When Onogi said he was going to fight fair and square only with the help of his strength, you bet he was serious. They were three minutes into the fight and Onogi had not used any of his scientist shit.

He had planned to play fair, but Hitori had not. Still, Hitori refrained from using magic– it would be a one-shot if he misses, he is dead– so he held onto his chance.

So he had cracked Hitori's jaw with two punches on the jaw and one on the chin. He was holding onto the pain somehow. After five minutes, Hitori realized he has fighting experience but not outside of the game.

Outside of the game, he is just another nerd with the talent for gaming and a brain for plotting– not with the strength for executing. I just need to get her out of here and kill his bastard somehow.

He was buying time. Hitori dodged another punch but did not bother to land a punch in Onogi's abdomen. He would have stopped the punch anyway, though.

Hitori threw himself over the bounds and jumped back at Onogi. Onogi turned and extended his hand to grab Hitori by the neck and pin him on the ground, then punch him till he dies.

Hitori swung his arm and landed a punch on Onogi's face before he could do it, and prevented himself from dying so early in the game.

Onogi moved his hand across his elbow and tried to land a blow on Hitori's back. He jerked his arm, Hitori jumped forward and dodged the blow.

I am getting this. He glanced behind, he had changed the sides, and now he was facing Reon.

"Oy." He heard Onogi and turned only to feel a punch in his guts. He felt like he would puke his guts out any moment with his blood.

His hands directed towards his stomach on their own, but before he could clutch his stomach and fall to the floor, Onogi kicked him under the jaw.

He screamed and Reon jumped in her chair. She knew better than Onogi the condition of Hitori's jaws.

Hitori fell on the bound behind him, holding him from falling to the floor. Onogi brought his leg back to the floor and looked at Hitori.

"I knew it. I knew you were nothing without magic. You will die helplessly, just like Kamiya did."

Hitori swung his arms over the bounds and pushed him off. He was feeling dizzy due to the blow, but he had enough strength to stand.

p If only I could get my hands on the healing potion. But he could not.

Onogi charged at him and raised his leg. Hitori blocked it and landed a punch on the knee. Onogi pulled back his leg and jumped away.

Hitori stayed where he was. Attacking was not a good choice at this stage— not always the one who attacks has the upper hand– Hitori learned.

Onogi charged again. Hitori dodged his punch, then blocked the kick, and tried to land a punch when Onogi blocked him.

They continued exchanging blows without hurting anyone severely. But the pain in Hitori's body had started playing its role.

While Reon tried to break out of the device on her mouth and the cuffs– she did not create much impact.

Onogi and Hitori separated themselves and stood on their guard.

"You have lasted more than I expected you to," Onogi said as he charged at Hitori again.

I need to end this,  he thought,  I need to seek my chance. Hitori slid to the side and let Onogi punch the bounds. Then he squatted and landed a kick in the shin bone.

Onogi crumbled on the bounds, he grabbed them and tried to stand still when Hitori rose his leg and kicked his balls.

"Fucker!" Onogi groaned in pain as Hitori jumped to his feet.

One kick and Onogi would be lying on the floor, but Hitori wanted to do something terrifying. He landed a chop on Onogi's neck and pushed his face into the bounds.

"The same way Kamiya died… yes, your end will just have a twist at the end."

Hitori tightened his grip over Onogi's neck, he was sure Onogi heard the cracking of ice around his ear.

Onogi's eyes widened and hope could be seen in Reon's eyes, whilst vengeance in Hitori's.

"You fucker! We agreed on—"

"What the fuck, Onogi?" Hitori said as he started freezing Onogi's neck, "are you the best scientist if your batch? I doubt it."

And it was time for him to snap Onogi's neck while he struggled to free himself. Hitori stopped when he heard a whirring sound above his head.

He raised his head but could see nothing through the roof. The sound came closer to the roof and started irritating the hell out of Hitori's ear.

He dropped Onogi to the floor and covered his ears. Reon was struggling too. It was the harmful sound of a helicopter, Hitori recognized.

"What the hell?" He opened his eye and saw dust flowing down the roof through the windows on the side. Then he looked at Reon– crying because of the pain in her ears.

He saw Onogi was immobilized by the pain. That was his chance. Hitori ran towards his wand, he picked it off the floor and raced back into the bounds.

He kicked Onogi's frozen– now melting– neck. He took the remote from his coat hanging on the bounds and clicked the unlock button.

The mouth device's sound was covered by the helicopter noises that were decreasing as it slid then fell her handcuffs, and she was free.

Hitori threw the remote and crushed it under his shoes as he teleported beside Reon and grabbed her hand.

"Hitori, I can't walk—" He did something he believe he would never do. He grabbed her from the waist and carried her like a princess while feeling his heart burning on the edge of failing.

She threw her arms around Hitori's neck and dug her face into his shoulder, ready to jump from the seventh floor. Hitori turned and ran towards the glass windows on the side.

Helicopter… who is it? He did not have any time to wait and see. If this was Tengoku or someone for Onogi's support, he would never live to see the sun at dawn.

The guards outside were in chaos. "Onogi-Sama has arrived! Break into the floor and kill the intruder at the instant!" ordered the warden. "Clean up the mess and don't do anything that would make him angry. Just get on with the shit! And you, prepare for welcoming him."

The guards broke into the hall and saw nothing but a body in the middle of the hall with water around it– mixed with blood.

The warden continued, "Clean the bodies. I want everything done by dawn!" he shouted.

The guards came out, panting, and shouted, "Sir Warden! O-Onogi-san is… he is lying unconscious, and the intruder and the girl are gone!"

Warden covered his head. "How? Tell the ground floor guards to send a search party."

"They jumped out of the window and the search party guards were killed in the attack," said another guard.

"Fuck, just send someone! Oh, you know what? Forget it. Just get someone to medicate that fool!" he shouted, pointing at the hall.

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