Song of Adolescence

Chapter 187 Father and Daughter Reunion

Chapter 187 Father and Daughter Reunion

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Sabre and sword collided.

In an instant, the skin between Lei Wujie's thumb and fingers tore and split. It wasn’t that he’d never seen such a domineering swordplay. When he first entered the martial world, he encountered Ming Hou as well as the assassin from Hidden River, Su Changli. Whether it was their heavy blade or heavy sword, they were both terrifying and dominating. But, right now, he was already seriously injured, and what he feared most was this sort of unreasonable and irrational swordplay.

"Ah!" Lei Wujie was forced to bend down under the pressure of the twin sabres. He cried out loud and got up from the ground, forcing Ye Xiaoying to retreat three steps, but he was completely exhausted and panting.

Instead of being angry, Ye Xiaoying was pleased. "You have suffered a serious injury."

Lei Wujie swung his long sword lightly with his right hand and nodded. "Yes."

In that moment, Ye Xiaoying felt as if he was looking at that white general from many years ago - his white clothes dyed red with blood, and finally, he was the last man with his sabre and blood-soaked clothes, standing before an army of thousands while his youthful face filled with determination. "This is Beili. Please halt!"

"Chief, this son of yours has quite the style you had back then," Ye Xiaoying said in a low voice. Once again, he picked up his twin sabres and strode forward step by step.

"Even if it’s a test, the test has gone far enough. Unless you really want to kill him?" A voice suddenly sounded, and everyone from the Lei Clan stood aside, bowing and calling out respectfully, "Acting Clan Leader."

Lei Yunhe walked out slowly and looked at Ye Xiaoying. "General Ye is here with such a large force. Are you here to tear down my Lei Clan Fort?"

"I wouldn’t dare, I wouldn’t dare. He-xiong, I haven’t seen you in a long time. You’re still so radiant and full of vigour," Ye Xiaoying said with a smile as he put away his twin sabres.

Lei Yunhe walked over and patted Lei Wujie on the shoulder. "It’s okay. Put away your sword."

Lei Wujie looked puzzled. "He is…"

"He is your Dad's best brother, and presently, the General-in-chief of the Beili Central Army, Ye Xiaoying," Lei Yunhe said slowly. "If he dares to hurt you, your Dad will find out about it in the underworld and he won’t let him off even if he’s dead. But, General Ye, what wind has brought you here all the way from Heavenly Revelations?"

Ye Xiaoying smiled and cursed at the same time. "Do you think I want to come to your Lei Clan Fort? The last thing I want in my life is to have anything to do with you people. But, my daughter seems to be here. Don’t you think I have to come?"

"Your daughter?" Lei Yunhe frowned slightly. "Why would your daughter come to Lei Clan Fort? You’re kidding me."

"Dad!" A sweet voice suddenly sounded, and a figure in a green dress drifted past Lei Yunhe. "Why are you here?"

Ye Xiaoying immediately threw his twin blades aside, hugged Ye Ruoyi whole, and said with joy, "My dear daughter, you're all right, that’s wonderful! Now your father can rest assured!"

Lei Yunhe sent Lei Wujie a long glance filled with meaning. "This girl is Ye Xiaoying's daughter?"

Lei Wujie nodded. "I heard from da-shixiong that Ruoyi is indeed the daughter of Beili General-in-chief Ye Xiaoying."

Lei Yunhe asked again meaningfully, "And you like this girl?"

Lei Wujie scratched his head. "Yes."

Lei Yunhe sighed. "Then you should know that Ye Xiaoying's daughter has a congenital heart defect. She’s only survived so far because of the combined medical skills of the best doctors under Heaven?"

"I know." Lei Wujie nodded. "But I believe that there will always be a way."

"Dad, why did you come to Lei Clan Fort?" Ye Ruoyi asked in confusion.

Ye Xiaoying leaned into Ye Ruoyi's ear and whispered, "I received your carrier pigeon. You said that the sixth prince is in Snow Moon City so I immediately rushed over without stopping. After I arrived, Sikong Changfeng said that you all came to Lei Clan Fort. So I rushed over again."

