Song of Adolescence

Chapter 227 Stepping Waves Drunken Song

Chapter 227 Stepping Waves Drunken Song

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"The name of this wine is White Autumn Dew, which is brewed by the Diaolou Mansion in the imperial capital, Heavenly Revelations. It’s said that only on the fifteenth of every month, Diaolou Mansion will produce three pots of White Autumn Dew for their distinguished guests. Even for our Qingzhou Mu family, it took a great deal of effort to get this one pot from Heavenly Revelations," Mu Chunfeng introduced with a smile.

Heavenly Revelations’ White Autumn Dew was a high quality wine that was famous under Heaven. Mu Chunfeng was immensely pleased with himself but the four people in front of him looked utterly indifferent. Even Tang Lian, who was the most polite amongst them, only made a faint, "Oh" sound.

"This wine is Glacier Lake Fragrance, the famous wine from Luoxiang City in Nanjue. After the wine is brewed, it’s buried one hundred feet under a glacier lake and then taken out a year later. It has a biting cold taste, yet with a touch of peach blossom wine. Compared to the White Autumn Dew, it’s a grade more exquisite!" Mu Chunfeng had to bring out his secret stash of wine that he usually couldn’t bear to drink from.

The result was, Tang Lian, Lei Wujie, and Sikong Qianluo still looked indifferent, but the one who was usually the most aloof, Xiao Se, actually responded, "Oh, this Glacier Lake Fragrance. It’s indeed a rare and exquisite wine."

Mu Chunfeng felt his spirit deflate a little. He thought they were all like him, youths at heart, and youths loved to drink wine. But, these people in front of him were not moved in any way when they were introduced to such fine wines. There was only one possibility - they didn't know anything about wine. Maybe in their opinion, the White Autumn Dew was no different than the old homebrew of a roadside inn! Mu Chunfeng suddenly felt a little regret for serving his Glacier Lake Fragrance.

"You guys don't really like to drink?" Mu Chunfeng finally had to ask.

"I love to drink," Tang Lian replied simply.

"I love drinking very much," Lei Wujie added.

"What kind of wine do you like to drink?" Mu Chunfeng asked cautiously.

Tang Lian thought for a while. "The Wind Flower Snow Moon is a little mild, but it’s the most commonly served wine. But, different festivals call for different wines. For instance, Sangluo, Xinfeng, Zhuyu, Songlao, Chang'an, Tusu, Yuanzheng, Guihua, Dukang, Songhua, Shengwen, and Banruo are all good wines. But the best wine I’ve ever tasted has to be the Seven Cups of Starry Night Wine. Unfortunately, it’s rare to get to drink it. We can only try our luck sometimes with Third Citymaster. Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang are really incomparable."

Initially, Mu Chunfeng was stunned when he heard Tang Lian name all the well-known wines, thinking that the man really knew about wine. But, the more he spoke, the more Mu Chunfeng was awestruck. The Seven Cups of Starry Night Wine! That was a fine wine that was far above the White Autumn Dew! When compared to it, not even the Glacier Lake Fragrance was worth mentioning.

Because the Seven Cups of Starry Night Wine was a wine that only one person knew how to brew.

"You’ve actually drunk the Seven Cups of Starry Night Wine before!" Mu Chunfeng exclaimed in shock.

Sikong Qianluo blinked in surprise. "I often drink it too. What's so strange about it? I think it's not as good as Wind Flower Snow Moon though. It’s too fiery and not sweet enough!"

Lei Wujie thought for a while. "Oh, that's the wine. We drank it together that night."

Xiao Se nodded. "That’s right. That night, we drank the Starry Night Wine that defeated Diaolou Mansion’s White Autumn Dew."

Tang Lian observed Mu Chunfeng’s expression of shock for a while and said, "Have you forgotten who my shifu is?"

"My shifu is the Wine Immortal, Baili Dongjun, ah."

Mu Chunfeng's heart skipped a beat, and then he came back to himself. Sitting opposite him were the disciples of the three citymasters of Snow Moon City. Back then, the legendary First Citymaster Baili Dongjun was only a youth when he brought his Seven Cups of Starry Night Wine to Diaolou Mansion, surpassed the White Autumn Dew, and his name became famous under Heaven. Mu Chunfeng laughed awkwardly, then poured out the wine. "Come, come, let’s drink this Glacier Lake Fragrance."

Xiao Se was the first to drink a cup. He closed his eyes and nodded faintly, then put his cup down.

