Chapter 501: Stress Relief With Sports

My, as expected, Takumi-sama. Its not a magic device, and yet to have invented such a magnificent tool like this makes you wonder just how no one had ever thought of such a simple tool like this.

Ha- haha, who knows

Im just reproducing an ordinary soroban, so Papeck-sans excessively high evaluation hurt my chest.

I didnt think much on this when I made the water pump for the wells, but that might have been because I was desperate to survive in this world at the time.

I apologize for having to ask this, but until we are able to start up a workshop, Iruma-dono, I would like to to order a lump sum, even five hundred no, one thousand pieces.


Papeck-san visited the Sanctuary so he could talk to Maria and Akane about their progress with their clothing designs, as well as regarding the bowling-related contracts.

Though he was staying in an accommodation directly outside of the Sanctuary gates, we were talking about work in the mansion.

And my bad feeling was correct. the soroban quickly spread to the not only Valkyra Kingdom, but also Lomaria Kingdom and Yggurle Kingdom, so until the Papeck Company launches their specialized workshop, I got stuck with making a large number of it.

Its just transmuting all the gathered materials, so making it all at once was my only saving grace.

However, it wasnt just the merchants who want the soroban, and there were apparently large orders from countries too.

Well, that was only natural. Officials who are in financial affairs would also want them. I made it for that very reason, after all.

Thank you very much, Iruma-sama.

Ha, haha, I understand

I sighed as I saw off Papeck-san who was heading to his accommodation in high spirits.

Haa, just when I thought this months paperwork was done and dusted

It cant be helped. We are indebted to Papeck-san.

Youre right. okay! Lets do our best to make the soroban!

Takumi-sama, please do your best.

Cheered on by Sophia who came with me to see off Papeck-san, I headed to the workshop to reach my quota for now.

As I worked on the soroban, Laeva who was also working seemed to have reached a good stopping point.

Hnnnghh! Im done!

Good work, Laeva.

I greeted Laeva who was stretching her arms.

Takumi-sama, you have a little bit more to do, I see. Shall I help you?

No, its just a little bit left, so its alright.

Is that so? Then Laeva will have a cup of tea.

Once Laeva had left the workshop, I pulled myself together and continued transmuting sorobans.

It was possible to create one, ten, a thousand, or even two thousand at once, but I had to put the soroban into boxes one by one. Then Id have to stuff them into cardboard boxes, so its very time consuming.

I transmute twenty pieces at a time, and these are placed into separately transmuted paper boxes. Finally, fifty pieces are placed into a transmuted cardboard box made for this purpose, and the process is repeated.

The cardboard boxes are only made to hold fifty wooden sorobans because some people might not be able to carry it if theres too many since it would be too heavy.

Excluding the maids, all our members are high leveled, so having five hundred is more than enough, but that definitely wasnt enough for Papeck-sans people.

Hurghh! Im dooooone!

Good work.

Ah, Sophia, youre here.

Please have some tea.

Thank you.

Having reached the quota that Papeck-san had requested, I stretched my arms up and loosened my body.

Just then, Sophia had come bringing tea with her.

Hmm, being all cooped up in here in the workshop makes me want to do some sports. But I dont feel like going bowling.

Takumi-sama, what is sports?

Hmmm~ how should I explain this. I think bowling is also a sport, but I guess its a game where you use your body?

When she asked me again what sports was, I couldnt find the right words to explain it.

I see, the world you and Akane come from is plentiful. The people of this world are barely living by, and as such, do not have the means to enjoy such sports.

There arent many places where people can live without fearing the menace of monsters and thieves. So sports didnt have a chance to be born.

Okay! Lets make a sportsground!

A sportsground?

Yup, its a place where you can do all sorts of sports. After all, we have more than enough space in the Sanctuary.

Now then, a soccer field might be nice. Or maybe baseball? How about a place for track and field?

I was having fun thinking about what type of sports we could have.


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