Chapter 396

“If we gather our energy for you, you will definitely be able to escape!” What this school team member said was actually supported by most people.

“You guys should head out first and then bring someone to rescue us.”

“That’s right.”

“That’s right my ass, as soon as we leave, you will just freeze to death here.” Liao Runing pointed at the person who took the lead in speaking, “Shut up and don’t incite others.”

If the main team does not carry the school team, the current cold wave is just a waste of energy for them. As long as they don’t encounter a large number of high-speed vortexes, they still have a chance to escape.

Huo Xuanshan stood next to Jin Ke’s mecha and slowly side: “The main team of the Imperial Military Academy still carries their school team. There is no reason why we would abandon our school team.”

“What do you mean by this?” Situ Jia stood up suddenly.

“Literally based on the words.” Huo Xuanshan nodded politely.

The members of the Imperial School Team: “.…..”

The members of Damocles school team thought about it. The main team of the Imperial Military Academy never had much contact with their school team, but in this situation, no one seemed to suggest sacrificing the school team and letting the main team leave.

“There are still teachers outside. They will come to rescue. We just need to hold on for a while longer.” Jin Ke said, “The cold wave seems to be moving back.”

“Then let’s keep going forward.” Ying Chenghe said, “Maybe we can encounter an aircraft.”

They were in an ice valley. According to the map, they were still far away from the exit. Coupled with the white fog and cold air now, they couldn’t tell the direction they were. Even if they didn’t head in the wrong way, the energy would not be enough to reach the exit.

Jin Ke looked at Ji Chuyu: “The aircraft above you.…..”

He suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Everyone looked at him, obviously not understanding why Jin Ke didn’t continue talking.

Jin Ke’s hair stood up in the mecha cabin. Although he was in the mecha cabin, his condition was not very good. In order to feel the situation outside the cave in time, he felt that he was always completely connected to the mecha, so the mecha was exposed outside. The feeling on his back was also transmitted to him, and Jin Ke was always under the illusion that his back was frozen.

And just now, he felt something touching his back.

Jin Ke: “.…..”

She and Ying Xingjue worked together to kill the last large crazy whirlpool. Not long after Wei San came out of the cold wave, she saw a mecha freezing outside with his back and butt stuck out.

Wei San stepped forward and stared at it for a long time before confirming that this was the immortal turtle. She bent down and stretched out her hand to pat it.

No response?

Wei San stretched out her foot and kicked the immortal turtle’s butt: “Is there anyone inside?”

Jin Ke: “Wei San?!”

Hearing her voice, Jin Ke suddenly forgot that his butt had been kicked.

The students from Damocles Military Academy in the cave also crowded towards the entrance of the cave.

“The cold wave outside has moved to other places, you can come out already.” Wei San stepped back a few steps.

The people in the Imperial Military Academy had complicated expressions. If they were swept away, could they be found back? Their main commander has not moved yet.

“Why don’t you make any noise when you walk?” Jin Ke moved his legs but did not leave immediately.

Wei San looked at the person next to her, and then said: “Just now, Ying Xingjue’s barrier was not withdrawn.”

“The commander is with you?” Gong Yijue walked towards the entrance of the cave.

The Imperial Military Academy also began to cause commotion.Wei San raised her eyebrows when she heard the voices inside: “Your people?”

The students from the two military academies were eager to come out. Jin Ke pushed hard and came out of the cave. His back was covered with thick ice.

The people from the military academy came out and quickly entered their mechas.

Everyone from the two military academies gathered together, and for a moment the heaviness in their hearts was relieved.

Liao Runing came out and looked behind Ying Xingjue and Wei San, but did not see the members of the school team who had been swept away.

Wei San raised her hand to push away his mecha’s head: “Don’t look, they’re not here.”

Her tone was calm, not as if something happened to a member of the school team who was swept away.

Liao Runing asked subconsciously: “Where are they?”

“I don’t know anymore.” Wei San took out the useless communication, “After we picked up the flag, we met the aircraft from Pingtong Academy behind, and they were inside. I came out and encountered the second cold wave, and I was caught again by the vortex. Then we found you.”

Her few words contained so much information that everyone was quiet for several minutes.

“In this competition, our Damocles Military Academy is in first place.” Wei San repeated again, “Maybe you didn’t hear the broadcast, but it doesn’t matter. You can listen to it when you find the aircraft. I have already dug out the equipment under the platform.”

Everyone: “? ? ?”

“Isn’t this game already terminated?” Tai Wude questioned in a low voice.

Wei San smiled slightly: “Did you hear the organizer say the competition is terminated?”

How is this possible? It happened suddenly. Who knows what situation the organizer was under.

But in this situation, who still has the heart to compete.

“We really won first place?” Liao Runing asked with a little joy.

“I’m afraid they won’t admit it when the time comes, so I’ve already recorded the video.” Wei San gave herself a thumbs up, “The military flag has also been placed properly.”

The students from the Imperial Military Academy: “.…..” somewhat unwillingly.

“If the organizer says it’s terminated, even if you pull the flag, it won’t be effective.” Gong Yijue said.

Wei San sighed and looked at Gong Yijue, feeling rather regretful: “Unfortunately, they didn’t say anything. Our two military academies were encapsulated by the cold wave together. South Percy Military Academy and Samuel Military Academy took the initiative to withdraw, while Pingtong Academy is still competing. When the cold wave broke out completely, Pingtong Academy had not released the notice of elimination.”

“South Percy and Samuel are eliminated?” Ying Chenghe confirmed. Wei San nodded: “They may have already left.”

When Jin Ke heard this, he finally spoke: “Is Pingtong Academy in the aircraft?”

“No, the aircraft fell down at that time. When I left, the staff were repairing it. I don’t know what the situation is now.”

The news is mixed.

After finding the aircraft, they could hold on for a while longer, but after the second cold wave, Wei San had lost contact with the aircraft.

“Let’s follow the rescue signs and look for them.” Ying Xingjue said, “I know where those signs are.”

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