"Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to our competition. Naturally, the team ranking already got published and with that, we already awarded the top 5 teams. Now it will be time to reveal the individual ranking. But naturally revealing the individual ranking will be different from our team ranking.

The individual ranking will be based on the warrior grade and with that every Warrior will have their ranking place based on their warrior grade. So wasting no time, let's start revealing our ranking and we will be starting from the lowest grade."

The person from the warrior association already finished that and instantly on that big screen you can see the ranking of the special grade. You can say no mortal grade warriors participated in this competition as they know that even if they participated in this competition it could be dangerous for them.

Even though the warrior association did not prevent any of them from participating in the competition, no Mortal grade warriors decided to participate this time as the Warrior association already announced that they would be organizing the first competition in the danger zone where every participant would fight real Monsters. 

This was also a big reason that nobody participated in the competition. On the big screen, you can already see one by one the names of each of those participants begin to appear and naturally beside their names you can also see the rank.

On the big screen, you are only able to see the ranking of the top 100 individuals while the remaining people are able to check their ranking using the Warrior Association's website. But naturally, every one of them would be able to see that after the warrior association finally revealed the individual ranking.

Now, you can see many names of those participants who were able to enter the top 100 rankings. In the top 100 positions, you can see the names of many participants from various kingdoms, and every one of them just after seeing their results already became happy as they were able to enter the top hundred ranking. 

Even though Livia, Maria, and the other participants who naturally weren't in that Warrior grade, looked at the screen with interest as they could also see the names of many people from their Kingdom, and naturally that was a proud moment for them. The more people from their Kingdom would be able to enter the top 100 ranking the more they will be proud.

Like this, it takes almost 30 minutes to finally reveal the ranking of the top 100 special grade Warriors. The warrior association will naturally reveal the elite-grade warrior's ranking next. So everybody became excited once again to see who would be able to see their name if they were able to enter the ranking.

Wasting no time finally the warrior association began to reveal the rank of top 100 Elite grade warriors. Just when they reveal the top 100 position you can Livia and the others also searching for their names but they did not find them. 

But they can also see how many people from their Kingdom are able to enter that ranking. From the Human Kingdom you can say 10 people are able to enter the top 100 ranking while from the Oni Kingdom, almost 18 people are able to enter the top 100 ranking. 

Naturally, after that, the warrior association continued to reveal the ranking of those other people, and Maria and the others all the time just waited for their names. You can say that they had the confidence that they would be present in the top 100 ranking so naturally all the time everyone eagerly searched for their name. 

Actually not only them but even the human king or the Oni king along with those other kings also searched the names of their children in that ranking. Every one of them had confidence in their children that they would be present in the ranking and they also had the confidence that most likely their children would be present in the top 50 rankings so naturally when they were unable to see the name of the children in the top 100 they did not become uncomfortable or something like that.

Every one of them waits for the top 50 rankings. Sometime later in the ranking board, you can already see the warrior association finally being controlled to reveal the top 50 ranking. 

10 minutes later,

Livia, Maria, Ruri, Elisa, and others become quite nervous as even though it is already time for the warrior association to show the top 10 ranking they still cannot see their name present there. But none of them said anything and just eagerly looked at the big screen.

Finally when it was time for the Warrior Association to reveal the top five positions they were able to see their name present there. First of all, you should know that almost everyone had the same points so naturally their ranking would be around each other.

" 3rd position - Tina, Hiori, and Elisa 

2nd position - Maria, and Nisha 

1st position - Livia and Ruri."

Instantly every one of them can see the name of them present in the ranking list and the moment they saw the ranking they became speechless as they did not even think that they would be able to achieve that ranking.

Who thought that they would be able to enter the top 3 ranking? Not only that but even Livia and Ruri were able to get the first position at the same time. The moment the top 3 ranking was revealed, almost every person from that particular Kingdom began to cheer as they could see the name of the princess in the top 3 list.

Not only that, you can say even the human king and the Oni king almost wanted to get up from their seats to shout and enjoy but fortunately they controlled themselves but you can still see the happiness present in their faces.

Now in the resting room, you can say Maria and the others the moment came back to them since they also began to cheer as they could finally see their ranking. They never thought that they would be able to enter the top 3 ranking.

Emma who was present in the resting room naturally became happy after seeing the ranking. First of all, she helped all of them to get points, and naturally from the first she hoped that all of them would be able to get a good ranking position.

Sometime later,

Finally, the person from the warrior association once again called the top five position holders into the battle ring as they would receive the reward. At this time Maria and the others naturally go back toward the battle ring with excitement. But as a princess, they also have the dignity to maintain so naturally they did not behave childishly when they finally came out of the resting room.

One by one every one of those participants came to the battle arena and at this time once again the person from the warrior association began to say,

"First of all, I would like to congratulate all of you for being able to enter the top 5 rankings. Naturally entering this ranking isn't easy for any of you and all of you work very hard to achieve this. You need to fight those Monsters a long way and also need to fight any other team who likes to challenge you. But even with that finally, all of you are able to achieve these results and naturally, that is a very big achievement. "

After finishing that he finally told the Blade King to come to the battle arena once again as he would be the one who awards every one of those participants. 

"It is very good to see that all of you young blood are able to achieve this result even though many experienced Warriors also participate in this competition. Naturally with that everyone should know that never underestimate anyone.

On the other hand, I hope every one of you is able to maintain this ranking in the next competition through your hard work. In the next competition, you once again mention a very difficult situation and I hope every one of you is able to rank like this even when those hard situations try to prevent you from doing that.

Also as I told every one of those warriors who can enter the top 5 team ranking, you use these rewards to make yourself more powerful but at the same time, you should also think about getting more fighting experience. Fighting experience would be a very important factor for your future development so naturally, you should also aim for gaining more fighting experience."

After saying all of this, finally the Blade King begins to give them their rewards. One by one every one of those participants begins to receive their rewards and naturally, every person present in the battle arena is cheering for those participants. 

Even those people who came from different kingdoms also supported those participants. You can say that even if those people got disappointed that nobody from their Kingdom entered the top five rankings, they should still clap for those people who at this time received the reward. 

Naturally from the first to the last everyone also saw the match of those people and then actually noticed how much difficulty those people faced to get that ranking. Because of this, it is also the responsibility of those people who came to the battle arena to clap for those people. 


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