Chapter 305 304: Pedophilic Ingrate

As Corey gazed at the murderous expression of the man in green robes, his heart shuddered and his lips twitched.

He knew he had fucked up big time and he would most likely suffer for what he had done. He just hoped his master would not make him suffer too much.

'Old man poison was most likely concocting a very important or powerful poison. I guess I shouldn't have knocked so loudly.'

Corey thought as he gazed at his master, old man poison, who was looking at him with squinted eyes.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Old man poison asked with noticeable anger in his tone, and Corey smiled wryly.

"It's me Smile Reaper."

Although, Corey knew his appearance had undergone some changes, especially his eyes. He didn't think his master would not recognize him.

'I don't think my face changed that much. So, how come he didn't recognize me?'Please visit website to read fastest update

Corey thought as he looked at old man poison who was looking at him with a frown.

"You can't be that useless and ungrateful kid. Your aura isn't the same as his." Old man poison said with a snarl.

Corey's lips twitched.

Okay. Maybe he was a little bit ungrateful since he had not spoken to old man poison since the last time he met him.

Nor had he enquired about his well-being.

Nevertheless, he was not useless.

'If I'm useless, then nobody is useful.'

Corey thought as he gazed at old man poison who was barely holding back his anger at Corey.

"I'm actually Smile Reaper master. I just got promoted to tier 2 and my aura changed as a result of that."

Corey raised his hands up in the air while giving a vague explanation for his aura change.

Despite Corey's words, old man poison still did not believe him and Corey had the urge to curse.

"The first time I met you, you poisoned five people from the Devourers. And, you also gave me a book on poisons which I finished in less than thirty minutes."

After Corey said those words, a baffled light flashed in old man's poison's eyes as he looked at Corey from up to down.

"What the hell happened to you, you ungrateful and useless whelp?"

"Why did your eyes change? And why is your aura so… strange?"

Corey's lips twitched.

Now he was a whelp?

"Well, things happened and as a result, my eyes changed. As for my aura, it's related to my promotion to tier 2."

Corey gave a vague reply and he saw his master having a frown as he looked at him.

Corey felt slightly uncomfortable with his master's gaze and he coughed.

Kiefer gulped, then his gaze alternated between Corey and old man poison for a second before he walked towards old man poison.

'He wouldn't be mad at me right?'

Kiefer thought while looking at Corey who was flung unto the shoulders of old man poison.

'Well, I've faced much worse. And it should be fun right?'

Kiefer smiled.


(Ten minutes later)

Corey groaned and his eyes flickered while trying to open his eyes.

Confusion flashed in his eyes when he saw a man in green robes dancing in front of a bench filled with various glassware.

It was extremely strange and Corey wished he could cleanse his eyes of what he just saw.

Corey groaned once again due to the throbbing pain he felt at the back of his head. But when he tried to touch his head, he realized he could not.

"What the fuck?"

Corey cursed when he realized that his legs and arms were strapped to a chair.

He tried to break free but he failed.


"Oh. You're awake. That was quick."

The dancing man in green robes stopped dancing and turned towards Corey with a conical flask in his hand.

"Though, I'm not surprised you woke up this quick. Your head is one of the hardest I know. Can probably break a coconut."

The man in green robes mumbled his last words while walking towards Corey who was gritting his teeth in anger.

"Why are you doing this old man?"

Corey questioned and old man poison raised a brow.

"You know what I'm sorry I didn't check up on you for so long old man. Alright, I'm sorry."

"Now, please let me go."

Corey said with gritted teeth and old man poison chuckled.

"In the beginning, I planned on doing this cause you're an ingrate."

Old man poison said, then his smile slowly disappeared.

"But guess what. I'm doing it cause you're a pedophilic ingrate!"

Old man poison shouted and Core's face froze.


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