Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 101: Summoning Sincerity

Gales, Swordflower College.

“…Indeed, I knew it was Whirlpool, damn it, why isn’t my luck as good as yours? My Silver Wings are what I’ve gathered painstakingly day and night!”

“Ugh, no, the more I think about it, the angrier I get, and the more I see you, the more jealous I become. I despise people like you, blessed with both good fortune and high Talent. Just get lost, get out of here.”

“Go back and diligently practice your Swordsmanship. If I find out you’ve become arrogant and lazy because of this little achievement, then wait to be reduced to ashes by the fire of my envy…”

Sonya was promptly kicked out of Professor Trozan’s research office, sticking out her tongue and cheerfully heading back — despite how harsh Professor Trozan’s words were, he didn’t skimp on the rewards, taking out two Swordsmanship spirits from his private collection to give to her, and he even shared two Swordsmanship Miracles!

The two One Wing spirits were ‘Blade’ and ‘Sharpening.’ Sonya had seen the former in the hands of Senior Sister Sylvia; when a Blade stayed in its Sheath for more than 15 seconds, it could trigger an enhancement of the next attack’s potency.

The latter was a spirit specifically for augmenting Blades, activated when using a whetstone on the Blade, making the edge sharper, more resilient, and less likely to chip or break.

The two Swordsmanship Miracles were “Sheath’s Gathered Light” and “Sharpening for a Decade,” both derived from having Sheath and Sharpening as the Main Spirits. Sonya would still need to purchase Auxiliary Spirits to activate these Miracles.

For instance, “Sharpening for a Decade” requires the use of Time Series Spirits ‘Second,’ ‘Minute,’ ‘Hour,’ ‘Day,’ ‘Month,’ and ‘Year.’

While they are Time Series Spirits, they aren’t expensive, and they’re even considered quite affordable, always available for purchase on the Spirit trading platform.

In the second layer of the Virtual Realm within the Time Continent, these Time Spirits are almost ubiquitous, and Two Wings Sorcerers can harvest quite a few of them with each visit to the Virtual Realm.

Although it’s a resource only accessible to Two Wings Sorcerers, the abundance naturally drives down the price, or else Professor Trozan wouldn’t have imparted the Miracle to Sonya—after all, the Sword Saint is well aware of his genius Apprentice’s family circumstances.

However, having sold quite a number of spirits from the Virtual Realm, Sonya is actually fairly well-off. She had also been considering what spirits to acquire to perfect her tactical system, and now Professor Trozan has preemptively resolved her dilemma.

From these two Miracles, it’s clear that Professor Trozan has set Sonya’s current goals: to elevate her Magic Realm, familiarize herself with spirits, and master Miracles.

And rightly so, as it took Sonya only eight days to condense her Silver Wings, her Swordsmanship Realm is simply not keeping pace with the speed of her arcane energy growth.

The chasm that now lies before Sonya is the Magic Realm. Until she elevates her Swordsmanship Realm to the Gold Tier, she won’t be able to summon Two Wings spirits, preventing her from entering the second layer of the Virtual Realm, from stepping onto the Time Continent, and from condensing her Golden Wings.

Promotion for a Sorcerer doesn’t allow for any weak points; both arcane energy and realm must meet the standards, only then will the Virtual Realm open up a grander world for the Sorcerer.

Therefore, even if Sonya fully unfolds her Silver Wings, if she wishes to advance to Two Wings, she’ll need at least a year to consolidate her Swordsmanship Realm.

In a sense, the rapid condensation of Sonya’s arcane energy presents a significant risk, because from now on, she will enter the Core Area of the Sea of Knowledge, where, with any misfortune, she may encounter Maturity Stage Knowledge Creatures—beings that One Wing Sorcerers are certainly no match for.

This is exactly why Professor Trozan is so strict with her; if Sonya becomes complacent or lazy, there’s a significant risk she could die repeatedly in the Virtual Realm. Not only could her Soul be damaged, but she might also lose important spirits, or even worse, her progress in the Magic Realm could come to a standstill.

Complacency and arrogance when fortunes are favorable is a major taboo for Sorcerers. Many have received an Adventure by chance and, thinking themselves favored by fate, become overconfident. Often, they are quickly and harshly reprimanded by the Virtual Realm, their achievements falling short compared to those Sorcerers who steadily climb the ranks with diligence and hard work.

