Song of Adolescence

Chapter 122 Thousand Spiders Array

Chapter 122 Thousand Spiders Array

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Grandmaster Tang sat on the chair, put the pipe aside, and took a sip from his teacup.

“How funny our mundane life, Devotion is most senseless. Grandmaster, it’s been many years since I last visited your Xiaochen Pavilion.” Mu Yumo's voice was charming and soft, as if one could melt just listening to her.

Grandmaster Tang was expressionless. He put down his teacup and smiled kindly at Mu Yumo. "Yumo, you are late."

"You’ve always made others wait for you. Why not occasionally let Grandmaster taste the feeling of waiting for others." Mu Yumo sat down on the wooden chair beside the Grandmaster, and blatantly picked up the Grandmaster’s teacup. She took a sip of the tea and left a red lipstick on the rim of the cup. She looked at Grandmaster Tang, her eyes casting amorous glances.

Grandmaster Tang picked up the pipe next to him and took a leisurely inhale. "Yumo, you don’t need your wiles on this old man."

"You must be kidding. Grandmaster has always been heartless regardless of his age. Where is that equally heartless disciple of yours? Isn’t he here today?" Mu Yumo said casually.

Grandmaster Tang smiled slightly. "You haven't stopped since you entered this room. If I didn't know better, I would really think you’re here to tempt this old man. Lianyue didn't come. He’s locked up in the pavilion behind. He won’t step out of that pavilion until the matter is over."

Mu Yumo's face fell. "You didn't convince him?"

"If Tang Lianyue is a person who can be persuaded, then the person sitting here and chatting with you would already be him." Grandmaster Tang smoked his pipe one puff at a time, and suddenly he had smoke all around him. He coughed slightly. “Let’s get down to business.”

"But there’s another guest who hasn't arrived yet?" Mu Yumo had been observing her surroundings since she entered the pavilion. There were only two of them in the Xiaochen Pavilion. There was definitely no third person.

"I'm afraid he won’t make it for the time being. I understand him. Either he’s here or he’s not. There is no third choice. Wrath Sword Immortal Yan Zhantian would never be late," Grandmaster Tang said quietly. "Although this matter would be difficult to do without him, it is not impossible."

Mu Yumo yawned lazily and was extremely charming. "It's a shame. I thought I could see the famous Wrath Sword Immortal, but in the end I could only chit-chat with Grandmaster about house affairs. For a woman like me, this is really boring."

"Is killing fun?" Grandmaster Tang asked with a smile.

"At first I thought it was fun, but after killing so many, it’s also gotten boring." Mu Yumo played with the hair on her forehead.

"What about killing the entire Lei Clan Fort?" Grandmaster Tang slowly exhaled a smoke ring, and the smoke ring spread out from his mouth, slowly, slowly floating towards Mu Yumo. Mu Yumo smiled widely, reached out and gently poked her fingers through the smoke ring. "That does sound like fun."

Grandmaster Tang looked at Mu Yumo. "You have brought your bargaining chips?"

Mu Yumo smiled and waved her long sleeves. Suddenly, a large number of spiders crawled in from outside the pavilion, and soon they covered a good half of the Xiaochen Pavilion. Grandmaster Tang's eyes showed admiration. "Thousand Spiders Array."

"And where is Grandmaster’s bargaining chip?" Mu Yumo walked to the front of Grandmaster Tang, leaned down and stared at the old man.

Grandmaster Tang tapped lightly on the teacup, pinched a drop of water with his fingers, crouched down, and placed the drop of water right in front of one of the red spiders. The spider crawled forward and opened its mouth to swallow the drop of water. Mu Yumo's face was full of smiles, and she leaned towards Grandmaster Tang's ear and said softly, "Whether it’s all under Heaven, or the martial world, you can take it all if you want. Tang Lianyue, I want to take him away."

Yuanzhi City.

After finally escaping from the Hidden River, Lei Wujie and his group were able to rest peacefully in an inn for a night. Lei Wujie got out of bed and stepped into the courtyard of the inn, and found that Xiao Se was sitting there by himself. There was a small square table in front of him, and on the table was a plate of steaming-hot dumplings and a bowl of plain porridge. Sitting opposite Xiao Se was the inn proprietress with her smile like a peach blossom. She looked at Xiao Se with tenderness in her eyes. "Young master, this little shop only has such crude tea and common meals. It’s too much of a disservice to young master, so I cannot charge young master for this meal. How about young master stay on for a few more days… "

"Madam innkeeper, excuse me." Lei Wujie took a step forward, pushed the proprietress away, and sat down in front of Xiao Se. "Why did you get up so early?"

Xiao Se didn't answer him, and only shot him a glance. "You’re the only one who can sleep so soundly. Do you think we’re out of danger?"

Lei Wujie smiled bitterly. "Didn't you say that when Hidden River takes on a mission, they will never rest until they die? I’m afraid my enmity with the Hidden River has already been cast. What I don’t understand is, why is the Hidden River after us? "

Xiao Se stiffened for a moment, but after that brief hesitation, he lowered his head to start drinking his porridge. Lei Wujie was getting anxious. "Xiao Se, think about it. If there was a grievance, it had to start somewhere. If there’s a grudge, someone was responsible. But, there’s just no reason why the number one assassin organisation under Heaven would have anything against us? One, we have no money, and two, we have nothing of value."

"Hey, Lei Wujie, speak for yourself, and don’t lump us in together with you. Qianluo-shijie is the only daughter of the most esteemed Third Citymaster, and she is beautiful beyond compare. The two things you just mentioned, shijie sure has them." Lei Wujie turned his head to look, and saw Luo Mingxuan, who was in the process of arming himself with all his swords and starting to look like a hedgehog. Behind Luo Mingxuan stood an indifferent Sikong Qianluo.

Sikong Qianluo gave him a cold look. "You shut up. Flattery will not get you anywhere!"

Lei Wujie asked puzzledly, "What’s between you two?"

Luo Mingxuan smiled bitterly. "Naturally, I bought a horse to go back to Snow Moon City. When I left the city on this trip, in addition to asking for my sword, I was also tasked with bringing Qianluo-shijie back-- ah, no, invite her back with me. But…"

"When the time comes, I will naturally return with Xiao Se and Lei Wujie. What are you so anxious for?" Sikong Qianluo snorted coldly.

Luo Mingxuan scratched his head helplessly. "But just ask the two of them, do they even have plans to return to the city?"

"After I meet with Lei Hong-shifu, and after we cure Xiao Se, we will naturally return to Snow Moon City," Lei Wujie replied.

"What year and month is that?" Luo Mingxuan looked at Lei Wujie.

"I don't know," Lei Wujie answered calmly.

"Bah!" Luo Mingxuan glared at him, then turned to look at Sikong Qianluo affectionately, and suddenly knelt down. "Qianluo-shijie, please be good, please be kind to me. If I don't bring you back, Third Citymaster and my shifu will definitely kill me!"

Just as Luo Mingxuan was crying, there was a commotion outside the inn, and the people in the inn kept running outside.

"What's the matter?" Lei Wujie grabbed a man who was anxious to see the excitement.

The man replied, "They’re saying that the prefectural magistrate of Yuanzhi City just offered a reward of a thousand taels of silver to recruit a good doctor to heal a distinguished guest at his residence. Now, all the doctors in the entire city are running over to the prefectural office. How can you miss out on this kind of excitement?" After speaking, he pushed Lei Wujie aside, and followed the others out.

"Xiao Se, we’re short of money." Lei Wujie turned his head and looked at Xiao Se innocently.

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