Sam instantly created an energy shield in front of him that was able to block the incoming attack from that giant fire lizard. But you can say he did not receive just one attack as 20 of the fire lizards attacked him at Once while he was defending himself from those attacks.

Naturally, the temperature of that place has already increased and you can see the surrounding place also started burning because of those fires. Fortunately Sam had the fire resistance kill as he could also use the fire control.

But not only that as you know he is also able to use the light control and all this time he is also preparing to use that technique to attack those Monsters. Dual casting naturally was very hard but he still did that.

He continuously supplies spiritual energy in both of the techniques and naturally The Spiritual barrier technique protects him while creating a protective barrier around himself. At the same time the next technique that he was using required some time to finish and Sam was just waiting for that chance to attack those Monsters.

On the other hand those Monsters already close the distance between Sam and themselves. With that the power of their attack increased from time to time and even though The Spiritual barrier that protected him from those attacks would be able to absorb all those attacks and did not have any kind of crack mark on it, it would be broken if he did not do anything.

But at this time you can see Sam did not worry about the situation right. He can already see those light Spears appear on the sky and wasting no time one by one everyone of those light Spears begin to fall down on those Monsters. 

But it looks like those Monsters also already notice those attacks and because of this, many of them were already able to create barriers around themselves like his spiritual barrier. Naturally not everyone of them was able to react on time and those were the Monsters who received most of the damage.

On the other hand, Sam already knew that this would be the right time to attack those Monsters as they were in a defensive position. He instantly uses the telekinesis technique and that instantly affects all those Monsters that were in the range of that technique.

Before anything you should know that in these 6 months when he was traveling around the world he did not learn any of those new techniques that he got from killing those Monsters. He already had powerful techniques and naturally he did not need to learn any new techniques at that moment until he did not find any powerful technique that would be helpful for him.

Instead of that he decided to upgrade all those techniques as much as he can in these 6 months and with that his technique naturally became more powerful compared to before. With that he could easily do much damage just using his telekinesis.

He was already able to control the body of everyone of those Monsters who were in the range. Right now at least 6 of those Monsters were in the range. Even though he could affect those other Monsters that are not present in the technique range but still he decided to only focus on those Monsters at first.

On the other hand he is still using dual casting while maintaining the light control technique and also using the telekinesis technique. He instantly begins to increase the pressure on those Monsters and not only that, using his full power on the telekinesis technique right now to kill those Monsters.

As he already upgraded the telekinesis technique He can now also able to control the internal organs of those Monsters and with that he is already able to control the hearts of those Monsters.

Using his power he is already trying his best to destroy the heart of those Monsters. But naturally to do that he requires more spiritual energy and because of that he already stops using the light control technique and fully focuses on the telekinesis technique.

Even though those other Monsters naturally realize something was happening with those other Monsters, they are already too late to do anything. One by one everyone of those 6 Monsters just fall down and naturally after that their body begins to fade away.

Even though those remaining Monsters got surprised by these, everyone knows that the reason behind all of this would be that they are human and with that they once again prepare to attack Sam. But Sam at this time was already prepared for that.

Before those Monsters could prepare their powerful fire blast he was already able to stop the movement of those Monsters and in the next second you can already see the sun ray begin to hit those monsters. But it did not instantly kill those Monsters as they have the fire immunity and because of this he naturally needed to use much spiritual energy to kill those Monsters. 

Previously while using the telekinesis technique to kill those 6 Monsters he almost uses 30% of The Spiritual energy. This time you can say he uses 50% of his spiritual energy and only after that one by one those Monsters begin to burn by sun ray.

But that wasn't over as he could already sense more Monsters coming toward that place after hearing the roar from those fire lizards. Not only that before they could come to that place they already shot their fire blast toward the direction where Sam was standing right now.

But before those fire blasts could hit him a firewall got created in front of him and the firewall instantly absorbed those fire blasts. Naturally in these 6 months you can say his fire control technique also became powerful and right now if you look at the color of the fireworld then you will see it has already become deep red. It would be called the blood fire and after he is able to surpass the level the fire will turn into hell fire.

Not only that he instantly uses the teleportation technique to vanish from that place. First of all, before he completely killed all those Monsters, those fire blasts started coming toward his direction so he did not get the chance to use teleportation technique. And after using that he already came to the direction from where he could see all those Monsters.

Instantly a large symbol appears in that place and in the next second everyone of those Monsters who were most likely preparing their powerful attack already begin to blow up. This would be the new technique he learned as it was very useful in a battle like this. The name of this technique was spirit blast. 

This technique instantly created a symbol like this when you use that and naturally everyone present in that symbol would be affected by the spirit blast technique. Actually everyone who would be present in that symbol instantly felt that the spiritual energy inside of their body began to increase but it did not provide them with any help as the spiritual energy became very destructive.

Not only that when the spiritual energy present inside the body of everyone would be affected by the technique also get affected by that as the destructive spiritual energy Instantly affects those spiritual energy and turn them destructive energy.

At that time nobody would be able to do anything or be able to use any kind of technique. Even if they previously using some kind of technique at this time they would be completely unable to do anything as the spiritual energy would not be in their control and like this The Spiritual energy that already turn into destructive spiritual energy after reaching the limit instantly blow up and if at that time the person who get affected by that unable to do anything naturally his body will just burst.

Naturally this technique was very hard to use as it also required a huge amount of spiritual energy and naturally needed a huge amount of mental energy to control that technique. 

Fortunately Sam already increased his mental capacity to the peak limit and also as he used the origin spiritual energy technique like this became more dangerous and with that even if many Monsters were able to counter attack that type of technique, did not get the time to do anything. 

Once again using the teleportation technique he went far away from that place to recover The Spiritual energy and only after that you will go to that place to kill the remaining Monsters. 

All of this happens in less than a second and with that those remaining Monsters actually did not get that much time to notice anything but when they notice they already saw that their comrades already got killed and the person that they targeted previously already vanished from his place. They were unable to feel the life energy of the person in front of them so naturally these make them more angry and they already begin to attack everywhere. 

But it was not there, they also used their observation technique to find the enemy. Naturally Sam is already out of the range of those Monsters and with that they are unable to feel him.


Sometime later,

After recovering The Spiritual energy Sam once again uses the teleportation technique to come behind those Monsters. But unfortunately not all of them are present in the same place as they already spread around to search for their enemy.

Currently in front of him you can see only three Monsters present and he already begins to use the telekinesis technique to control the body of those Monsters and instantly uses more spiritual energy and in the next second you can see those three Monsters just fall down.

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