiss seeing Experience Orbs goodbye forever.”

With the help of Eviction Secret Poison and the Virtual Realm Telescope, Ashe can now steadily hunt Knowledge Creatures. To expedite the Swordswoman’s Promotion to Two Wings, enabling him to ride her coattails to higher rankings, Ashe was specifically searching for Knowledge Creatures that might drop Swordsmanship Orbs.

But after hunting the Slaying Fish-Dragon and Umbrella Bird-Dragon consecutively tonight, aside from a few spirits, there was no sign of an Experience Orb. This was not only deflating for Ashe, but also made it seem unrealistic to nurture the Swordswoman to Two Wings within ten days.

“I also don’t know how many Swordsmanship Orbs it will take to raise to Gold Tier.”

Sonya lay in the small boat, lazily propped both feet up on the gunwale, and said, “Sorcerers mainly rely on study and voyages through the Virtual Realm to elevate their Faction Realm. Occasionally, stumbling upon an Experience Orb is a cause for great joy. If it’s an Experience Orb related to their Major Faction, it’s an accomplishment to boast about for a lifetime. To brute-force one’s way up the Faction Realm with Experience Orbs? Such an idea would be scoffed at by even children.”

“An idea that’s laughed at is one that holds value,” Ashe glanced at the pair of black-stockinged legs swinging in the air, and the glimpse of white between the stockings and the skirt, “Is it just me, or do I feel like you’re getting more and more relaxed around me?”

“Nah~, I’m just a bit tired so I’m resting.”

“But as far as I recall, even when you rested before, you were always sitting upright, with proper posture.”

“Sitting upright isn’t as comfortable as lying down. Hey, Observer, could you make the boat a bit bigger? Maybe add something for me to rest my feet on. I’d like to tuck my feet in and stretch out comfortably.”

“Don’t be too demanding, Swordswoman!”

“What, you can act spoiled, but I can’t stretch?”

“Wha-wha-wha-what spoiled behavior!” Ashe stuttered in his agitation, “When have I ever acted spoiled? Don’t go spreading nonsense!”

Sonya cleared her throat, “‘I feel as light as a balloon, tethered to the ground by just a thin string, and Swordswoman, to me, that string is you…’”

“Hmph, you think you’ve got something on me? You think I’m the type to get embarrassed by such things?”


“But I do think with your feet like that, you might get your socks wet, which could lead to a slip during a battle. That wouldn’t be good.” Ashe calmly patted his thigh, “I actually know a bit about foot massage. Why don’t you rest your feet on my thigh instead?”

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