Chapter 104

Wen Qian originally thought her mindset would undergo a huge change, but little did she know that after cleaning everything up and returning home, she only wanted to eat.

She cooked herself a bowl of noodles, adding in some greens and eggs, and after finishing her meal, she washed up and went to bed.

She should have had trouble sleeping, but she slept very well.

The next day, she slept until she naturally woke up, then leaned against the bed frame, lost in thought.

She began to recall the events that had happened the previous day, but the speed was so fast that she now felt a bit dazed when recalling it, but she was certain it was not an illusion, but something that had truly happened.

On her hands was indeed the blood of a life taken, and Wen Qian took out the gun and dagger she had confiscated from the bad person.

The dagger looked quite sharp, but the gun was a bit more rough-looking than the one in her hands, possibly because it was used often, so it looked a bit older. Wen Qian then put these two items back into her spatial storage.

Compared to the psychological shadow that killing had cast on her, she was now more surprised at her own calmness.

She even suspected that she might be a natural-born criminal, and if she could get her hands on an official criminal psychology assessment form, she would have herself tested, high or low.

Otherwise, how could she explain her current composure, as if she had no fear or respect for human life? Or was her reaction just too slow, and the aftereffects would only appear later?

Right now, she was truly unruffled.

Ordinary people would be fearful when they kill, and a few might even be particularly excited, but Wen Qian, apart from being alert and protecting her own safety at the time, had no other thoughts.

Actually, she was not completely untouched - after this, she became very disgusted with anything red, because of the visual stimulation caused by the sight of the fresh blood on the snow at the time.

Originally, after dreaming of the dream world, she had been fantasizing about the human condition related to the apocalypse.

Of course, Wen Qian knew that after the apocalypse, the evil of human nature would come out, and she had been mentally and weaponarily prepared.

She had imagined countless times retaliating and killing the bad guys when they tried to harm her.

But when she actually carried out the retaliatory killing, she doubted whether she was a natural-born criminal.

When the other person came down from the mountain and circled around to approach the slope next to the wall, wasn't the purpose quite obvious?

And with the smile revealed after comparing the footprints, wasn't the purpose also obvious?

How to judge that the person was bad, and the decision was made in such a short time, the speed of the solution left Wen Qian even baffled.

At this time, Wen Qian was thinking more about her own reaction after doing this deed, rather than the fact that she had killed someone.

She was surprised by this, but come to think of it, she had pondered similar questions a long time ago.

That was when the social situation was relatively good, and she had thoughts about killing.

It wasn't that people shouldn't kill, but she felt that killing carried the death penalty, the cost was too great, and this act could not escape the punishment of the law, there were corresponding punishments, so she didn't do such things.

Perhaps she was not a kind-hearted person by nature before, and it was only now, for self-preservation, that she had done such a thing.

Her first reaction to killing was not fear, but a sense of a harmonious society, if she did such a thing, she would definitely pay the price, but now she did not.

Da Gang's former companion Xiao Cai, after a period of time, came back to observe, and found no trace of Da Gang's return, so he knew something had happened.

Knowing that the other party had met with an accident, Xiao Cai's first reaction was not to go look for him, but to go even further away.

Xiao Cai had also heard Da Gang say that there were people's homes in the mountains outside, but since the other party did not return, Xiao Cai had no curiosity to go find him.

He just waited until the end of winter to go to another mountain, instead of staying in this area.

Wen Qian was still worried that she might be discovered by others, but later she thought that if someone were to come, they should have come with the first person, not after many days, so Wen Qian didn't dwell on the matter too much.

Her life continued as usual.

Her life getting through the winter was no different from before, the only difference being that Wen Qian ate more often.

She felt she was too thin and weak, and wanted to gain some weight, so she ate more.

Perhaps this was also a way to relieve stress, although Wen Qian felt she had no pressure.

This winter was a bloody one, and Wen Qian would forever remember this incident, but she also knew clearly that she was able to escape this time because she had the spatial storage, and could use its power to kill.

Otherwise, with the weapons she had prepared, she would not have been able to kill with one strike, and might have even been injured or killed herself.

Wen Qian still went to the tree to listen to the news on the radio, but she changed to a different tree, just near the original location.

She was avoiding the relevant area.

After this, she started even more training, putting the archery targets further away, and practicing self-defense techniques for longer periods of time.

Although the winter was long, it still passed. ๐˜ง๐˜ณโ„ฏ๐“ฎ๐˜ธ๐“ฎ๐‘๐“ท๐“ธ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐“.๐˜คโ„ด๐˜ฎ

When the temperature started to warm up a bit, Wen Qian went back to the trap area to rearrange it, and sure enough, there was nothing but snow there. She still placed bait there and came back to check it periodically.

In the new year, she began to try planting crops, sowing a variety of cold-resistant seeds to see which ones were more suitable for the local climate.

In the new year, she expanded the planting scale, but the locations were all relatively far from her home.

Because she needed to clear the land, she had a lot of physical work to do, and after finishing, she would nurture the seedlings and then plant them.

The seedling cultivation was done at home, where the temperature was higher, so that the seedlings could grow a little bigger before being transplanted outside, which would increase the survival rate and allow for earlier planting.

Of course, this was only the case for some vegetables, the crops were still directly sown in the fields.

At the same time, she also planned to plant more potatoes, which required digging the land into ridges, a very laborious task for Wen Qian.

After planting all these, the areas near her home were planted with leafy greens.

When the mountain opposite started to turn a little green, her crops were also growing well.

Wen Qian was busy for a month or two, her hands calloused, and she slept particularly soundly at night after a day of hard work.

The events of the winter were forgotten, and after completing all this, she rested for two days, then went to the pasture.

Originally, she wanted to see if there were still fish in the river, but when she reached the gate of the pasture, she found a wanted poster on the wall, a very large poster that was fresh, dated just a few days ago.

One of the three people on it was the one whose life she had taken.

This brought her memories back, but she still did not have a particularly strong emotional reaction. To her, the descriptions of the crimes of the people on the poster actually made her feel more at ease.

She had essentially eliminated a public nuisance, even though it was a personal execution of justice.

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