Chapter 260: Scheming Bitch

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Yin God Dan Chenzi shrugged, “This guy... I had wanted to understand how you lost. Since you don’t want to understand, then bye-bye.”

This time, he didn’t mouth the words and spoke directly. After that, he covered his mouth fiercely. “Oh shoot. I’ve been exposed by accident... Oh well. Off you go to Dreamland.”

At the end of the sentence, Li Xianyu’s talisman exploded and turned into a sea of light, entering his body. A strong mental force swept over, impacting Li Xianyu’s mental world.

Li Xianyu lost consciousness for a moment as he felt a buzzing in his mind. Finally, he knew why William Smith lost. He could hardly defend against such a skill. Indeed, this powerful mental force, like a torrent, broke through everything. Fortunately, Huayang, who resides in his consciousness, was no weakling. Huayang immediately negated the attack

“Eh? You are fine?!” Yin God Dan Chenzi’s eyes were gaping. This guy’s expression seemed to be very rich. It also appeared that he was a little talkative. It was hard to imagine that Dan Chenzi, who was as expressionless as a mask, could have such a Yin God.

The audience saw that Li Xianyu was not damaged at all and were surprised as well, as they buzzed with comments.

At the corner of his eyes, Li Xianyu stealthily glanced at Dan Chenzi, who was standing not far away. Li Xianyu realized that Dan Chenzi still maintained a clear consciousness. It was the same as last time when he used the same method to attain victory over William Smith. The Yin God was out of the body, but the body still has a clear consciousness.


After mastery of the mental powers to a certain level, it could be separated from the body for a short time and roam the world. This would be known as the Yin God. Yin God could also be said to be the soul. What’s interesting was that Dan Chenzi’s soul had been separated from his body, but his body still could maintain a clear self-consciousness... This was not in line with common sense.

“Two souls in the same body?”

Li Xianyu thought of You Mengyu. That masochist and her sister was the prime example of having two souls in the same body. Two distinct souls coexist in her body. With that logic, so was Dan Chenzi.

“It’s interesting. It’s no wonder that while he had such a strong mental power, he also had such strong qi cultivation. It turns out he had two CPUs. ”

One soul was in charge of practicing Qi and the other is in charge of training the mental strength. He literally could run two trainings at once like a scripter. Therefore, even though Dan Chenzi was merely a disciple of Shangqing Sect, he had the abilities of a Gokudo Path Inheritor.

I’m a hacker, too. “Your mental attack is like a drizzle. It’s not even enough to scratch my itch. Maybe you should try harder?” Li Xianyu taunted.

“Don’t get cocky” Yin God Dan Chenzi was not happy. “I dare you to not dodge this.”

From mid-air, he launched a kick. This time, he didn’t have the chance to draw a talisman so he used the roughest and simple application of mental attack and kicked out a translucent shock wave.

While kicking, he added sound effects. “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA...”

A translucent spiritual barrier erected over Li Xianyu. The two forces collide silently, yet the aftershock of the collisions made the audience suffer in pain.

The golden barrier suspended above the arena could only block the fluctuation of qi but was essentially transparent to mental power.

Li Xianyu seemed to be in bad shape as he retreated and looks embarrassed. Yet, he had intentionally approached Dan Chenzi’s body. When the distance between the two sides was close to 10 meters, he suddenly ignored the mental attacks and pounced towards Dan Chenzi.

Since the Yin God left his body, Dan Chenzi’s face was expressionless. Yet he made a slightly troubled expression. He stepped back a little and dared not fight with Li Xianyu.

Sure enough! It seemed that using Yin God had placed some restrictions on himself. Although Dan Chenzi remained conscious, he could only protect himself. Otherwise, when Yin God attacked Li Xianyu just now, he could have launched a sneak attack.

Li Xianyu’s guess was on the mark and was about to chase after him. Yet, Yin God Dan Chenzi, suddenly went berserk. “This sneaky rat! Eat my knuckle sandwich!”

He dived and pressed on with a massive mental attack that fiercely rushed to Li Xianyu, forcing him to defend.

At this time, six invisible tentacles came out of Li Xianyu’s head to meet Yin God Dan Chenzi who was on a mad offensive, stopping him dead in his tracks. Meanwhile, Li Xianyu continued to pursue Dan Chenzi.