Sikong Qianluo's eyes lit up. "What a fragrant taste of peach blossoms. This wine is not bad."

Lei Wujie also praised, "Good wine. Seconds!"

Mu Chunfeng held his wine cup, looked at Tang Lian, and said tentatively, "Chunfeng is also a connoisseur of good wine. I wonder if Tang-xiong can invite me to drink Starry Night Wine when we return to Beili this time."

Tang Lian shook his head. "We secretly finished the last pot of it last time. Shifu has gone on a wandering trip and I don't know when he will be back."

Mu Chunfeng looked disappointed. "I see. That's really a shame."

Xiao Se suddenly said, "Didn't the Confucian Sword Immortal give you a copy of the "Wine Scripture" last time? Isn't the method for brewing the Seven Cups of Starry Night Wine written inside?"

"Yes, it’s inside, but I’m not like my shifu. I don’t have much interest in brewing wine. If I have wine, I’ll drink it. If I don’t, I wouldn't go through the trouble of brewing some." Tang Lian shrugged.

"Wine Scripture?" Mu Chunfeng's eyes brightened. "Tang-xiong, could you let me have a look at it?"

"You have an interest in wine-brewing too?" Tang Lian took out the "Wine Scripture" from his robes and handed it over casually. "I don't get the hobbies of you rich people."

Mu Chunfeng accepted the “Wine Scripture” but the more he read it, the more astounded he became. "This is the book! It really is this book!"

Tang Lian was taken aback when he saw his reaction. "Is this book very precious?"

"It's beyond precious. No, I can’t read anymore. If I read anymore, it’d be no different from stealing!" Mu Chunfeng closed the book and handed it back to Tang Lian.

Tang Lian was puzzled. "Isn’t it just a book about brewing wine? I have no interest. There’s no problem if you want a closer look. But, it was a gift from an elder, so I can’t give it to you. How about you borrow it to read for a couple of days?"

"You’re muddled!" Mu Chunfeng scolded angrily.

Tang Lian and Xiao Se exchanged a glance but neither could understand why Mu Chunfeng suddenly lost his temper.

"Xiaobai drank 30 cups in a row, nobility of spirit rang like thunder in his fingertips! Did you really think the contents of this book was only about brewing wine?" Mu Chunfeng said anxiously. "The Seven Cups of Starry Night Wine you drank may have been an ordinary wine, but your shifu, Baili Dongjun, can clearly brew an even more terrifying Starry Night Wine. Each cup of wine could promote your martial arts by one realm. The Wine Scripture recorded the art of brewing wine, but it’s really about an ultimate wine that could increase your martial skills!"

Tang Lian was startled by Mu Chunfeng's tone, and he swallowed. "The wine that shifu brewed could indeed help people promote their realm, but was it really learned from this book?"

Xiao Se recalled that night when Lei Wujie drank the Wind Flower Snow Moon that had been brewed under the moonlight. His martial skills increased several realms in succession. He couldn’t help but realise that the book in front of him was worth a lot more. He turned his head to look at Lei Wujie, but saw that both Lei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo were dazed and their eyes were flushed.

While the others were talking, the two of them sat there and drank one cup after another. They didn’t know that this Glacier Lake Fragrance had a sweet taste of peach blossoms, but it was a rare fiery wine even among other strong wines. Even Xiao Se and Tang Lian who had a high tolerance for wine didn’t dare to drink too much of it. That was why Xiao Se had put down his cup after drinking the first cup.

"Good… good wine!" Lei Wujie laughed loudly. Suddenly, he drew his sword and rushed out.

"Lei Wujie, where… where are you going… Let’s… drink more!" Sikong Qianluo felt dizzy and promptly fell asleep.

Lei Wujie was holding his sword and swept out onto the sea. He rolled with the waves and danced wildly with his sword.

“I wish to ride the winds northwards, where the snow falls like a blanket over the earth.

I wish to ride a boat eastwards, where graceful immortals ride the winds.

I wish to step on clouds and travel a million miles, what can an Emperor do to me?

The summit of Kunlun bathed in sunlight, in the vast ocean a paradise of green mountains.

A swallow flies over ten thousand miles to go home, but until I see the world’s end, I will not return!”

He stood on the sea and sang at the top of his lungs.

Mu Chunfeng had run out after him and now, he stood there dumbstruck. "This poem has a heroic and poetic flavour, but this is the first time I’ve heard it. I wonder who wrote it?"

Xiao Se grinned. "It was a monk."

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