Song of Adolescence

Chapter 265 Immortal Changes Fate

Chapter 265 Immortal Changes Fate

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"Mo Yi," Ye Ruoyi repeated the name faintly.

At this moment, they didn’t know that this name had already made it onto the Ultimate Experts List, ranked at the top, even above Baili Dongjun and Luo Qingyang. But that did not stop them from having the thought that this was a name that was peerless.

"Mo Yi." The immortal in white before them recited mildly, "Then suddenly, he heard about a mountain of celestial beings that was on the sea, the mountain was in the midst of a vast expanse of fog. A tower rose exquisitely through the vibrant clouds, in the tower, there lived a great many celestials who were possessed of a feminine grace. When I was young, I often heard people reciting this poem as well, and was also fascinated by the immortal mountain beyond the sea. But, I never thought that one day, I would become the immortal in other people’s minds."

"Mo Yi… Mister." Ye Ruoyi came up with an honorific after much thought. "May I ask if you have become an immortal or…"

"I am sixty-four years old this year." Mo Yi took one slow step, but his figure was already several zhang away.

Sixty-four years old? Everyone was shocked. The Mo Yi standing in front of them looked no older than twenty plus. How could he be an old man of sixty-four years? Even if cultivating the Daoist immortal methods tended to maintain a youthful appearance, it couldn’t possibly delay the passage of time to this extent.

"My shifu once told me that there were different realms of immortals. Right now, I could be considered an Earth Immortal." Mo Yi put his hands behind his back and turned his back to them.

"Earth Immortal?" Xiao Se frowned slightly.

"Earth immortal. I can change things on earth but cannot change a fate decided by Heaven." Mo Yi suddenly reached out with his hand, as if he wanted to touch something in the sky. "In order to do that, I need to become an immortal of Heaven."

"Mister, where we are now is considered something on earth, right?" Sikong Qianluo didn't perceive the deeper meaning in Mo Yi's words. She was merely afraid that Mo Yi would refuse to heal Xiao Se, so she said her words hurriedly.

Mo Yi withdrew his hand and nodded. "Naturally. I’m able to treat both of them, and I can treat them too."

Sikong Qianluo said with joy, "That's great."

"It's just." Mo Yi turned around and looked at Xiao Se, as the smile in his eyes slowly faded. "I have one condition."

Sikong Qianluo was immediately dumbfounded. "Even immortals will negotiate terms?"

"Naturally. I will help you settle things on earth, and you help me change a fate decided by heaven," Mo Yi said slowly.

Xiao Se looked at Mo Yi and asked, "What fate do you want to change?"

"I want to bring the dead back to this world." Mo Yi's eyes suddenly changed, and his eyes which had been filled with indifference before suddenly burned with a certain desire. This desire made both Ye Ruoyi and Xiao Se feel a jolt of alarm.

Xiao Se frowned and said, "Could we even help with that?"

"You have about three days more to live," Mo Yi said faintly. "After three days, I will ask for something from you. If you give it to me, I will heal you."

"What is it?" Xiao Se asked.

"You will know when the time comes." Mo Yi smiled and walked forward, looking like he was planning to leave.

"Mister Mo Yi!" Tang Lian hurriedly called out, reaching out to stop him.

But Mo Yi's white robe flashed by and his figure was already standing behind Tang Lian. "What is it?"

"Mister Mo Yi, you’ve met my shifu before. My shifu is Baili Dongjun. He came here once many years ago. A year ago, he left the city and said he was going on a trip to the immortal mountain beyond the sea to seek out a taste of wine. I wonder if Mister has seen my shifu." Tang Lian clasped his fists.

"Baili Dongjun. Yes, I met him many years ago. He’s a very interesting man, and the wine he brews is really good. But after we parted back then, he has never returned. Maybe he lied to you," Mo Yi said indifferently.

"What?" Tang Lian exclaimed in shock. He never expected to receive such an answer.

Mo Yi waved his sleeves casually, and suddenly disappeared from the pavilion. But although he was no longer visible, his voice lingered, "Three days later, I will give you a whole new body, and you will give me what I want."

After Mo Yi left, Lei Wujie said indignantly, "Which kind of immortal is this? He intends to make a deal with us?"

Xiao Se shook his head. "Even when you go to the temple to pray for Buddha’s blessings, you need to burn three sticks of incense. What's more, if you’re asking an immortal for help. Naturally, you’ll have to pay an appropriate price. But I’m very curious to know what we could possibly have on us that an immortal would want?"

Tang Lian shook his head and said, "I had a thought."

"What are you thinking?" The rest asked.

"I think that rather than the divine immortals that we heard about in legends, he’s closer to what we in the martial world describe about a certain realm," Tang Lian said.

The others exchanged looks and blurted out in unison, "Spirit Wandering Profound Realm?"

Spirit Wandering Profound Realm. One could sit still and close his eyes, but his mind could travel thousands of miles away. It was a pinnacle realm one level higher than the Unfettered Heavenly Realm. Even Wine Immortal Baili Dongjun had yet to reach this realm. But, Mo Yi’s ability to ride the wind and move distances in an instant, was indeed very similar to the legendary Spirit Wandering Profound Realm.

"Whether he’s a divine immortal or in the Spirit Wandering Profound Realm," Sikong Qianluo muttered, "I keep feeling that this Mo Yi is a little weird."

"I have cultivated for a long time with State Preceptor Qi. His qi is very similar to the State Preceptor’s. Maybe they came from the same Daoist sect. But, Mo Yi’s Daoist immortal qi is superior to the State Preceptor’s. It’s imparted by an orthodox Daoist sect so there should be no problem at all,” Ye Ruoyi said. “But when he spoke about his wish earlier, the expression in his eyes suddenly changed.”

"Changed? Changed into what?" Lei Wujie asked curiously.

The one who answered him was Xiao Se. "From an immortal into a demon. Makes one shudder in fear."

"Yes." Ye Ruoyi nodded. "I think this immortal, Mo Yi, is very different from what we imagined."

"But what can we do? Xiao Se will only live another three days," Lei Wujie said anxiously.

Ye Ruoyi thought for a while, and said, "We can only stay guarded and look out for changes. For the next three days, let’s see if we can discover any clues. Perhaps we’re just worrying unnecessarily too."

Tang Lian shook his head. "You all stay here. I need to go."

"What are you going to do?" Lei Wujie asked.

"Shifu said he was going to do something, then he would definitely go and do it. I believe he must have come to this immortal mountain. I think that Mo Yi is lying and I need to look for him." After Tang Lian finished speaking, he strode out and left.

Lei Wujie still had questions and he turned to look at Xiao Se. Xiao Se nodded. "I also think Baili Dongjun has come to this island."

Lei Wujie sighed. "Looks like this whole business is not going to be easy."

Ye Ruoyi suddenly remembered a story that Qi Tianchen told her before. Qi Tianchen said that his master had accepted a final disciple in his later years. The disciple was very talented and one day, his master brought this disciple out and they travelled everywhere, seeking an immortal’s fate. They never returned. That disciple once told Qi Tianchen that he wanted to become an immortal, not for longevity, not for flying through the air, but only for one thing.

But, why would he need their help with this one thing?


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