Chapter 373: Moving

The scenery changed, and I confirmed we teleported to a location a distance away where we could see the gate of Bohd Village.

「Wha!? I-isn’t this Bohd Village?」

「Ehh?! What’s going on!?」

「Please calm down.」

I informed Vanga-san and Martha-san who were becoming Sanctuary residents about my ability to use Teleportation magic. While doing so, I told them that it was a secret to everyone other than the Sanctuary residents.

「……ah, yeah, my lips are sealed.」

「Yes. If this is leaked out, it would be made use of by countries.」

I think the King and Prime Minister of Valkyra Kingdom are probably fine, but they might prioritize their country’s profit.

「Well, there are plenty of other things about the Sanctuary that must be kept a secret, but eh, one step at a time.」

「Master! Let’s hurry up and go!」

「Okay, okay.」

We were hurried by Kaede to walk to the gate.

I gave the two security golems standing on either side of the village’s gates. That’s when the villager standing guard addressed us.

「Oh, if it isn’t Vanga-san and Martha-san. You’re back. And Takumi and Kaede-chan escorted you back?」

「Good work. May we pass?」

「Yeah, welcome back to Bohd Village.」

It made me happy when the gatekeeper said “Welcome back”. As I thought, this village is definitely an important place to me.

When we entered the village, the people who heard that Martha-san and Vanga-san came back had gathered. Among them was Bobon-san who was unable to come to the wedding.

Seems like it was inevitable that everyone wanted to hear what it was like in the Sanctuary. Seeing Kaede and I, they got really excited and it turned into a party.

「What!? Vanga and Martha are moving!?」

「Yeah, our two sons are already independent, and the village wouldn’t be troubled with one less hunter now.」

「I for sure thought you’d live an easy life working the field and hunting.」

Bobon-san couldn’t help but shout when he heard that Vanga-san and Martha-san were moving to the Sanctuary. After that, the villagers listened to Vanga-san and Martha-san’s explanation, and perhaps having been convinced, the party turned into a farewell party.

「I see, things will get a bit lonely…… well, you can entrust your sons to me. You’ll show your mugs once in a while, yeah?」

「Don’t worry. I’ll take responsibility for bringing and picking up Vanga-san and Martha-san from Bohd Village.」

Bobon-san seemed a bit lonely, but he was still busy working in the bustling village.

「Kaede-chan, Kaede-chan, can you bring out this kind of thread?」

「That’s easy peasy!」

「Hey, hey! I want this kind of thread, though?」

「Coming right up!」

In one area of the party, villagers gathered. It was, like always, the village wives surrounding Kaede-chan and asking her for threads.

Well, Kaede was getting a bunch out of it too, so it’s like it was unacceptable, so it’s fine, I guess.

After the party ended, Kaede and I stayed at the small cabin we stayed at in the vilalge. It was a little bit dusty since the last time we came here.

When I cleaned up and headed to bed, Kaede crawled into bed with me, so I went to sleep with Kaede for the first time in a while.

Early morning the next day, I ate breakfast and went to Vanga-sans’ house where I found a large bag of organized belongings and a wooden box crammed with hunting tools.

「Good morning.」

「Ahh, morning Takumi.」

「Good morning, Takumi-chan. We have this much luggage, but would that be alright?」

After greeting Vanga-san and Martha-san good morning, I handed Vanga-san a Magic Bag.

「Please put your luggage inside that Magic Bag. It would be handy for when you sort out your stuff in the other house.」

「Ooh, that’s amazing. It’s my fist time seeing a Magic Bag.」

「Then we shall borrow it with appreciation.」

Vanga-san and Martha-san stored their luggage into the Magic Bag.

It was then that Ganbo-san, who was inheriting this house, showed up.

「Please take good care of mom and pop.」

「Yes, please don’t worry since they’ll be back at the village once in a while.」

We shook hands and bid him farewell.

It seems he was happy to have become the head of the house and be acknowledged as a full fledged hunter by Vanga-san.

Met with a grand sendoff, we left Bohd Village.

The villagers waved as they watched us be on our way, so we had to walk more than intended, but that couldn’t be helped and I just resigned myself to it.

Once I confirmed that there were no pedestrians and no one watching in front or behind us, I teleported to the Sanctuary with Vanga-san and Martha-san.


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