The spiritual energy of the diamond mantis gets consumed more quickly compared to Sam and because of these in the end when they get created in both of them and both of them in a dangerous situation, the mantis gets killed by Sam before he could kill Sam.

Even though The Spiritual barrier got fully broken in the end and Sam already received injuries after getting attacked by those attacked by the mantis, even the Armour of Sam also showed the sign of getting broken. But fortunately in the end as the spiritual energy of that mantis got consumed more quickly the power of those attacked decreased and with that it was not able to break the armor properly and with that he did not receive that much physical injuries.

But still he received those direct impacts from those attacks that were enough to internally injure him and also because of this you can already see blood started coming out from his mouth. Fortunately in the end, Sam is able to kill that monster and with that the power of the domain already disappears from that place.

In front of him he can already see that monster instantly explode in that place. You have to say that the explosion was very powerful as Sam needed to use the teleportation technique instantly so that he did not get affected by that explosion.

At least 6 to 7 km area got affected by that explosion. Fortunately he was able to kill that Monster before he got fully exhausted. Sam was already panting heavily after using the teleportation technique he fully got exhausted and really needed the time to recover his spiritual energy.

Fortunately he is still able to find a good place to rest and also he already prepared a barrier that he bought from the system shop to protect himself from the attack of those Monsters. Actually before coming inside of the danger zone he really predicted something like this could happen to him so because of this, he also bought four barriers for this kind of matter.

Sam has already begun to use the energy recovery technique. Not only that he already brings out the spiritual recovery potion alongside with the health recovery potion. Even though most of the time he did not use the potions to recover his health or spiritual energy but in this kind of matter when he really needs to recover his health and spiritual energy as quickly as he can he uses those potions.


Sam hiding himself he did not realize but some warriors already came to that place where you can already saw the area got fully exploded and only a big hole got remaining that place. Even the ground got burned by that explosion.

Everyone of those warriors were Epic grade. Sometime ago I came to that place to hunt some Monsters. They were already able to find a group of Monster but before they could fight that group of Monster a very loud sound appeared in that place that also made those Monsters very startled. Not only that in the next again they also get affected by the impact.

Fortunately that group of warriors already created a spiritual barrier around themselves and with that they did not get affected by the impact which already injured those Monsters. Fortunately sometime later they can already feel the power of the impact already disappear from that place. So, deactivate the spiritual barrier and they attack those Monsters without wasting a single second.

After killing those Monsters naturally those Warriors became curious about that previous impact. So they also went toward the source of the impact and after coming to the place they got surprised when they saw a big area explode.

"Most likely a group of warriors or a single Warrior uses their final attack to kill a group of monsters. Only this kind of attack could create this type of destruction."

One of the warriors said that after observing the surrounding area that got destroyed. Well, actually they did not know that a planetary grade monster could appear on that place because of this, they never thought that a battle between a planetary grade Warrior and monster could happen on that place.

"Well, try to all observe the surrounding area carefully. Well that group of Warriors could also need our help as after looking at the destruction I could tell they use a huge amount of spiritual energy. So try to search the whole area very carefully."

The leader instantly told his teammates to charge the area as he thought that the group of warriors who previously created that destruction most likely uses a huge amount of spiritual energy and because of this, they could be in a serious situation.

But after some time, all of them told the leader that they did not find any clue about the Monsters or those Warriors, so they think that those warriors were able to retreat from that place after killing those Monsters. Also nobody thought that those Warriors could get killed because they did not find any kind of clue related to this matter.


The other hand inside the headquarter of the warrior association,

The president already said that 5 days later, they will inform the Viet king. As they already informed that the key came to the headquarter 5 days later but at the same time the president already decided to inform almost all the king whose kingdom is under the warrior association about that previous incident.

Really the president wanted everyone of those Kingdom to get alert because nobody could give them the guarantee that all the time the warrior association will be present in the danger zone to help them if suddenly those Abyss humans attack them to kidnap them.

They really initiate to become alert about this kind of matter so that they are able to handle this kind of matter when those Abyss humans attack them. All the elders present in the warrier association also think that would be a good thing as somehow they can tell all the kings and queens who previously came to the human kingdom for the competition already get quite suspicious about them.

If they really did not tell the information to the kings and queens right now and decided to tell them later, it could create some problems among each other. Warrior association really did not want anything like that to happen so they already informed almost all the kings and queens to present in the headquarters after 7 days.

Today the president told all the elders that they should prepare for that big meeting with all those kings and queens. Not only that during that time they should also increase the security in every one of the kingdom who will be participating in the meeting. As the kings and the Queens will be present in the headquarters then naturally they won't be able to handle if something serious happens in their Kingdom.

Also at the same time they inform everyone of those kings and queens to inform their Royal guards or their citizens to be careful. The human king and the Oni king also get invited by the headquarter that they should also attend that meeting even though they already know the news.

Both the kings did not attend the meeting then it could cause more trouble. Many people will get dissatisfied if they are able to learn that both the human king and the Oni king already knew about this news and did not inform any of them.

"Hmm… unfortunately unable to contact Sam as he is most likely present inside of the danger zone and already switched off his phone. We could just leave the message to the human King so that when Sam comes back to the human Kingdom he will get notified by the human King about this."

" Well, this is the only thing we can do right now. But I hope it did not create any more Trouble. I just hope everyone of them did not panic or do something reckless that could create more danger to their kingdoms. "

" Sigh, don't worry I have full confidence in everyone of those kings and queens that they will not do anything reckless after hearing this kind of information that could bring danger to their own kingdom. It's just I cannot become sure if they would be able to inform their Warriors without causing any kind of panic among those normal citizens.

I really hope nothing like that happened as if those normal citizen able to know about these then it will be very troublesome matter,"

Currently all the elders are discussing among each other that anyhow they should also inform those kings that they should stay careful and not reveal this kind of news recklessly among the citizens.

"But I think even though most of the citizens did not get any kind of suspicion about this matter, many Warriors already get suspicious when suddenly the Warriors from our Warrior association begin to increase the security in everyone of the kingdoms. Most likely even all the royal family also get very suspicious and everyone of them is also waiting for our explanation. So I also think this is a very good move that we should inform them as early as we can."


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