With fleeting footwork, Dan Chenzi dodged Li Xianyu’s sword of qi. After only holding on for a moment, his breathing began to become bated. He was sweating as though he had just showered. It seemed that the double-threaded operation was a great burden to him.

Li Xianyu’s head hurt as two of his tentacles formed by mental powers were torn by Yin God Dan Chenzi. Tentacle Demon taught him how to create his tentacles, but he was not a natural mental power awakener after all. The power and tenacity of the tentacles were far less than those of the Tentacle Demon, so it was impossible for him to block Yin God.

“No, I only have a few seconds. I can’t catch up with him... Fortunately, I have a backup plan.” Li Xianyu took a deep breath and his face suddenly becomes ferocious, and he pointed his nose to Dan Chenzi. “What yer lookin’?”

Dan Chenzi was who dodging was slightly stunned. For an unknown reason, a strong rage rose from within his heart. Just like how a single cigarette could start a forest fire, the flame quickly rose all the way to his head, breaking down his sense of logic instantly. He thought of his childhood when he had not joined Shangqing Sect. There was a bully in his class who was arrogant and domineering. Whoever dared to look at him in the eye would be bullied by the bully.

The school bully used to come up arrogantly, and he would look down. Then, he would proudly taunt, “What yer lookin’?”

Dan Chenzi was also bullied by the school bully before. At that time, he backed off and lowered his proud head. After many years, he finally recalled the fear of being oppressed by the school bully, and the shame of him backing off resurfaced. Remembering that his anger was boiling!

“So what if me lookin’ at yer?” Dan Chenzi roared, as though his roar could wash away the shame of the past. Then, with bloodshot eyes, Dan Chenzi recklessly rushed to Li Xianyu.

Yin God Dan Chenzi was shocked. What’s wrong with his physical body? Did he not want to live? How could he fight Li Xianyu now? Who gave him such courage? He couldn’t understand his buddy’s rationale of going on the offensive so desperately, as though he had met the enemy who killed his father and raped his wife.

“Shoot! He fell for it!” Among the audience, Jie Se almost stood up in shock.

This state of Dan Chenzi was familiar to him. Dan Chenzi was exactly the same as last night. Apparently, he was influenced by the strange ability of the Li family. It shouldn’t be this way. After falling for it once, with Dan Chenzi’s abilities, it should not be so easy to fall for the same trick again.

Looking at Dan Chenzi who rushed forward desperately like a bull, Li Xianyu smiled. Although I’m not as strong as you, I have way more ways to cheat the game. You can’t beat me even if we fight for an entire month.

He didn’t expect saying, “What yer lookin’?” had such a strong influence on Dan Chenzi.

This morning, he heard the story last night from Great-Grandma. The fight between Jie Se and Dan Chenzi was part of the small talk they had. Li Xianyu was quite sensitive to “What yer lookin’?”, so he made a mental note of it. He didn’t expect it would work so well. It seemed that Dan Chenzi must have grown up in Dongbei.

Li Xianyu’s left hand turned into a sword again as he gathered qi. His fingers pointed straight at Dan Chenzi’s forehead.

He was very proud of himself. It was a good foreshadowing for him to plant the seeds of fury in Dan Chenzi. The battle between Dan Chenzi and William Smith provided him with inspiration to counter his opponent. When he realized that Dan Chenzi could not attack with both parties, he knew that this seed of fury was well planted.

Look, this is the power of winning with brains.

At this moment, when Dan Chenzi was only five meters away and when his Kato Eagle finger skill was almost ready to strike, Dan Chenzi suddenly grinned with a strange smile and snapped out from his rage. “Actually, I have split personality disorder!”

“Shoot!” Li Xianyu’s heart sank.

Dan Chenzi’s eyebrow seemed to be shining. Another Yin God dashed out from Dan Chenzi and smashed into Li Xianyu’s head, entering his consciousness.

“Haha, it seems like my physical body is a scheming bitch. I was worried for nothing.” Yin God Dan Chenzi almost danced in joy.

Then, he rose to the sky and did a somersault, before diving straight down into Li Xianyu’s consciousness as well.

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