Chapter 282: S-Ranks

“It’s time for work,” Wang Lao Er said in a deep voice while spitting out a ring of smoke.

As his voice fell, King Kong kicked open the door of the escort car and jumped out first. When the bright beam light came, King Kong squinted. What was coming was an SUV with a black and aggressive body. The speed was over 200 mph, as the engine roared under the strain.

King Kong stood between the two vehicles. When the distance between the two cars was less than 20 meters, he growled and rushed two steps towards the cross-country vehicle and kicked out.

His leg muscles instantly expanded and his pants exploded.


The front of the car dented violently as the gearbox, water tank, condenser, generator, and other parts exploded. The terrifying power pierced through the vehicle. A few seconds later, the whole off-road vehicle shattered into pieces.

If Li Xianyu was here, he would be shocked. He was familiar with King Kong, but he had never seen such a violent side. This was ten times more violent than Schwarzenegger’s “Terminator”.

As the SUV disintegrated, a man who was similarly strong rushed out. He stepped on the wreckage of the SUV, completely splitting the wreckage of SUV as he launched toward King Kong.

Tentacle Demon extended his mental energy, which turned into a thick tentacle, grabbed Wang Lao Er and swung him like a windmill twice before throwing him at the big man.

Wang Lao Er’s hands made the seal of Acalanātha, and his flapping clothes suddenly solidified, as though time was suspended. At the same time, his body was covered with an iron-gray sheen.

The burly man was in the middle of the air, unable to escape. He clasped his hands into a fist and rotated in the air.

Bang. He hit Wang Lao Er and sent him flying into the paddy field on the right. The paddy field was splashed with muddy water.

Wang Lao Er failed to stand up, the mud under him swirled like a whirlpool, drawing him into the field.

There was a creepy laugh. A man with a sharp mouth and small eyes came out of the muddy paddy field, and he taunted, “They all said that you, Wang Lao Er, have an unparalleled defense. Yet, shall we test how much of your strength can you use in the mud?”

He plunged into the mud. A moment later, Wang Lao Er, who was already deep in the mud, was suddenly pulled down by a huge force and disappeared.

Tentacle Demon was about to pull up Wang Lao Er, but God of War stepped on the cement soil and shot out like a shell. King Kong stopped in front of the tentacle monster, and connected his fist with that of God of War.

The muffled sound of fists colliding with each other, and the brittle sound of bone cracking, King Kong’s bone stabbed out from the elbow, as his forearm turned into a mess of blood and flesh.

His face suddenly turned white. He turned around and with his back facing God of War, he stomped. The cement under his right leg collapsed and King Kong slammed into God of War’s chest.

Metal Mountain Lean!

God of War flew out, and King Kong was hit with the reaction force and backed up, hitting the escort car, which moved forward for more than ten meters before stopping.

San Wu who was on the top of the car stayed motionless. On her shoulder was a huge sniper rifle.


A flash of fire, and the dull sound of the gunshot resonated in the dark.

Tentacle Demon frowned. The paddy field was stirred by his invisible tentacles and turned into a mess, but it was not deep enough. He could not find Wang Lao Er.

While flying, God of War stabilized his figure, and his feet slid out of the road for several meters. His right hand blocked the center of his eyebrow, and a bullet was embedded in the center of his bloodied palm.

God of War held the bullet and flicked it at the tip of his finger. It reflected straight back at a speed no less than before.

San Wu did not even aim as she pressed the trigger and shot down that bullet in the air.

“There’s only your few?” God of War grinned.

“Enough to kill you.” King Kong took out a tube of deep red blood, drank it in one mouthful. His forearm crackles as broken bone regenerated, and the wound healed.

In the silent confrontation between the two sides, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the dark.

“Li Peiyun, are you dead? Give a squeak!” cried God of War.

“Squeak!” Li Peiyun’s voice came from the car in a relaxed tone. “These five guys are not easy to deal with. Are you the only one here? If you don’t have reinforcements, hurry up and run.”

God of War said, “It’s only five weaklings. What reinforcements are needed...”

His voice suddenly stopped, because San Wu who was on the roof suddenly brought out a basket of HE grenades.

God of War took a breath of cold air. “Baoze really took this to the next level.”

The most terrible thing about San Wu was not her close-quarter combat abilities, but her superpower, Precision Strike, which granted her 100% accuracy. Without her superpower, San Wu’s combat ability was at the bottom of the S-Levels. But with it, she was definitely one of the most deadly ones.

In the face of this basket of high explosive grenades, even God of War, who specialized in his defense, couldn’t bear it.


It was the sharp sound of the safety falling.

God of War’s scalp exploded in fear and he shouted, “Go!”

The air behind San Wu fluctuated, and a ninja in black jumped out of the sky. The knife in the water made a bright arc in the dark.

It was the ninja of the Aoki family. Each ninja was very good at hiding and lurking. A trained ninja would master numerous ways to hide, which included camouflaging. It could be comparable to an innate hiding superpower.

When he wasn’t moving, the surround was like a calm sea, without waves. Yet, when they appear, they would surely attack like lightning and not give the prey a chance to react.