The Virtual Realm is no charity. The benefits one gains from it come with proportional pressures. Behind every stroke of luck granted by the Virtual Realm lies a cost of misfortune that must be paid.

Unless Sonya stumbles upon a Whirlpool and her luck explodes, leading her to meet a Golden Fish, which could smuggle her directly to the Time Continent, bypassing the chasm between realms and allowing for immediate Promotion to Two Wings.

But not even Professor Trozan, let alone Sonya, has considered this possibility—because even the Observers can’t find the Golden Fish.

At the thought of the Observers, Sonya’s initially jubilant expression gradually fades.

She sighs quietly, preparing to head back to the dormitory—today is still a state of emergency, all classes are canceled, and all students are prohibited from approaching the White Tower.

However, as she steps out of the research building, she spots a familiar silver luxury sedan parked on the roadway. She turns to walk around it, but the car window rolls down to reveal Felix’s handsome face.

“Get in, I’ll drive you back.”

It’s a statement, not an invitation, and Sonya isn’t in the mood to talk to anyone right now. Felix drives slowly alongside her and asks, “Did you encounter a Whirlpool?”


The entire school now knows that Sonya, the rustic girl, entered the Sea of Knowledge just a few days ago and encountered a Whirlpool. If Sonya had displayed some rare spirit, there might be whispers of “is she being kept” or something of the sort, but the growth of Silver Arcane Energy has only one shortcut, and even the most foul-mouthed can’t argue with that.

It’s not like someone would use a Whirlpool to keep Sonya!

As for the nonsense of “she’s just lucky,” should that appear on the Swordflower Forum, it would only incite ridicule and bans among the students — all Legends among Sorcerers have risen with a touch of luck, and those without it would have been bullied by the Virtual Realm into nothing but whimpers.

Attacking a Sorcerer over luck is the most disgraceful act, as nonsensical and boring as saying, “If he couldn’t breathe, I could certainly defeat him.”

Therefore, there’s no need for Sonya to deny anything, especially since she cannot deny it now.

Felix falls silent for a long time, and just as Sonya is about to enter the Dormitory Area, he suddenly asks, “After transmigrating through the Whirlpool, did you encounter an injured Slaying Fish-Dragon and obtain the Killing Intent Sword from it?”

Sonya is slightly startled, regardless of what she is thinking at the moment, but the Ritual has already decided her words: “Yes.”

Felix is somewhat surprised; he hadn’t expected such an answer. If Sonya really encountered it, she would surely grasp the subtext of Felix’s words.

Given Sonya’s character and abilities, she could definitely deny it flawlessly, not letting Felix detect the slightest trace.

Felix’s fingers tap lightly on the steering wheel as he asks, “How great a price must I pay to buy the Killing Intent Sword from you?”

Although Sonya wants to assertively say ‘not for sale,’ her mouth obediently states, “Grant me a Noble title.”

Felix is slightly taken aback, “I mentioned before, if you marry me—”

“I don’t like you.”

The proposal was one of a marriage of convenience, a trade of benefits. What did personal feelings have to do with it? Felix almost voiced the question but seeing Sonya’s earnest expression, he swallowed his words and sighed, “If you’re not willing to go down that path, I have no other conditions that could sway you… Just wait for me a moment.”

Sonya quickly retreated into the Dormitory Area, wondering if Felix intended to seize her spirit in broad daylight.

Felix took out a piece of paper, scribbled something on it, and then sent it flying towards Sonya: “Read it and then burn it. Could this be worth a favor to you?”

Upon inspecting the paper, Sonya saw it contained a Procedure named ‘Killing Intent Activation,’ the Main Spirit of which was the Killing Intent Sword.

Unlike ‘Evil Light Slash,’ which merely enhanced power, ‘Killing Intent Activation’ was a comprehensive Composite Miracle. Its effect allowed a Sorcerer to convert Killing Intent into a boost for themselves, enhancing strength, explosive power, reaction speed, stamina recovery, and other metrics, with the enhancement scaling with the concentration of Killing Intent.

This was a Miracle equally useful in both the Virtual Realm and reality, as it accounted not only for the enemy’s Killing Intent but also that generated by the Sorcerer themself.

Within the Silver Boundary, ‘Killing Intent Activation’ could provide a Sorcerer with up to a 150% increase in power. Such a practical Miracle was beyond Sonya’s financial reach, even if she spent her entire savings.