Ye Ruoyi nodded. "I see. So, Father, how many carrier pigeons did you receive?"

"Just one, ah." Ye Xiaoying asked in confusion. "Did you send more than one?"

Ye Ruoyi frowned. "Sure enough. No wonder our whereabouts were exposed. I sent two pigeons one after the other. The first said I met him in Snow Moon City, and the second said he was going to Lei Clan Fort and I was going to Tang Clan. Looks like the second pigeon was intercepted midway."

"Who would dare to intercept the carrier pigeon of my General’s Residence?" Ye Xiaoying was furious.

"Investigate it after you return to Heavenly Revelations," Ye Ruoyi said after thinking about it for a while. "Right now, Chuhe-gege is seriously injured and is recuperating in Lei Clan Fort. Whether or not they can heal him will depend on the next seven days."

"Seriously injured? Who caused it? Lei Clan Fort?" Ye Xiaoying was puzzled.

"They were from Hidden River," Ye Ruoyi said.

"Hidden River? I’ve said this long ago, that bunch of assassins cannot be left alone. Back then, after we forced the Demonic Cult to retreat, we should have wiped them out together," Ye Xiaoying said angrily. "But, what doctor would take seven days to treat an injury? I was afraid something happened to you this time and specially brought an imperial doctor along. Let him take a look at the sixth prince. With the imperial doctor around, the sixth prince will be fine."

"Hey, big beard. Are you looking down on this stinky scholar?" An elegant voice sounded from above. Ye Xiaoying looked up and saw a man dressed as a Confucian scholar sitting on the high wall holding a book as he yawned lazily.

Ye Xiaoying said happily, "Well, isn’t that Chancellor Xie from the Jixia Academy? I haven't seen you for many years, to think that we’re reunited here. Since you’re the one treating the sixth prince, then I have caused offense. With Mister here, I’m sure we have nothing to worry about."

"Whether there’s something to worry about or not, is no longer up to me. Let’s go in and discuss this slowly. This Lei Clan Fort just suffered a large blow, and you’ve brought another thousand soldiers here, looking as if you’re about to invade and destroy them any time. Don’t scare other people like that."

"I have been negligent." Ye Xiaoying turned around and yelled, "Set up camp here!"

"Yes, sir!" A thousand soldiers shouted at the same time.

"Come on, take me to see the sixth prince whom I haven’t seen for so long." Ye Xiaoying turned around and walked into the fort with Ye Ruoyi. He scanned around with his eyes and found that Lei Wujie was still standing there. They exchanged a look and he laughed. "I just wanted to test you earlier. After all, you’re the son of an old friend. But, you really didn’t disappoint. Come to think of it, back when you were just born, I even carried you."

Lei Wujie nodded. "Greetings to Uncle."

Ye Xiaoying and Ye Ruoyi walked towards the house, while Lei Wujie and Lei Yunhe remained in place, watching them leave.

Lei Yunhe frowned slightly. "Ye Xiaoying coming here right now is definitely not as simple as just visiting his daughter. He’s here for that person lying inside."

Lei Wujie returned the Heart sword back into its sheath. "What is shishu thinking?"

"He got his thousand soldiers to set up camp right outside Lei Clan Fort. I think, when the time comes, he only has to give one order, and these thousand soldiers will march into Lei Clan Fort and take that person with him. We, Lei Clan Fort, won’t be able to stop them," Lei Yunhe said in a low voice.

"I can stop them," Lei Wujie said simply, and followed without looking back.

In the distance, a man armed with a sabre sat on his horse.

All dressed in gold, the rich and noble Marquis tapped the hilt of his sabre. He was looking at the one thousand soldiers presently camped outside the gate of Lei Clan Fort and he muttered, "General-in-chief Ye Xiaoying of the Central Army?"

After three taps, he turned around and lightly patted his horse's rump. "Ride!"

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