Rare ingredients

Weapons merchant Lv1


Small physical strength rise.

Small intelligence rise.

Small mind rise.


Weapon appraisal.

Item box calculation.

Armor merchant Lv1


Small physical strength rise.

Small intelligence rise.

Small spirit rise.


Armor appraisal.

Item box calculation.

Cook Lv1


Small dexterity rise. (TN : in cooking skill 器用小上昇)

Small physical strength rise.

Small agility rise.


Drop rate for rare ingredients increase.

Item box operation (TN : Not sure about this one because it’s like he is always saying this : ボックス操作)

The number of jobs increased.

A weapon merchant, an armor merchant, and a cook.

To be frank, all these skills and effects are questionable.

Because I have “Judgement”, both weapon merchant and armor merchant have no effective use.

At the very least, the effect, small intelligence rise, is good

I would be overjoyed if some nasty looting job existed (TN : Not sure but i think it’s the meaning of this : 派生ジョブ があったりしたら 厄介なことこの上ない。)

The increase of rare ingredients drop rate should be useful.

However, I would hate if I killed a bunch of Kobold and only got Kobold salt. (TN : I would hate it too ahah.)

Would it be alright if it’s not a rare drop?

Even if it’s a cook job, it seems to have no useful skill to make a dish.

The last skill may be used for the labyrinth exploration?

It would be good if we can keep the ingredients in the item box.

With three jobs, I can stack up to thirty pieces of thirty different items for each job.

You may think that’s it’s because I’m an Explorer Lv30

But the size of the item box suddenly became 60 x 30 when I attached another job which surprised me at first.

Because my job is Lv1, the size would be fixed regardless of the level.

Kaga Michio Male 17 years old

Explorer Lv30.

Hero Lv27.

Wizard Lv29.

Monk Lv26.

Cook Lv1.


Leather gloves.

Leather shoes.

Leather hat.


Roxanne Girl 16 years old

Beast warrior Lv14

Equipment :


Leather gloves

Leather jacket

Leather hat


Wooden Shield.

I do a trial with the cooking job.

However, even after I beat the enemies from the six floors, they didn’t drop any rare ingredients.

I don’t know whether the olive oil you can buy at the guild is regarded as ingredients, but it wouldn’t be rare at least.

The mino didn’t drop any of it either

It’s a useless cow.

I decide to push forward the search as much as I can.

Because I understood that it was troublesome to set up hot water, I decided to do it only when we took a bath or if something special come up.

Now it’s a suitable time to advance to the next floor.

Thanks to me being enthusiastic the exploration of the labyrinth advanced smoothly, and the sixth floor was passed in no time.

By chance there was a room with the boss nearby.

It’s troublesome, so I thought I might only fill and heat the bath at special times, but since it’s hard to do it’s best to plan for it.

Things don’t always go the way we want.

Every floor of the Labyrinth has the same setup. There’s always monsters to fight, and then a boss to defeat.

We cleared it with no problems.

Escape goat Lv7

Escape goat Lv7

The demons of the seventh floor seem to be an escape goat.

“I have heard that Escape Goat runs away. Maybe it’s better not to use magic and to knock it down with your sword, Master”

Even if Roxanne warned me, I activated my magic.

It’s too late anyways.

Does the goat escape according to his name?

However, the escape goat comes without running away.

Roxanne stepped forward, facing the goat.

I prepared Durandal in the meantime.

The escape goat does not look that ferocious, but it looks stern.

The goat didn’t look pretty at all.

The head’s horn is bigger than a cheep sheep.

It has an ominous looking upward curve.

I sneaked around to the left and let the goat meet with Durandal

I cut it right in the middle of the body but it wasn’t enough to defeat him.

When it comes down to lvl7 it seem that Durandal and a shot from magic isn’t enough to defeat them.

The Escape Goat holds it’s head low.

As soon as it watches me moving the goat is rushing me head on.

I turned around suddenly and avoided the dash of the goat.

I did it just in time.

The goat went between Roxanne and me.

However, the demon did not stop.

As soon as he went to the other side he began to run.

Ooopps !

The escape Goat escaped.

I swing Durandal in a hurry but it couldn’t reach any more.

There is no possibility to chase him in time, so i have to rely on magic.

I invoked [fire storm]

Sparks fly as my second spell is activated.

As long as I can see the demon, I can attack him.

The demon is covered in fire and falls down.

What a relief…

It seems that the amount of damage from Durandal and Magic was enough.

Roxanne is still fighting, the second one did not run away yet.

I driven in Durandal from the side.

The demon falls, It becomes smoke and it disappears.

I killed him with a single blow.

I seem to be able to knock down the escape Goat lv7 with two magic and a blow from Durandal.

The fact that it’s running away is really troublesome.

The next one Roxanne found was a cheep sheep Lv7.

Because it’s only one of them, i engage with a [fire ball].

I did two then three shots, while watching Roxanne keeping the front busy while avoiding the offensive coming from the sheep.

I go around the side and i shot the fourth and fifth balls.

“I’m afraid it’s at least five shot from magic for a Lv7.”

“I guess that’s how it is for the seventh floor.”

It’s easy to say.

It’s necessary to face the demon for a long time to knock it down.

When a fight lasts long, the number of chances the enemy has to hit also increases.

Even with Roxanne to support me, it isn’t easy.

We should take the conquering of the seventh floor slowly seeing this course of events.

I tried to intercept the escape Goat who appeared in front o

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