Song of Adolescence

Chapter 245 The Most Famous Prince

Chapter 245 The Most Famous Prince

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"Sixth prince?" Mu Chunfeng was badly shocked. "Xiao Se, you’re the sixth prince of Heavenly Revelations!" Although Xiao Se had already told him that he was the son of a large family in Heavenly Revelations, he didn’t think the large family he meant was so very large and prestigious.

No wonder his family name was Xiao.

No wonder even the progeny of the Medicine King would treat his injuries!

And he was the legendary sixth prince, the sixth prince whom everyone in the court had unanimously agreed would inherit the throne in the future.

Xiao Se ignored him and merely stared at the leader of the pirates in his fluttering white robes. The man also smiled slightly as he returned Xiao Se’s look.

Suddenly, Sikong Qianluo couldn't resist saying out loud, "The two of you do look a bit alike."

The rest of them realised then, that the two men did indeed look alike. Only the pirate in white looked a little older by a few years and appeared more arrogant, while Xiao Se put on an air of laziness about him. But, looking closely at their brows, they indeed resembled each other.

The man in white waved his folding fan lightly. "We haven’t seen each other in a long time."

Xiao Se gestured mildly at the three heavenly generals and drawled in a lazy tone, "Dispense with the formalities. I’m no longer the sixth prince so stop kneeling already."

"That's right, you’re not the sixth prince now. I heard those useless fools from the mainland say that you’ve been conferred the title Yong’an Prince? Yong’an, eternal peace[7], that Xiao old man has quite the metaphor, huh," the man in white said faintly.

"Sure sounds better than the king of a thousand miles of territorial waters or whatever. You’re still so narcissistic, so uncultured when it comes to names. There’s no other person like you in this world." Xiao Se shook his head.

The man in white raised his eyebrows. "Did you forget about yourself? What was your name again, Xiao Se? Tsk tsk tsk, so sour, so sour[8]. How’s that not narcissistic and uncultured?”

"My Prince, you’re brothers who’ve been through so much to finally see each other again, so stop quarreling." The head of the heavenly generals, Xue Duanyun, who had always put on a stern face, unexpectedly crooked a smile.

Tang Lian, Sikong Qianluo and the rest realized that these people appeared to be friends and not enemies, so they also put away their weapons and came up to stand beside Xiao Se. Mu Chunfeng, however, had a slight frown on his face. "Prince? Which Prince are you? The White Prince Xiao Chong or the Red Prince Xiao Yu."

"Those two you named, one is blind and the other is a lunatic. How could I be one of them?" The man in white looked at Mu Chunfeng.

Mu Chunfeng thought further. "In the imperial court, these are the only two Princes among the current younger generation. The other Princes are of the same generation as Mingde Emperor, and even the youngest should be in his forties. Lanyue Marquis is still young, but he should be addressed as Marquis."

"Are those two the only Princes?" The man in white smiled.

Mu Chunfeng frowned again and shook his head after much thought.

"Have you ever heard of something called perpetual primogeniture?" The man in white asked him.

Mu Chunfeng was familiar with the law and naturally knew of perpetual primogeniture. A perpetual primogeniture, also called the Iron-capped Prince, was an honor bestowed only to Princes who have accomplished extremely great military merits and his eldest son could inherit his title, instead of being demoted to the Marquis title.

There used to be four founding Princes of Beili who were conferred perpetual primogeniture but strangely, none of them had descendants. Since then, Beili had not had another Iron-capped Prince for several generations.

Until Mingde Emperor's current reign, where once again, there emerged a Prince with extremely great military merits who was qualified to be a perpetual primogeniture Prince.

Mu Chunfeng was shocked. This time, it was a really big shock. He could guarantee that if this news were to spread onto the continent, then everyone who knew even a little of Beili’s politics and law would be equally shocked!

Tang Lian's eyes flashed.

The Heart sword in Lei Wujie's hand suddenly cried out.

The expression on the three heavenly generals turned solemn.

The man in white was very satisfied with the mood that had resulted. He waved his fan lightly, a smirk on his face. "The king of a thousand miles of territorial waters. Such an awful-sounding title is obviously not my true name. Since you’ve figured it out, you can call me by my true name."

"Langya Prince."

He was the Prince who once single-handedly snatched the throne for his brother, who intimidated the whole of Nanjue as the Beili Grand Protector and made a clean sweep of every battlefield he led. He was sentenced to death for plotting a rebellion, but just before his execution, the Qinglong Guardian of Heavenly Revelations, Li Xinyue, fought alone with her sword against four of the Grand Eunuchs. And, there was also that sword immortal whose sword came right up to the Emperor. Although four years had passed since then, this name was one which continued to instill deep admiration and veneration among the people.

However, he should be dead. And, everyone knew that although the Langya Princess Consort died young, she had left Langya Prince an heir. This heir disappeared without a trace after the case of Langya Prince’s rebellion and a lot of people assumed that he had been secretly executed by Mingde Emperor. But nobody could prove it, and even though Mingde Emperor executed Langya Prince, he did not strip him of his title. So, in name, there should indeed still be a Langya Prince in the world.

Although this was such an unimaginable outcome, the person most able to express his opinion, Xiao Se, did not object. Everyone knew that he was very close to Langya Prince so naturally, his relationship with Langya Prince’s son couldn’t have been bad either. He simply yawned softly. He had always liked doing this, casually interrupting other people’s moment of self-importance.

Sikong Qianluo also yawned. Her thoughts were simpler. She didn't know anything about the imperial government, and even Langya Prince was just a name to her. She yawned only because she saw Xiao Se yawn, and felt that she was getting sleepy as well.

The man in white who claimed to be Langya Prince looked slightly embarrassed and he cleared his throat. "Must you be like this?"

Xiao Se shrugged. "Let’s talk?"

"Obviously, we talk. Otherwise, what? Am I really going to plunder your boat?" The man in white closed his fan with a loud "pah".

"I was really scared, Xiao Lingchen, King of a thousand miles of territorial waters!" Xiao Se sneered.

"Langya Prince! Langya Prince!" Xiao Lingchen interjected, annoyed at Xiao Se for calling out his real name.

The two of them walked, one behind the other, towards the bow of the ship. Mu Chunfeng had yet to recover completely from all the developments. Inexplicably, the most famous prince had appeared by his side, and just as inexplicably, they encountered the self-proclaimed heir of the most famous Prince. And there were still the three middle-aged men in armor standing right in front of him. According to those legendary stories, they should undoubtedly be the three heavenly generals of the Beili Central Army. All of this was really… like some plot device in a book.

Tang Lian glanced at him. "Are you regretting letting us onto your boat?"

Mu Chunfeng shook his head and his hands trembled a little. "No, this is amazing! This whole matter is worth showing off to my father!"

Xiao Lingchen and Xiao Se walked slowly to the bow of the ship. One of them flipped open the folding fan again and Xiao Se took a closer look at it. Then he realised that there were four large characters written on the fan.

Noble Grandson of the King[9].

"It's been four years. We haven’t seen each other in four years." This noble grandson of the king waved his fan narcissistically but his voice was full of emotion.

Xiao Se nodded. "I actually searched for you in secret for some time, but could never find you. Who knew you’d become a pirate?"

"I was born to be a king. Since I can’t be a Prince on land, this vast and open sea works for me too. At least it’s not smaller than that Xiao old man’s lousy Beili!"

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