Clearly, this was a Miracle that came as part of a set with the Killing Intent Sword Felix had obtained.

“This Procedure, could it put you in my debt for a favor?”

“Yes, but only equivalent to the value of a single silver coin. If you ask for something worth more than a silver coin, I would feel guilty and uncomfortable and have to refuse your request.”

“You sure have a clear sense of accounting,” Felix chuckled. “I’ll make sure to use this silver coin favor in the most opportune way.”

“But you’re just giving this to me?” Sonya exclaimed in surprise. “Aren’t you going to have me sign a non-disclosure Contract? Don’t you have any other conditions?”

“No need,” Felix replied. “Just make good use of the Killing Intent Sword and don’t let it go to waste.”

With that, Felix drove off, leaving Sonya a bit dazed. Is this what it’s like to be wealthy, she thought, to casually hand out a Miracle Procedure?

But in a way, it made sense. As the wielder of the ‘Secret Sword Twenty-One Spirits’ and specifically the Killing Intent Sword, it would be exceedingly difficult for Felix to acquire another. Thus, the accompanying Miracle of Killing Intent Activation held little value to him; giving it to Sonya as a favor seemed a better use.

Besides, it seemed Felix was planning to switch his focus to Poison Magic, Water Art, and Wind Magic, making Swordsmanship more of a facade. Professor Trozan was just a temporary shelter for him, and as such, there was no competition between him and Sonya.

Even so, Sonya couldn’t help but admire the audacity of a Noble’s heir. If it were her, she wouldn’t dream of giving away a Miracle for free; she’d at least expect some compensation to appease her frugal heart.

However, Killing Intent Activation still required two Auxiliary Spirits, which were costly and potentially difficult to obtain, adding to Sonya’s already strained finances.

As if fortune had finally favored her, Sonya unexpectedly acquired two spirits and three Miracles in a single day. Just mastering these ‘new tools’ would consume a significant amount of her time.

Had someone told the Sonya of half a month ago that she’d one day be overwhelmed by an abundance of spirits and Miracles, she would have thought it impossible.

Yet, in that moment, it wasn’t the spirits or Miracles that troubled Sonya the most.

She had intended to go back to her dorm to unwind, perhaps watch Delarose’s latest Shadow Drama. But after a moment’s hesitation, she opted for the Training Hall to practice with her new spirits.

At 11 p.m., Sonya arrived punctually at the Meditation Tower.

Although the school was still under martial law, the areas outside the White Tower had mostly resumed operations, such as the cafeteria and Training Hall, with classes canceled, allowing students to study on their own all day—many students hoped such days would continue indefinitely.

When searching for the Gate of Truth, Sonya suddenly felt a pang of anxiety, but she quickly calmed herself down.

‘At night, I was still forced to train in Swordsmanship for two hours… Clearly, the power of the Observer is still at work…’

‘And for a resurgent warrior with amnesia like him, even if he died, he would surely be able to resurrect…’

‘If something really happened to him, wouldn’t that be good? Then I could gain my freedom. Since I’ve already condensed the Silver Wings, I don’t need him to Explore the Virtual Realm temporarily, he’s useless to me now…’

‘But he most likely escaped from prison last night and accidentally overslept, that’s why he didn’t come to the Virtual Realm, it’s not that easy for something to happen. Speaking of which, would he be surprised if I show off the new spirit and Miracle I’ve acquired?’

Lost in her thoughts, Sonya found the Gate of Truth, sank into consciousness, and entered the Virtual Realm.

Her Soul passed through layers of dark fog, and her consciousness took shape in the Virtual Realm. Sonya slowly opened her eyes, and what came into view was the familiar Boat and the familiar oddity.

His voice was just as frivolous and unreliable: “Good evening, Swordswoman.”

Sonya suddenly forgot the lines she had prepared to complain and rebuke.

It was as if a huge weight had been lifted from her heart; she breathed a sigh of relief, her hand lightly touching her chest, revealing a smile of great relief: “I’m glad you’re alright.”

This sudden show of concern caught Ashe off guard, but before he could say anything, a streak of golden light emerged from the peak in front of Sonya’s chest, transforming into a dazzling One Wing spirit.

It appeared as an almost transparent butterfly with only one side of its wings, but as it fluttered, it reflected a rainbow of light, as splendid and dreamlike as bubbles.

Even without touching it, the moment they saw it, Ashe and Sonya already knew the name of this spirit.


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