Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 310 309: I've Been Wanting To Meet You

In front of a building that emitted an aura of gloom and terror were three individuals.

In the middle was a man who wore a black trousers paired with a black and purple long-sleeved T-shirt. He had deep violet and light blue eyes which contained visible hesitation- Corey.

To the right of this man, was another man who was visibly older. He wore green robes which had patterns of vials and smoke. His brown eyes contained barely restrained bafflement as he observed the building before him.- Old man poison.

To the left of the man in the middle was a young boy who wore a black robe which covered most of his face. His amber eyes contained visible intrigue as he gazed at the building before him- Kiefer.

"So, care to tell me why we're in front of this ominous building?"

Old man poison turned towards Corey with folded arms and Corey's lips twitched.

He looked at his master and with a stoic expression, he replied:

"Before we can meet up with the remaining members of the group, I plan on getting information about their well-being."

Old man poison stroked his beard, then he gazed at the building with a mild frown.

"I don't know who owns this place. But whoever it is, the person is either incredibly stupid or incredibly evil and dangerous."

Old man poison spoke solemnly and Corey raised his brows.

"Why do you say that?"

Corey curiously asked and old man poison looked at him with a baffled expression.

"You can't sense the enormous amount of resentment and cursed energy radiating from the building?"

Old man poison gestured towards the building with an extremely baffled expression. But a few seconds later, a glint of realization flashed in his eyes.

"I forgot you're still a mortal. So your senses are most likely not high enough to sense the creeping aura of the building."

Old man poison said and Corey looked at the building with his expression slowly becoming emotionless.

His master's words resounded in his mind once more and Corey had the urge to chuckle.

If there was one thing about Corey that was exceptional, it was his senses.

Corey did not only have the senses of a Demi-Paragon which was extremely high, his senses had also increased after his soul underwent an evolution.

In fact, ever since Corey left the evolution center, he had been feeling a prickling sensation on his skin.

It was not a sensation of danger, but a sensation of something ominous in the air.

'So she advanced to tier 4.'

Corey raised his brows with a not too surprised expression.

He had expected encountering a tier 4 here. And, it was one of the main reasons why he brought his master along.

"Let's go."

Corey said, then he walked to the entrance of the building.

Old man poison and Kiefer looked at each other, then they followed Corey.

When Corey entered the building, he was met a familiar sight of slaves in cages, the guards, and the buyers of the slaves.

Corey only took a moment to look around before he went to the stairs along with his master and Kiefer.

No one stopped them, and Corey guessed that the Terror Queen had ordered the guards to not stop them.

'She has always been extremely efficient.'

Corey thought as he climbed the stairs.

He reached the end of the stairs and an intersection appeared before him. He recalled the previous direction he took the last time he met with the Terror Queen, then he turned to his right.

"The resentment coming from these rooms is intense. How many people must have died to create such a large amount of resentment?"

Old man poison commented solemnly as he gazed at the doors they walked by.

Corey heard him, but said nothing.

There was no need to say anything since he knew that old man poison was talking to himself.

After passing multiple doors in the corridor, Corey stopped before a particular door, and without hesitation, he opened it.

Corey entered the room with his master and Kiefer walking behind him, and the instant he did, his pupils constricted to needle points.

"I'm guessing this would be our second time meeting Mr. Smile Reaper."

"I've been wanting to meet you for quite some time now."

The voice of the one person Corey desperately did not want to meet resounded in his ears.

Corey's mind was in chaos as he gazed at an extremely familiar face smiling at him.

Calista, The Manager of the Underworld Emporium.

A true tier 6!


[A/N: The fourth extra chapter.]

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