San Wu did not turn her head around and merely threw the high explosive grenade up into the sky. Carrying the sniper gun with one hand, she pointed it back. The muzzle was nicely pointing at the forehead of the ninja.

Bang! In a flash of fire, the head of the black ninja exploded like a watermelon in the powerful impact of the sniper bullet.

San Wu took advantage of the situation to spin herself, and twisted her slender waist, as she swung the sniper gun like a baseball bat. With a clean hit, the grenade scored a home run towards God of War.

The series of moves was so cool that it made top action movies seem dull.

As the high explosive grenade flew out, a dozen ninjas in black appeared around the escort car. They were like wandering ghosts in the night. They appeared silently and approached the escort car without people noticing them.

San Wu’s biggest weakness was her lack of close-quarter fighting abilities. Although her superpower was strong, if the enemy was too close, she wouldn’t be able to detonate the grenade. After all, there was no friendly fire protection against grenades.

Another weakness was that one couldn’t throw explosives when teammates are fighting with the enemy. Bullets would be the best choice, and even bricks would be risky. Otherwise, it could easily devolve into a devastating friendly fire..Read more chapter on

Li Xianyu felt that deeply before.

San Wu calmly, who was expressionless all along, pulled a Gatling gun out of her bag. This kind of multi-barrel rotating machine gun once played a brilliant role in history and became an important weapon for European colonial expansions in the end of the 19th century. In the Zulu War, the British Empire dominated the battlefield and massacred the native people with this terrible weapon.

It was not until the emergence of Maxim machine guns that Gatling guns were pushed out of the stage of history.

Buzzzz~ Driven by electric power, the six black barrels rotate slowly.

The ninjas in black all showed shock and were in a craze to kill San Wu. It would take time for the Gatling gun to fully start, and even if it was only a second or two, it was enough for the ninjas. They were going to finish this madwoman before she killed them.

However, before San Wu could start her massacre, the ninjas in black were attacked. Under the cover of the night, a light black fog rushed to a ninja in black. The ninja was wrapped in the black fog, and a scream rang out.

The black fog, like a ghost, passed through the ninjas and took three lives in a flash. The ninjas could only give up attacking San Wu and turn to defend themselves.

They were supposed to be killers in the dark, but they were forced to be on guard by enemies and were beaten at their own game.

The black fog did not continue to attack the ninjas, but retreated into the distance, turning into a pale, tall and thin man.

Night Shade!

The Ace killer among Baoze’s senior employees.

Before he joined Baoze again, he was a lone killer in the demon descendant community. He accepted the employment mission a few years ago after he received the mission of a mysterious employer to assassinate the boss of Baoze group. That was his last mission in the demon descendant community. After that, the lone killer disappeared and Baoze group gained a trump card killer.

Night Shade threw a smile at the ninjas and snapped his fingers.


The high explosive grenade fired by San Wu happened to detonate, and the explosion lit up the night.

And the Gatling gun in her hand had been prepared and roared in a deafening way. The six barrels rotated wildly, with each barrel reaching a firing rate of more than 1500 rounds per minute.

San Wu didn’t aim at all, because even without aiming, no one could avoid her bullets. The rain of bullets devoured the poor ninjas.

A slender girl, holding with a Gatling machine gun in one hand with the muzzle flash blaring. If anyone were to take a picture of this scene, that person could win some annual Photo Award just for the unthinkable sharp contrast between violence and elegance.

God of War rushed out in the flames of the explosion, with burnt marks all over his body. Like a flying bear, he rushed to San Wu on the roof of the car.

The ninjas of the Aoki family created an opportunity for him. He decided to defeat San Wu first. The superpower of Precision Strike was too inexplicable and terrifying when it was supported by enough explosives.

However, a huge stone suddenly flew straight in the direction of God of War. At the same time, San Wu turned Gatling’s muzzle towards him, and the six barrels roared and poured out bullets.

God of War lightly growled. His arms crossed and blocked in front of his chest. His qi surged all over his body and became a barrier. The boulder smashed on the barrier and exploded in all directions into a rain of shrapnel.

Bullets from the Gatling gun hit onto the shield too, causing raindrops like splashes.

Boom boom boom...

At the end of the remote path, a giant figure came forth slowly. It was a huge ape, ten meters high, covered with thick white hair, with protruding tusks, and scarlet eyes like red lanterns floating in the night.

God of War fell to the ground, maintaining a protective qi shield to resist the rain of bullets. However, his eyes looked at the giant ape, who was stepping like an earthquake, “Ape God! Even you are here.”

Ape God’s voice was powerful and loud. “God of War, tonight is your death.”

“After playing so long, the warm-up is over.” God of War smiled with anger. “Baoze really thinks that they have me in the bag. You think you are the only one who had preparations?”

When his voice fell, the situation suddenly changed.

Behind San Wu, a dark shadow appeared silently. The air howled as he struck with his knife.

In the paddy field behind Ape God, a small snake came out of the water, raised its head high and made a fierce attack.

In the process of the attack, the body of the snake expanded. From a small pointed body, it expanded into a three-meter thick and twenty-meter long python.

The python opened its large mouth. The snake’s mouth was connected by ligaments that seemed to be able to stretch to 180 degrees. It seemed like a bloody hole of no return, with saliva draining down like rain.

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